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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well I'm even more excited for this now. I didn't think that it was even possible to want PE even more.
  2. The problem I see with weapon regulation in cities is that it only severely hinders warrior classes, while Ciphers are close to their full potential and Wizards are still able to cast spells. So while the angry Barbarian may not be able to slaughter half the town on a whim, the Cipher could still mind control them(or whatever the hell else they can do) unimpeded by the loss of their weapons. Unless Ciphers require some easily identifiable item to utilize their abilities.
  3. I thought it was something about children being forced to gay marry by the state? Anyways, I don't think that someone's right to marry should be decided by popular opinion. If it was, then one of my good friends could not have married his lovely wife in my state.(They're an "interracial" couple)
  4. The problem with making games "more inclusive" is that translates to "insert X to appease group Y" in the publisher's thought process. Like many have said, this often means games will blend together and become more homogeneous rather than diversify. Also, the games I play are already inclusive IMO. I play RPGs, which have well-developed female characters and often provide the ability to play a strong female character. The PC can be almost anything you want them to be in RPGs. RPGs don't need someone like Anita(whose whole crusade seems to revolve around Nintendo platformers) to tell them that women are not portrayed well in them. Oh and I just watched Archer and finally realized where AwesomeOcelot's avatar is derived from. God damn that show is ****ing great.
  5. I just watched Puncture. I must admit, it exceeded expectations.
  6. Spent the day nursing a hangover. Nothing like NWN2: MotB and pizza to bring you down from a night of hard drinking.
  7. That damn 9 year old made me miss this. Backing as soon as I get my paycheck.
  8. And the **** in the neighborhood probably does it better than my girlfriend, but I rather have sex with my girlfriend than with her... I will not feel so cheap and dirty after playing with her... Aptly put.
  9. Something similar happened to me. Luckily I had PST installed(from GOG)and was able to keep myself entertained throughout my stay without having to read a book. What really pisses me off about Steam is that it is required on a good number of 3rd party games, even if you did not purchase them through Steam. You shouldn't have to have third party software that you could run the game perfectly without to be able to play the game.
  10. I feel that the less PE takes from Arcanum the better off it will be because I find Arcanum to be a terribly designed game. For one(as AGX-17 already mentioned) Tech is inferior to magic/primitive. In virtually every way, magic beats tech. There is no argument that a Tech character can perform at the same level as a magic. Some people may like that because "LOL unbalanced is goodz!", but IMO there should have been at least some advantages to playing a tech character aside from being allowed to ride on trains. Secondly, the combat system is horribly designed. Critical failures occur at an extraordinarily high rate, the turn-based combat is not tactical at all, and the real time combat has no pause option. I can't think of another party-based RPG that has a worse combat system. Thirdly, Character Creation/Leveling is also designed quite badly. They should have taken a page from GURPS and while using the same resource to advance attributes, skills, spells, etc. have different requirements for each. That way if one wanted to play a mage, they wouldn't have to choose from learning more spells or beefing up their magical ability(by advancing attributes) and the level cap could be quite a bit lower. Essentially, Arcanum suffers from balance issues. While the setting intrigued me, the atrocious mechanics prevented me from enjoying the game or playing it for more than 5 hours.
  11. Maybe now they'll get over that hump they've been on for the last week.
  12. All DRM is cancer. If you're willing to pollute your PC with it for the sake of "convenience", go ahead. I'll happily spend the extra 5 minutes it takes to install mods to a GOG(or similar) DRM-free version rather than rely on hand-holding.
  13. That refers directly to why she is blocking comments on her video, not that the audience is literally being deprived of their ability to have opinions or is incapable at having discussions anywhere else. He isn't claiming that it is impossible to have an opinion about the video, he is stating that it is impossible to post one's opinion of the video where the people who made the video are most likely to see it. 1. Maybe she should be. If she wanted to start a conversation about negative tropes for women in video games, why doesn't she start a small forum for people to talk about it? She did over shoot her budget by $144000, so it isn't like she doesn't have the resources. 2. That is a good thing. Someone could see an interesting perspective they had not thought of and come out better for it. There would also be a centralized location for people to talk about it, rather than have to navigate several video game forums in search of an interesting conversation. If 9% are active participants, then she is screwing them out of their say by blocking everyone's comments. If her supporters want to congratulate her on a video they think is well done, they cannot do it directly. If a detractor with something more intelligent than "FEMINAZIS SUK BALLZ! LOLOLOLOLOLOL" wants to present a legitimate complaint about the video, they cannot do it directly. By taking a blanket approach to weed out trolls, she is depriving herself of direct exposure to the initial thoughts of others. Nobody gains anything by blocking comments, while some have a chance to gain something by allowing them. EDIT: Frankly I'm a bit tired of arguing about a badly made video that was very superfluous. Last statement from me until she posts another. I dislike how she disabled the comments. Feedback(especially negative) is always something to consider. I think she is depriving herself of feedback that could allow her to make a better video by cutting off a direct link to feedback. I think the video is not well executed. She mainly talks about 4 franchises in about 24 minutes, which she could have done in 10 minutes. I think she assumes too much about DiD plot model. For Star Fox, it was about putting resources behind a more recognizable IP that was fairly popular at the time. For Zelda, the villain is neutralizing a threat, not simply kidnapping a helpless princess. For Mario, Bowzer is a goddamn dragon turtle that breathes fire and commands armies. For Double Dragon, it is a stupid ass 80s game, of course it is regressive crap, it was made a quarter century ago.
  14. Wait, he? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Excuse me, have to correct some things. It seems your detective skills are a bit rusty.
  15. You can buy it on Steam if you wish. Or you can make the sensible decision and buy it from GOG. It will not require Steamworks.
  16. How far did you get in to the video? He actually says "Trying to censor the dissenting point of view does not make it go away". He doesn't assert that "dissenting views will not be presented". His point was that by disabling peoples ability to discuss her video at the same place where her video resides, she is giving the impression that her ideas can not hold up to scrutiny. Instead, she has become a Damsel in Distress who needs various white knights to save her from the various hordes of the internet. She exemplifies the stereotype that she spent 24 minutes railing about. Yes, we are having the discussion here on the Obsidian Forums. There is no discussion on her youtube channel and she isn't directing people to where they may discuss her video either. The average viewer isn't going to think "I have something to contribute, let me go to [forum where a discussion is occurring] and post my thoughts and see what others think!" It is hardly a copout. The internet is an extremely toxic place saturated with trolls who like nothing better than to **** with people, especially those who seem to believe in something. The negative reaction her kickstarter pitch and video received is hardly an uncommon one. She should have known what would happen.
  17. That anti-porn but pro-sex article was incredibly condescending. On the video, .
  18. Well they do have an IWD module for NWN2.....would that count? IMO 3/3.5E/Pathfinder rules are much better than 2E(and translate into video games slightly better).
  19. Damn you Prime and Raz! Now I really want to run through PST or BG. I can't bring myself to break from the MotB playthrough I just started though. BTW, is BGEE worth it?
  20. You did that too? Anyways, I couldn't care less about EA, because I am not interested in any of their products. I will stick to kickstarter to get my fix, and major publishers can continue to make the cinematic swill they think is irresistible to young males.
  21. Russians spending their days attacking people electronically? Very likely.
  22. I think one of the reasons it is scrutinized in more detail in video games and comic books is that the female characters portrayed in those mediums are not real people, so one could see it as creating a standard that no real woman could reach. Which has some truth to it, if you look at the average large breasted anime girl or sultry female video game characters, you do in fact see physiques that are nearly impossible for a real woman to obtain, even with surgical enhancements. Of course(like we covered before IIRC),the problem is taking one extreme example of X and assuming every instance of X is like that.
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