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Everything posted by Cultist

  1. Some goodies from RPG Codex.
  2. wat?
  3. Sweatshops? Really? I never heared about players complaining about EA having awful working conditions. Because majority of complains are about ruined franchises, Shyamalan quality games and being Fecal Midas, turning everything they touch into ****.
  4. Nothing. Will be too drunk after celebrations.
  5. Here. I care not about USA/Israeli borders, just used them as an example. They can place minefields, razorwire, poisoned snakes, killer bees, mount automated turrets that will shoot any trespassers - it's their country and they are free to do as they want.
  6. Because they are the cancer that is killing RPG genre.
  7. You mistake having fun with "it is very important, someone is wrong on the Internet" Colonialism is bad? Lol? Colonialism is normal and healthy. Strong eats the weak. Again, what makes you think it is best for the citizens? From videos it is definetely the opposite - police standing around groups of gays, protecting them from being lynched by the citizens. Human Rights is no different from "Kissing Hank's Ass".People live as they want in their countries. If you are Angola or iceland, then you could be pressured into anything. If you are USA, Russia or China, then you spit on all "pressure" and do as you want. I would have a good belly laugh if some country would demand USA to dismantle their mexican border fence, or Israel to open border with Palestine, "becuz freedum fur peepolz". We discussed it before and mods closed the topic. Go search it in your content.
  8. If you are taking something written on internet forums seriously, then you are having a mental problems. SA's post-apartheid fate is a great example of consequences of external pressure. Free shantytowns for everyone! Shaman medicine is not that free but at least it's everywhere. Maybe it's because nobody asks them if they like your "right thing"? What makes you think they are right? Great Britain waged war because they thought smoking opium is the right step for China. Monarchies waged wars to restore deposed monarchs. If you want other to change because you can force them to do so - you are welcome, might makes right. But pretty please, don't colour your intentions with "morality", "right things" and other moralistic stuff.
  9. Agreed, for example there's an influence and pressure that all women should cover their faces and Piglet is an offensive character and should be banned. Or pressure that people should believe in the right god. We have social responsibilities to teach those uneducated masses how to live! It is insulting to assume they can decide for themselves how to live in their countries. Next thing they say is that oil deposits belong to them alone. Ridiculous! And just look how happy and prosperous Africa now.
  10. Just for putting greenpeace retards into small, cold and wet jail cell, Russia should be forgiven and absolved of all sins. Send all the greenscum closer to siberian nature, preferrably for a decade or so.
  11. My personal favorite
  12. Terror attacks by rebels in Africa? That's really something unheard about!
  13. They are neighbors
  14. I feel like I should add precious bits of anime wisdom to the thread: Edited by the mod squad : A bridge too far.
  15. It's fully their choice to follow what they believe in. And it's fully our choice to laugh at them for that.
  16. Indeed I am. Anyway, Lewis Carrol was lucky because he did not witness things like this:
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