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Everything posted by Cultist

  1. Fanboy/Fangirl: (n.) A pejorative aimed at anyone who expresses a liking for something without also expressing contempt. Inclusive: (adj.) (see “dumbed down”) When a game’s difficulty level isn’t exclusively set to “elite ****”. Plot Hole: (n.) When the story advances in a way I didn’t anticipate, understand, or endorse. Butthurt: (n., slang) When even mild annoyance is derided as someone’s reaction to anal sex. Because I imagine my own potential reactions to anal sex. A lot. I wouldn’t like it, I swear. I want to mock it but I can't. I feel like Cartman, who, after seing people with buttocks in place of their faces could not laugh anymore.
  2. I know one. And he knows about my views but as we work is separate divisions there were no conflicts. I need no link because I prefer to base my opinion on my obervations rather than internet topics. With animals, homosexuality in my opinion is a replacement behaviour\deviation caused by change of enviromental, social or populational situation. Humans are much more complex animals with complex social structure and advanced brain functions. Thus, it is immensely harder to determine what causes a pathology\deviation. The fact that homosexuality is not treated and is viewed as a variation of norm is a result of a vicious circle - you need subjects to research, in other words experiments on humans, which is not possible. Yet. We can't cure HIV or AIDS yet, that doesn't mean we should not try. And I enjoy such threads because it is a good place to excercize rhetorics and demagogy.
  3. Yet the law still stands. In all that countries. Wait, what? Just above you said that Lawmakers aren't the best judges of science, seeing as they contemplated categorizing "ketchup" as a vegetable. And now you expect people like that to create the Laws of God-Blessed Western Civilization? That was a great hype just after PE kickstarter ended in huge success. Had a great fun with excercizing a good old popamole bashing. Car fuel is only a part of oil processing. Where do you think plastis come from?
  4. Man, noone is going to risk their contracts for homos, animal rights or other hippie idiocy. It's not a matter of nuclear weapons or army size. Only jingoistic and idealistic people would think that US will start a war with China to free Taiwan. And cynical i am. I think that homosexuality is a deviation, like pedophilia or zoophilia. Only difference with other diseases is that we could not yet determine the cure. That is my opinion and "you are wrong!" or "a lot of celebrities said homos are okay!" will not change it as I came to it after listening to both pro and cons arguments. So I just enjoy funny discussion where I can mock people about some sensitive subjects. And by the way - people started objecting that "racism" only after it declared war upon them. Not before that.
  5. *sigh* then go check US policies. Or check other countries. You will definetely be surprised. And who makes that exceptions? Collective western hivemind? I never hid that I don't like DA2 and made a topic about Anti-Dragon Age 2 . Have no idea what do you mean by "betray" I suppose you are one of those overhyped types who preach about solar plants and renewable energy. Well, enjoy your wishful thinking. You are operating in "what if"'s, speculations and assumptions. Good luck waiting till saudi oil sites dry out.
  6. Yeah, it totally worked with SOPA, which was not cancelled but delayed. Plus, companies acted to stop it.
  7. you are just too accustomed that everyone around you is a tolerant and all-caring. As for government - China purged ****load of mislim Uyghurs during their 2009 uprising. There was an outrage, a lot of "how could they!" "everyone should sever all diplomatic ties with China!" and similar naive statements. In the end, China ignored all complaints and accusations. Nobody cares, no one cancelled any important business contracts and China is as appealing to investment as before. But you can stick with that belief that "likes", meetings and declarations of support can change anything.
  8. GB's site is the first to come up. Enjoy your science. BG have 12 month period. In most othe cases it is for life. You can read similar statements on official sites of other countries. Learn to check your facts. You'd be surprised but once pedophilia have been considered as something normal. And I never thought that PE was a result of DA2, I merely pointed out about auditory disbalance. What makes you think they are wrong? Because you don't like them? Well, you are into big disappointment - you can't force big players to "behave themselves". China laughed after some idiots screamed about their Tibet policies, Russia ignored everyone after war in Georgia. Saudi Arabia can ignore everyone because for them it is enough to say "@#$% you!" and everyone will shut up, because noone want to deal with overpriced oil. Israel ignores anyone who tries to interfere with thein politics. So just relax and let the butthurt flow through you.
  9. Yet Australia, Japan, Israel, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ireland, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark, Canada, Belgium, Austria and others have a ban for homo donors. Most of them - for life. People with infections are persecuted for carelessness with spreading of disease. Pedophiles are persecuted. Zoophiles are persecuted. Necrophiliacs are persecuted. I can't remember complaints when joseph Fritzl was captured. No "But he just wanted to be loved!". Well, except for leftards' complaints, of course. Russians are following the laws of their country and it their right to purge, kill or in any other way treat homos. in doing so they provide us with almost inexhaustible source of lulz. There's another option - I don't care and think that Russian government is sincerely laughing at that demonstrations, tweets and and other useless ****. It's like trying to force India to feed the population with cow meat or asking Israel to make pork a mandatory breakfast for all jews.
  10. Why are you so butthurt about some homos being killed and beaten up on the other side of the planet?
  11. It's chemicals time! http://youtu.be/UxUhMRTkCEo
  12. Russia seems like a friendly place for immigrants and foreigners, especially islamic ones http://youtu.be/fxN6pZcAa-s
  13. BG2 capitalized BG1's success just as Fallout 2 advanced Fallout 1 ideas. Something in which DA2 failed miserably. Dragon Age; Origins was a great game, yet not without flaws. The problem is - now BioWare tries to fix what is already broken - DA2. Unable to return to DA:O, they attempt to shape DA2's features into something less retarded. And it's like building upon a rotten foundation. moving release a year back could make DA:I less degenerade, but I remember how Mass Effect 3 have been moved just like that and ended up in a pile of **** anyway.
  14. On the contrary - they are the target audience bioware cater to in recent years. They keep them in mind when implementing new features, changing mechanics, and chosing storyline approach. It is advisable to keep images like this when talking about bioware games. Just to know what you are dealing with.
  15. BioWare have fitting fanbase for it:
  16. It is endlessly amusing to watch people argue with pigeonsVolourn
  17. That is beyond awful
  18. No necromancer=not interested
  19. Keeper, retards have entered your dungeon.
  20. X-Com: Return of the Vagineer!
  21. I hope journal is more organized than in BG2 and have distinctive separation for each quests instead of grouping by quests. As for conversation UI - better separation of narrative and dialogue text would be nice but I'm assured Obsidian is aware about it already.
  22. I have no strong feelings one way or the other
  23. RPG Codex bingo card for EAWare presentations was very successful today
  24. Free-to-play Heroes of Dragon Age coming to mobile
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