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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Where's a Boeroer when you need one?
  2. Still missing about 380k from investment funds if they hit the 2.25mm cap. This time around I believe there are going to be more PayPal backers than with PoE 1; many cannot, or do not want, to pledge on Fig.
  3. Mikey confirmed in the Fig comment section that it will be the same size as the Pillars 1 CE box.
  4. +1 Plus, $20 for a season pass is ridiculously cheap. Added to the pledge; doubt I'll ever look back.
  5. I don't mind waiting longer for better, richer product. That said, Feargus mentioned more than once on Fig that they feel pretty confident about the March 2018 target. If pledges/investment money really push the envelope and go higher than $4mm things might get delayed because of more extra content than initially planned, but that'd be totally all right in my book.
  6. Next month (March) I'll chip in $100 for the signed print via the backer portal. I have more add-ons I'm interested in, but they'll have to wait until April/May and I doubt stretch goals will extend that far :\
  7. I asked again in the comments but no reply yet.
  8. I'd be fine with delaying the game to get an 8th companion, honestly.
  9. Quite disappointed in the stretch goals—especially the 8th companion's being at 5 million (it's the only stretch goal I really care about)
  10. I forgot to mention: - NPC schedules based on day/night cycle and weather - All The Small Things like lanterns held at eye level, dodging animations, wizards opening their grimoires to cast spells and flipping them close thereafter, scabbards, etc. The small things really add up to a lot of immersion and coolness factor.
  11. Everything In no particular order: - Dynamic weather - New/more/better animations - Enhanced lighting with ambient occlusion - Higher-poly models - Parallax scrolling - Lots of beautiful new art - New soundtrack by Justin... -...fully recorded by an orchestra - Multiclassing - Sub classes - 20 levels to satisfy my powergaming cravings - Xoti - Allegra Clark voicing Xoti (because this MUST happen ) - Maia - Companion relationships (except romantic love and/or sex) - Neketaka
  12. Companion relationships are not romance; not sure why everyone keeps thinking they are. Love was only mentioned off-handedly as one possibility, and a marginal one at that. It's not like we're suddenly gonna make the kisses with our favorite pixels (thankfully).
  13. I think he means the stronghold replacement. They said there's going to be one, but they've been tight-lipped as to what it is. We're all guessing it's going to be a ship, but as far as what Obsidian have disclosed about it, it still qualifies as a hush-hush feature (a teased one at that.)
  14. First time Fig Funds are higher than pledges for this campaign. Quite surprised Fig Funds were processed / added on a weekend. Pleasantly surprised, that is. Here's to hoping this final week brings us many more stretch goals, including the 8th companion and perhaps MOAR portraits and MOAR reactivity
  15. I would definitely expect Deadfire to not only carry over any portraits already available in the first game, but also to offer at least as many new ones plus those ordered from backers (it would be a bummer if backer portraits were the only new ones.) You can never have enough portraits to choose from, and custom portraits never seem to fit the art style of the game and end up sticking out like a sore thumb.
  16. I'd say that depends on their stats. The whole point of self-made characters is min-maxing and optimizing. Sidekicks are more like a poor man's companions; they're companions but not really. I'm lukewarm at best toward them, as one full-fledged companion beats four sidekicks any time of day and night in my book. If story companions don't suit my need, I go for self-made characters to optimize. Sidekicks have neither the optimization perk of self-made characters, nor the depth of story companions.
  17. Yeah, I was hoping the expansion would add more on top of the eight in the base game
  18. ^ I must take the bait: Why 5/7 and not 7/7, if it's amazing?
  19. Current pledge pace is approximately 25-30k USD per day. Let's be conservative and consider an average of 20k USD per day until the last two days of the campaign: 20,000 * 4 = 80,000 From today's 2,807,000 we get to 2,887,000 before the final rush. For the sake of being conservative, let's take for granted that PayPal will not be available in time and the last two days combined will fall short of 50% the first day: 500,000 USD. That would get us to 2,887,000 + 500,000 = 3,387,000 USD without PayPal and without any other increment in Fig Funds (which is unlikely.) This is a conservative estimate that would get us to the 3.25mm stretch goal anyway. Fig Funds won't necessarily hit the cap, but it would be very unlikely for them not to increase at all from now to the end of the campaign. If PayPal comes next Wednesday as Feargus promised, it should give another decent spike. The last two days should bring in a bit more than my estimate too, if Kickstarter is any indication.
  20. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded sidekicks as a later stretch goals but the 8th companion is so much more important to me. The longer we delay that stretch goal, the lower our chances to actually get it.
  21. I would be surprised if the campaign ended short of 3.4 million, to be honest; and that's being conservative. Your 3 million stretch goal is pretty safe.
  22. I too would like to see this toggle implemented. Two more things I'd like to get which are low on the priority list: - Cyan circles for neutral NPCs. Partly for the nostalgic I.E. feel; partly because it makes it easier to tell allegiances at a glance. - Asynchronous movement Right now characters all move in perfect sync like a band of robots, which is unnatural. The I.E. games solved this by applying a random delay in milliseconds for each individual character from when you clicked to when characters started to move. It looked a lot more natural and I'd like to have it back in Deadfire.
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