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Everything posted by jezz555

  1. Off topic, but I just realized what your profile pick is from. You have god-tier taste in graphic novels my friend. Now lets exterminatus this thread already before it fills up with more furry sockpuppets... Care to enlighten us? Requiem: Vampire Knight, look it up dawg
  2. Furries are easily startled, but they've come back and in greater numbers
  3. No such thing as personal will. One either follows Satan's "free will" (Given by the Father/Son until the final days), or God's will. Why does one ask such questions, well, Adan ate the apple, and that nearly lost our relation with God. Because by God's will, we we're tempted to eat from Science, and from Satan's will, we are punished to seek infinite questions on every single matter related to God/Christ. There's no such thing as a middle point where one decides his destiny. The possible choices of good and evil are nothing more than a mere ilusion created by the Tree of Science (Old Snake). What exactly is the difference? Most, if not all people (Including myself) are slaves to the World, the Demon & the Flesh, while very few others, are enemies. Yes, a Saint/Prophet is an enemy of the World, because he's not acting by himself anymore, the Man from before has died so that God can be within him. Nevertheless, he will always be martyred, for we, askers of questions cannot accept the full radical truth. David would've lost if God didn't intervene, because by the laws of the World, the Demon & The Flesh, the strong survive, while the weak die. By the laws of this world, an army of 2.000 men can take on a group of 23, but once God gets into the equation and destroys Math, one will clearly see a different point of view in terms of victory. Evil is born from the Heart of men. You can't visualize an "Italian Stallion" doing "good", because that's simply a lie. He's either God/Christ or Satan. The common saying "I'm a Good Guy" is a dreadful statement. Wow, sorry I asked.
  4. The only bundle of problems I see are the people insisting their Christmas Present be returned, and replaced with one to their liking, before they've even opened the bloody present in the first place. What you've basically just said here is that forums are ridiculous because, our opinions don't matter and obsidian can do whatever they want. Granted, but then why are you even bothering to comment? Let us have our opinions, jesus christ.
  5. You'll forgive me as I'm not an expert in such matters, but isn't the point of the story that the little guy triumphs in the end because much like the Italian Stallion he's got a lot of heart? It kind of makes the whole feat seem unimpressive if it was really just a bunch of gods having a heavenly cage-match rather than the underdog with a lot of heart beating the tougher opponent. Furthermore isn't god not supposed to intervene with freewill and force people to throw rocks? And finally he's proven that he can and will cause natural disasters and turn people into salt, if he had wanted to kill Goliath so badly, why would he have needed David. I'm not really getting your analysis here.
  6. Well if we assume elves/orcs and humans are roughly as biologically similar as a donkey and a horse, or lion and tiger it's not that unrealistic. But yeah I think I prefer it this way.
  7. You sure? Can't say I've encountered anyone like that. Or could it be that you are making wild assumptions and use broad generalization? ^ said the furry.
  8. My favorite portrayal of vampires in video games. They can be cool dammit!
  9. As long as the elf chicks are skinny with big boobs and wearing almost no clothing have angular faces and big ears and cat like eyes and my nerd gag reflex is going off like crazy. I think a lot of settings don't take the time to think about what a long lived race would actually be like. Imagine we had people walking around that were alive 300 years ago. It would change our understanding of history. Want to know what the wild west was like? Ask bob, he was only 120 or so around then. So either take into account the impact of a long lived race or make their lifespans moderate. I like my elves to be fae like. Part of the seelie and unseelie court. Light and dark. I like my elves to be very specifically mystical in one way... so if they are attuned to nature, then go all out. Make them blend with he trees, have nature magic, etc. I dont like my elves to be magic generalists. Example: Crappy Elf Design Long lived magic people. +1 dex +1 spell penetration Prof with bows and swords regardless of class Fun Elf Design Seelie Elf +1 dex during the day -1 con at night +1 to stealth in natural environments +1 to attack in natural environments -1 to attack in subterranean environments X, Y and Z nature spells cost less mana to cast Unseelie Elf +1 dex at night -1 con during the day +1 to stealth in subterranean environments +1 to attack in subterranean environments -1 to attack in natural environments X, Y and Z darkness spells cost less mana to cast Seelie/Unseelie refers more to fairies I believe, which is kind of a separate archetype. Furthermore this seems a little OP.
  10. From what I've read they're people who like to dress up as humanoid-animals and in some instances have sex with one another. Not my thing but so long as they're not harming anyone I don't see the big deal. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" -Edmund Burke
  11. Then you likely haven't seen much of them, and I envy you.
  12. There was trade between China and Europe, how do you think the west got gunpowder? it's perfectly feasible to have eastern monks in a western setting provided the geography has been sorted out. The whole "brawler" thing is ridiculous if you want to have an unarmed fighter, he'd better be a martial artist, otherwise it makes no sense to call it class. It's not meant to be based on reality, it's based on chinese kung-fu mysticism, otherwise you just have some dope beating his knuckles bloody against plate mail. If you don't like monks, fine, but this idea of a "brawler" that some of you have been positing sounds ironically like something from an anime.
  13. Sounds more like Lawful Stupid than Lawful Good. Characters like that are just annoying. My thoughts exactly, but the worst part was that most of it was enforced by the rules. it was not enforced, it was simply misunderstood by players I would guess... LG Paladin does not equal stupid character or straight up lawful stupid It was unfortunately, you lost your powers for not adhering to the rules of paladin-hood. Which meant no looting/no evil actions. In the earlier editions, though, they of course changed this in later editions. Well...yes it does.
  14. ...well I thought it was cool
  15. Sounds more like Lawful Stupid than Lawful Good. Characters like that are just annoying. My thoughts exactly, but the worst part was that most of it was enforced by the rules.
  16. You're right perhaps I should have just compared them to child pornographers as I doubt many of them are physically fit enough to force themselves on the guy in the bugs-bunny outfit at six-flags, but I'm sure they'd all like to. To clarify I'm not referring to anyone who ever played an argonian in skyrim or w/e. I am referring specifically to those identifying as furries so this is a pretty big digression. Bottom line animal head-human body = very tired archetype
  17. Oh wow Since when does fury imply sex ? I thought the term referred to people who like anthropomorphism or disguising themselves as animals ? http://en.wikipedia....ki/Furry_fandom Then you were mistaken. There is a section called "sexual aspects" in the very link you posted, which should set you straight about the whole thing. And this apply to all of them how ? There is porn and sexual aspect for everything, that's the rule number 1 of internet Did you read your own link? Even those (very high)numbers are likely under-representative given that most people with any shame or dignity wouldn't admit to wanting to bang cartoon animals.
  18. But.. but... mannequin sex is the pinnacle of human graphics technology. Why, without mannequin sex you would be reduced to merely accepting an event occurred. The developers couldn't show you the depth of the character's emotion and connection. Not to mention it would put the guy they specifically hire to do the lingerie graphics out of work. I don't think its the sex scene itself that is the problem, I think it's just how awkward the movements are. Someday animations may get to the point were we can do better than mannequin sex, but until then I think I actually agree that fading to black is probably best.
  19. In AD&D, paladins were originally essentially the group censor/parole officer who would kick your ass any time you tried to do anything he didn't approve of. Because it was the class that demanded the highest stats and was unabashedly the most powerful, but with the stipulation that you had to be good. So you essentially had one goody-two-shoes moralizing jerk-bag threatening to smite anyone else in the party who wanted to loot bodies or get ahead through duplicity, most old school D&D players have a few horror stories to that effect. This archetype doesn't really work for modern day rpg video games though because you aren't playing with other characters who you may need to keep in line, so they have evolved into a more fighter/cleric, crusader/templar archetype and personally I prefer that. The good only restriction is no longer relevant to the archetype.
  20. Oh wow Since when does fury imply sex ? I thought the term referred to people who like anthropomorphism or disguising themselves as animals ? http://en.wikipedia....ki/Furry_fandom Then you were mistaken. There is a section called "sexual aspects" in the very link you posted, which should set you straight about the whole thing.
  21. I sort of agree with this. I think it's better if races are only loosely confined by their innate abilities, and are more individual than we usually see. A racial group might have a certain history and reputation as per racism, but it shouldn't be confining as it usually is. I sort of agree and sort of don't. When 'race' amounts to elves and dwarves rather than skin color, the implication is that these are entirely different species. A dwarf isn't a vertically challenged human. A dwarf is a dwarf. The same goes with an elf or any of the other races. When you remove 'racial concepts' entirely, all you've got is a bunch of humans divided by how pointy their ears are or how tall they are, which is pretty boring. Which isn't to say 'likes to drink ale, speak in a Scottish accent and use an axe or warhammer' should be an in-born dwarven trait, or that there shouldn't be members of a race who stray well outside the norm. It is merely to say that there should be some commonalities in thought and behavior between members of a certain race to remind us that these races are not just humans with minor physical differences. Dwarves and Elves may be different species but, they are humanoid so it's likely that their differences would be fairly slight. They might have in-born traits, but no more than we have in-born human traits. What is stupid is them all having the same culture, and all having essentially the same personality, not knockin' Tolkien but It would be nice to move beyond that a little.
  22. Its really funny to me seeing people say things like "Most furrys are not into furry porn, that is just a small percentage of the subculture!", that's like saying most paedophiles don't rape kids, they just dream about it.
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