Moderators said that this thread will be more appropriate in this section so I'll recreate it.
From what we've heared, Project Eternity looks like an opposite from Dragon Age 2, and, from developers' statements, DA3 as well.
- Full dialogues, instead of herp derp paraphrases.
- Tactical combat, instead of AWESUM BUTTUN mashing.
- Choices that matter, instead of linear gameplay.
- Customizable PC, instead of pre-defined one.
- Party-based RPG, instead of interactive movie.
- Silent protagonist, instead of voiced one.
- Complex dialogues, instead of "Yes" and "No" with two "levels" at best.
And so on, and so on. I wonder, was it intended to grab that two million fans that deserted BioWare when they found what DA2 turned out to be or Obsidian just wanted to make a "true" wRPG?