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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I don't think I will require it for either the nap or (hopefully) getting intimate. Then again, she could be crazy...
  2. Today I took an exam. Thinking of taking a quick nap then taking a girl out.
  3. @Wal: Buffy, Angel, Archer, Mad Men, Doctor Who, Walking Dead, a ****load of B-movies, and too many others.
  4. I've always used the backdoor in those situations.
  5. While I doubt I will pick this up until it goes on sale, it does look worthwhile if it can be patched into a stable form. Also, it seems Oby would make a terrible history professor.
  6. Hey hooking up with an ex sometimes leads to pretty good stuff. But not if they're nuts! I disagree, hooking up with a crazy ex can make for an interesting weekend.
  7. Make it happen Obsidian, I'm ready to sell Nep's Kidneys on the black market.
  8. While I agree with the thrust of your post, I'll pick out the points I'm interested in discussing. I would tweak this to be a mixture of both selfishness and either disdain or apathy. While I think that everyone has a dose of self-interest(and therefore selfishness), I believe that it requires the ability to not be affected by(or even reveling in) the suffering of others to be considered evil. I would agree that empathy could not be instilled into one incapable of feeling it, such as a psychopath, but I would argue that it is possible to encourage people who are capable of feeling empathy to utilize it more, essentially a reverse of how some people are taught to utilize it less. As I'm not a biologist, I can't accurately comment about bio-chemical induced apathy, but as a layman, I would think that it could be possible to find early signs of bio-chemical induced apathy and treat it.
  9. Very off-topic: I just realized Nonek's avatar is faintly smiling. I've always just assumed that in keeping with his status as an Englishman, it was frowning disapprovingly. On-Topic: I recently started playing BGT, but got distracted. I hope they improve combat.
  10. That sounds like a girl I dated Wals. Last I checked, she ruined her hair and looked much too thin. I'm about to head to class, going to eat something quick.
  11. I still maintain that if a person truly wants to brutally torture children, he should make them play Superman 64 while eating squid.
  12. Lephys, I would just ignore him. I think it is clear that he is either unwilling or incapable of having a conversation. Also, knowing how much you like to type, it would be a waste to wear out your keyboard responding to the equivalent of "YOU'RE WRONG!!!!!!".
  13. Looking for logic in something that is impossible is a waste of time.
  14. Hmm, 75F is pretty cool for me. Then again, between the humidity and Texas heat, Houston is pretty damn hot.
  15. @Woldan: Is the temperature in your office low? I find myself nodding off when it is cold. I've consumed about half a gallon of water, and find myself having to piss every 5 minutes.
  16. Moral guidance. I think that there are somethings, like empathy, that should be viewed as laudable and more worthy of emulation than selfishness.
  17. Studying at the moment, taking a break to chat with you fine fellows.
  18. 'Tep just gave me an idea. What if someone statred a Kickstarter for "Baby Bowl", a football game with babies used for the ball?
  19. Very well then. Laters, Val, try not to break your keyboard or anything.
  20. After going through the posts here, I have to wonder, if you do not believe that there is evil, do you not also believe that there is no good? I personally would not want to live in a world without good.
  21. Mmmm, Redhead. Btw, anyone know what she is going to be in next?
  22. Perhaps I'll try playing a Jedi Knight then. How bad is the MMO gameplay?
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