I would like to add the following reflection to this thread. Rather than try to contact everyone who has participated in the less than constructive posts herein, I feel this is a more accessible manner in which to reach everyone.
Though people may take issue with the manner in which a new member posts, I would hope that existing members will try to be less confrontational and antagonistic. It is my hope that long-term members will post in a way that is invitational and that does not create a sense of elitism or exclusivity. Unfortunately this thread began with 'a lot of back and forth' that it would be difficult to now moderate. I would simply request that when, in the future, a new member arrives and wants to share his/her passion in a posting manner that is perhaps not universally accessible that the we, as the community, will try not attack/belittle/hurt/alienate him/her. If you post, remember that the responsibility lies with how you respond - if you cannot reply constructively, perhaps use the PM/report function and let the Globals/mods help with translating the intent of a thread in a way that the new member can be accepted by everyone.
/speech from the Roost