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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Sking, could you log a ticket for that? At this point it would be good to at least have consistency in how these items and spells are treated (e.g. Minoletta's Missiles and Durance's staff should get the appropriate bonus from elemental talents.)
  2. Second issue's solved, although the side effect is that the talent now applies to both kinds of damage dealt by the weapon. Don't know about the other one.
  3. Heh, been away for far too long XD
  4. Has the Monk's issue with Transcendent Suffering triggering multiple cone AoEs been mentioned already? That's also a pretty big deal; I'm on my smartphone now though so can't fetch the link.
  5. My wishlist: Elemental talents not working on DoT effects. Flames of Devotion cancelled by St Ydwen's Redeemer's proc. Bittercut tint (this one is very minor but hopefully a quick fix; otherwise leave it) Wrong art for Naasitaq boots (same as above) Painful Interdiction not getting level bonus No option to get Wael's boon (this is a big deal) Last hit sounds are missing Lavender Wreath / Retaliation / Binding Rope suppress each other Modal graphical effects disappear upon saving/reloading (this one's so old I CBA to fetch the link; sorry) EDIT: Some other issues that have already been mentioned would also make my wishlist, by I figured I wouldn't repeat what other people have already said.
  6. In PoE, INT is one of the most useful attributes for barbarians so you wouldn't necessarily have to role play as a brute if you went for it. As for usefulness outside of combat, that depends on your dialog options (which in turn depend on RES, INT, PER, and the Lore skill for the most part) and whether you are stealthy or skilled at mechanics (but you only need one mechanic in the party and it needn't be your protagonist.) Every class can put ranks in any skill, so if you want high Lore and/or Stealth on a barbarian, you can do that.
  7. I asked Eric on Twitter and he said the game build is pretty much locked for everyone except programmers looking at major bugs, so no more typo-fixing unfortunately
  8. Appreciate this is just wishful thinking, but I'll throw it there nonetheless: — A.I. that scales with difficulty level (i.e. what makes an harder mode actually harder is A.I.; no cheating on the A.I.'s part and no artificial stat increases.) Additionally: — Optional bracketed scaling for the whole game. — A.I. that actually makes use of potions, item abilities, a wide variety of spells and buffs/debuffs, etc. Basically, whatever is available to the player should be available to the A.I. as well. How far the A.I. goes with it depends on difficulty level (see the first point in this post.) — At least one unapologetically hard difficulty level geared toward completionists. Right now even PotD becomes easy in Act III and IV if you're a completionist with a full party of 6 (even with enemy scaling on.) — Armor design that doesn't make male models look fat in plate.* * appreciate it's more "historically accurate" the way it looks right now, but it is also unsightly and nobody wants a fat party member tallying about — Deeper, more elaborated side quests and backstories for joinable NPCs. They should also be more vocal about stuff they feel strongly about, to the point of actually fighting you/another party member if **** hits the fan. They shouldn't be afraid to leave the party (for good or otherwise) if your course of action ticks them off. — MOAR portraits for non-human races. Seriously: MOAR. — MOAR reactivity. You can never have enough of that one.
  9. Sorry, mate, that's a very poor argument. Being unable to pick an ability I want because it doesn't work as advertised is at the very least a minor annoyance. It becomes major if we factor in the matter of principle: This bug was introduced by 3.03, reported at least two weeks before the patch's release, and was duly ignored. Loren Tyr even went ahead and found where in the code the problem was, then suggested a fix—still ignored. Because the patch that was released was exactly the same as the beta from a month before, the value added of withholding the patch for another month was zero. 3.03 as a whole was very poorly handled. Sure, I can avoid picking that ability. By the same token, I can avoid playing the game altogether and will certainly not run into any bugs—but that's still not a very good argument.
  10. The odd thing is that I can get it from GoG just fine :\
  11. Any luck? I can see the novella as available in my GoG account; it doesn't even say "coming soon" anymore. Besides, I can see you're a backer (I couldn't from my smartphone); the novella is also available from the backer portal.
  12. Odd; I could download it from GoG. Will check again when I'm home.
  13. To clarify: You want to use console commands to automatically reach level 16 right away?
  14. I'm on my smartphone now so I can't comfortably elaborate, but I believe you cut PER too much. If you're going for 0 recovery (and I suggest you do), you may leave DEX at 10 and allocate 7 points to PER (thus setting it at 10 too) and 1 to CON which won't hurt for sure. You may want to settle for a slightly lower INT to allocate a couple more points to CON if you felt the need to be sturdier. Are you going to play with a Priest in your party? If yes, buffing Deflection is not going to be hard at all throughout the second half of the game. Until then, Scroll of Defense and Vigorous Defense will do nicely (you can later respec out of Vigorous Defense if you want a different ability, though seeing as Confident Aim is currently bugged, that might be a good alternative.) Potions of Llengrath's Didplaced Image also come in handy at +25 Deflection (but won't stack with the scroll; not sure about Vigorous Defense.)
  15. GoG forgot to remove the "coming soon" part but if you click it, it will download.
  16. We were supposed to get a backer update along with the patch, as well as a change log that wasn't hastily put together for the beta; but as I mentioned in another thread, 3.03 was handled exceptionally poorly.
  17. It's on GOG as well now. It still says "coming soon" but you can actually click it and download it.
  18. Fair point, but if that turned out to be the case, Aarik's post would be an epic PR fail. I doubt they wanted to fuel the fire like that, so I'll give them at least that much.
  19. Thank you, Aarik. If 3.03 is indeed not the last patch, then there is hope my interest in this game will be revived when 3.04 drops. However, I do maintain my opinion that patching was generally handled rather poorly since PX2 dropped, and 3.03 was the pinnacle of that trend. Hope 3.04 will be different.
  20. Hi. No, bonuses only apply to the weapon that carries them and do no affect any other weapon you may be wielding at the same time. Yes, those bonuses don't show up in your character sheet but they do work. They can't "stack" because they don't affect each other as mentioned above.
  21. Yeah. It's not on GoG.com either. I was expecting a backer update to go with the patch's release, but it looks like not really (or if we do, we'll get it belatedly.)
  22. Ah, look at that: https://twitter.com/Obsidian/status/752920239654907904 3.03 is indeed the last patch for PoE, as I suspected. All right. The way patching has been handled since the release of PX2 was rather disappointing; the way 3.03 has been handled specifically, terrible. My interest in this game is dead—and so is my interest in Tyranny for that matter. Doubt I'll look at PoE 2 at all until the very end of its life cycle, to see if it left in any sort of decent state.
  23. Which bug? EDIT: Nvm, saw the thread in the bugs section.
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