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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. Säulen der Ewigkeit for german. Swiss german: Süüle vo dä Ewigkeit you're right, zuilen der eeuwigheid, not pilaren der eeuwigheid. well that sounds a lot lamer
  2. EA lost $273 million last quarter http://www.computerandvideogames.com/435897/ea-posts-273m-loss-for-the-quarter/ I for one, hope to see them bankrupt.
  3. Pilaren der Eeuwigheid actually has a nice ring to it, but I'll be playing in English.
  4. pillars of eternity sounds like an awesome geographical feature.
  5. Depression also makes you disinterested in almost everything. You can look at a large list of fun things to do, shrug your shoulders and go "meh, I dunno". Saw this on reddit yesterday btw: http://media.utoronto.ca/media-releases/moderate-exercise-not-only-treats-but-prevents-depression/
  6. I KNEW IT! that's why I only drink rainwater and pure-grain alcohol. points if you get the reference
  7. You could contact PsyQ, they're everywhere in the Netherlands and you could do light therapy there to avoid Seasonal depression. they also have a host of other psychological help if you need it, say, when you're depressed.
  8. wow, it went from overwhelmingly opposed to a pretty even spread, who'd have guessed!?
  9. Yeah I like to remain optimistic. I like a lot of what I hear about P:E, but not a lot of what I see. the environment is shaping up to be one of my biggest disappointments. The artstyle is just so... bland I'd love to see More gnarly trees, tall branches spreading out over paths. Bigger trees, for sure. more variety in grasses more realistic spreading patterns of growth. a little magical flavour. (bioluminesence, strange plants and wildlife) more density in growth. I take heart that it says "work in progress" but yeah, I just really don't like what I'm seeing. Sorry.
  10. I think it is very possible to do, as long as you offer more than one source for most (if not all) research branches. So I could learn to craft shoes of silence by learning it from a ranger known for his stalking, or by coercing the man who makes them for the thieves guild to teach me, or by taking a pair of those shoes of a corpse and studying them.
  11. nor would I want to be posted as a guard on the gatehouse, those towers offer little protection! Still cool update. what was the backer site URL again?
  12. Steam saves me from my conundrum earlier today by offering sleeping dogs for 5 bucks. Now that's a deal! Now to wait for the download to finish
  13. And in the wrong thread no less. Anyway, @bruceVC, 40 bucks is a lot of money for me. @Hurlshot. yeah, I'll wait till a sale comes up. I was going to buy it regardless, but 40 bucks is too much.
  14. Don't worry mute688, I'm also perpetually catching up several threads on this forum. So I'm debating spending 40 bucks on far cry 3 or just pirating it and buying it when it comes on a steam sale. I look at an impressive library of games and find myself disinterested in most of them. Played a bit of Hydrophobia earlier, I can't force it to use the proper video card so that's a problem, and the game itself, well. Linear corridors, pointless achievements, and more cutscenes than gameplay so far. I'm not sure if I'll return to it. Besides letting the Malthusians win suits me just fine, MUHAHAHAHAHA!
  15. watch a silent play-through online, that's what I do with all console titles I would like to play but can't.
  16. 2 guns. It was an alright action flick. Mark Wahlberg is a great actor, always a fan of his performances. Denzel Washington is good as always.
  17. You can maybe use that money and start up something new? I'm sure your increased experience will help you do better this time. Road to success is filled with failure and all that.
  18. that's a shame, I liked the movements in KOTORII a lot, but I get that it would be a constraint of resources to make this when you guys have a lot more important stuff to do. So my question is this: would it be possible for us zealous nerds to mod this in when(if) mod tools are released?
  19. I like that this leaves you with a lot of screen real-estate.
  20. You are right, I did misunderstand, somewhat. I think it's a good idea, provided that there will be alternative ways to unlock certain branches. (Like picking it at the start of your game as you roll your character) It would be a shame if you always had to follow the exact same path in order to get your preferred research, after all.
  21. stuff of legends, and legends are easily made in a culture of story-tellers.
  22. I lol'ed at the co-op mode comment.
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