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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Ah, even slower recovery times with less bonus to recovery from DW. I anticipate I'll enjoy this beta build a lot. Estocs are still terribad, too.
  2. Bit disappointing to see severe balance issues that have been brought up multiple times haven't been addressed (cascading crits, cast times, Firebrand and Citzal Spirit Lance—are stacking rules still a mess?)
  3. So, of the 20 seconds that The Long Pain lasts, 3 are wasted on recovery already—more if you're wearing armor. I can't say that's particularly great. 5 seconds casting time for summoned weapons is still way too long. Why they aren't all 0.5/0.0 remains a mystery.
  4. Devoted's nerf to +2 penetration was already in the previous build (still unnecessary, imo.) Not exceedingly happy to see stuff slowing down further, but I knew I was in the minority there so no surprise.
  5. So there still isn’t an unarmed proficiency?
  6. Subbing thread. Are summoned weapon fast cast?
  7. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/959169721869385728
  8. +1. Though I would expect many icons in the beta to be the temporary, especially for these abilities that have just been recently designed.
  9. ^That's what I like about the blights right now. I can DW them with a melee weapon and fire at speed. Let's not advertise it too much or they'll take that away from us
  10. The blights are 1H EDIT: Whoa, the elemental claws need help! I like the Fuy's concept, but if the weapon is that bad (and counts as 2H to boot, instead of DW!), there really is no point in playing one. EDIT II: ZOMG! https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/959152394692001792
  11. That was pretty much my Deadfire LoP until they moved Healing to RES and rained on my parade. (Yes, I'm bitter about it ) Actually, last I checked its description no longer specified "melee" weapons. Are we 100% it's still supposed to not work with ranged?
  12. Josh chimes in on the subject: https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/170317224881/deadfire-intellect-and-area-of-effect
  13. As always, you’re doing the Lord’s work, MaxQuest. Not a fan of the changes, frankly, but I don’t have it in me to fight this fight.
  14. GoG. Steam would clash with my strict “no Steam” policy.
  15. My .02—yes, it is. As CottonWolf said, lack of flexibility is the downside of the Devoted. You can ameliorate it by selecting a weapon with two damage types, or you can go for the estoc and leave pierce-immune enemies to other party members. Third option, you can suck up the Accuracy penalty and attack those specific enemies with a different weapon from your chosen one (perhaps making up for the penalties with buffs that grant Inspirations.)
  16. Here's an Aumaua portrait by Fiona Staples that could use the watercolor treatment
  17. Hey Aramintai, could you make a watercolor version of this portrait by Lucanii01? https://lucanii01.deviantart.com/art/Rain-the-Cipher-522921730 It's pretty kickass Thank you!
  18. Well, at least there's one less attribute Ciphers need to pump...!
  19. Sergeii99 - The DLCs had to be bought as a separate add-on to your pledge for $20. They are not included by default in the Elite CE.
  20. Nice cover! Glad they went back to Dark Horse for this; they did an excellent job with the first one.
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