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Everything posted by Varana

  1. Yep, summons are a good way of dealing with the problem. I positioned my party back at the stairs to have at least some front line (although the fampyrs certainly managed to get through to the casters, now and then). Figurine summons were basically distractions; what really saved the day were Kana's ogres once he had sung enough. As has already been said, the fampyrs aren't that tough, and ogres SMASH.
  2. For me, Heritage Hill (or Clîaban Rilag [spelling]?) re-kindled the motivation to go after the Leaden Key because it became apparent that they were the cause for the Hollowborn, and that seemed a tragedy that should be stopped if at all possible. The slowly going mad thing was, well, secondary. I recognised that the game obviously wanted me to care about that, so I kind of went with it, but the Hollowborn actually provided some motivation for going after Thaos.
  3. Galawain is probably okay with all outcomes. :D I went with the lioness and killed the bear, because felines are cool and bears are [colbert]godless killing machines[/colbert]. Also, cunning and intelligence is for leaders, brute strength is for minions. :D Regarding "the deal with the large animals" - the Glanfathan tribes apparently live in a kind of symbiosis or strong spiritual connection with their totem animal. That's not unheard of in Fantasy tribes with the (noble or not) savage / indigenous hunter theme.
  4. Also, more party members give you the option to carry around some less-than-optimal character for flavour and interactions. With only 4 party members, everything tends to need much more optimisation to survive.
  5. A bunch of kids staring at a screen. Yep, that's a good depiction of "low attention span". Two older people having fun. That has to be discouraged at all costs! Now, why do these images serve as illustrations of something bad? Ah, I see. They're holding controllers. That changes everything, of course. Disclaimer: I do not own a controller. I therefore apparently have an adequate attention span, don't need hand holding, and hate an epic pres... wait, what?
  6. 1) It's one level lower, i.e. in level 4. The main Ooze has a sabre named "Resolution". 3) You can only open that door if you chose the correct conversion option with Maerwald after you defeated him. If you didn't, come back in another game. Also, how is that a technical question?
  7. The modified poll is not helpful - it tells me that I have to vote in both polls.
  8. Maybe post it in the Technical Support forum. I've got no idea why this happens, but if it does, you can restore Kana's 3rd weapon slot by temporarily dismissing and re-recruiting him.
  9. Got a mail from Paradox on Wednesday that they shipped stuff; though it hasn't arrived, yet. Germany.
  10. Probably because the number of options in a poll is limited. Still, it's nonsense.
  11. 126: "seine" ist schon richtig - vielleicht eher "als Strafe für seine Verbrechen und seine Angriffe auf dich persönlich"? "Beleidigungen" klingt irgendwie zahm, wenn man den Rest des Satzes bedenkt. ("Ey, hast du mich A...gesicht genannt? Dafür mußt du stäärrben!") :D Original: As punishment for his crimes and for his personal affronts to you... 127: "Bestätigungen der Herkunft" oder "Bestätigungen über die Herkunft" wäre mMn schöneres Deutsch. 159: "ein/e" kann, muß aber nicht, ist eine Stilfrage. Dagegen hielte ich "religiöser Lehren" für besser anstatt "Doktrinen". Das Wort Doktrin wird im Deutschen eigentlich nicht so verwendet.
  12. There are reasons to believe nobility can be bought in Dyrwood. That's not buying nobility, that's just getting rich. Nobility is more than having money and living in the right part of town. Also @Amentep: Could you, please, put spoilers around the guy's name?
  13. It doesn't suck, Skyrim is great. That's a fact, PERIOD. --- I'm not sure how stating your personal preference and taste as definite fact is going to be meaningful in any way, but apparently, it's required nowadays. After all, I assume you wouldn't write it like that without reason.
  14. While Luckmann may be overly nitpicky in some instances (e.g. the dispositions), I agree with him here: That's quite a disappointment. Sure it's a lot to include detailed checks and lines for every possible class/specialisation combination. But this is different: Eothas and everything related to him is a very central point to the whole story of the game. For some reason, they thought it was a good idea to make priests of Eothas playable. Why, if they couldn't do it adequately? It would've made much more sense to simply not offer Eothas as a priest's deity. If you do have a character that is so closely tied to the story or some background element, then you have to account for it. If you can't afford it, don't have such a character.
  15. Umm, wait, what? Grammar exists in spoken language, as well. In fact, grammar exists in languages that don't even have writing.
  16. The game shows you XP earned even after you hit the cap. Does anyone happen to know whether it continues to add them in the background, or is this simply a UI thing and it actually stops giving you XP?
  17. But there are no "the aumaua". There is Rauatai, which has a lot of aumaua, but they live elsewhere, as well. Your next-door neighbour might be one. Similarly with "the dwarves". Which dwarves? If any dwarves plan to do something, odds are that there will be quite some non-dwarves with them. I'm certainly not defending the treatment of godlikes in the game. I honestly wonder why they felt the need to include them and then basically forgot about them. As for the mundane races, I think it's a nice deviation from that boring fantasy staple of race being everything.
  18. Yeah it does, actually. Case in point: "They don't think it be like it is, but it do." How do you know this sentence contains improper grammar? Because of the word "be," which should be spelled is, and because of the word do, which should also be spelled is. That sentence is grammatically correct. You just misspelt (sic!) it slightly; the correct spelling of your sentence is "Eothas is an idiot". @"It's fantasy, they can spell it how they like": No. The text is presented in English. Of course they can make up rules for their languages - which apply to writing in Aedyran (or in whatever language that book is supposed to be written in Eora). That argument would only hold if they had "invented" a language that looks like English, sounds like English, uses the same words as English, but in which $v$ry $ is r$plac$d by a dollar sign. @Eurhetemec: Well, we don't really have that many non-stone Roman writing to compare. But if it's not simple writing errors (which are really hard to correct in stone ) it's usually because the writer made a grammatical mistake - i.e. the same thing as S34d0g criticised in his original post. There were rules. They differed for classical Latin and vulgar Latin, and they changed over the centuries, but they did exist.
  19. Should probably be in another forum section.
  20. Edit: @pi2repsion But the point is - for the umpteenth time - that that is not what happens. All my actions in Defiance Bay - from what I said about animancy to what I did in the various quests involving it to my reputation screen (I mean, what that's even for if not for showing, like, reputation?) cry out loud that I favour the view of faction X. However because I accepted (not even completed) a certain quest all those other indicators play no role at all and this one faction trusts me with arguing their side even if I consistently acted otherwise? Please.
  21. I tend to think that it's specifically that level of Od Nua that has very sloppy design. From the elemental machines with no apparent use (or even use at all) to the random skeletons without any context to the utter lack of connection between all those elements of that level. Corgano:
  22. Dispositions that contradict your order have a negative effect on your Faith and Conviction ability. If you take this talent, these negative effects are eliminated. Its use is for paladins who play against their order's preferred dispositions. If you don't have dispositions lowering your F&C, you have no need for this talent.
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