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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. TL;DR Wait for mods or PoE 2, which if like BG2 will include romances because modders love making them almost as much as nude mods.
  2. I have to admit, this isn't quite the ****storm I was hoping for. You promancers need to grow a spine. Make your rage a weapon, and unleash it upon the forums.
  3. It is very useful advice. If some of the more....enthusiastic individuals took five minutes of watching a video to get their desired stimulation rather than spend roughly 40 hours playing a game they wouldn't bother with if it weren't for desired stimulation, they would be saving themselves a lot of time and hopefully use that time to not post frustrated sexual desires on video game forums.
  4. I usually recommend that they go to a porn site and pull one out if they really enjoy doing that. It is quicker, much less disturbing, and will provide them with a better view.
  5. The only way to avoid nude mods is to have no modding potential. Someone will do it, and it will be hilariously pathetic, awkward, and one of the top 5 PoE downloads from Nexus.
  6. Today I'm sick and it's cold. Going to study and play video games.
  7. Excellent idea Kaine, when can we expect your first Mod around a Romance offering in PoE ? How long until we get a troll romance mod? Three weeks after release.
  8. If it makes you feel better, a romance mod will be right behind the nude mod.
  9. Should we start taking bets on how long it takes for someone to mod romance into the game?
  10. Monte I have absolute confidence that Bioware will deliver a worthwhile and entertaining RPG in the shape of DA:I ( of course this is relevant to the individual as personally I enjoyed DA2 but I agree there are improvements that need to be made ) If the game builds on DA:O then sure, I'll enjoy it. Although Bioware claiming they can make a sand-boxy game is a bit like Justin Bieber saying he can cover a Velvet Underground album. But if it's good, hey, I'll enjoy it. I'm not cutting my nose off to spite my face. I'm just very wary. No. This post has instilled in me a fear that Justin Bieber will cover the Velvet Underground
  11. I'll admit to disliking most of BG2's cast. Just shows how bad VA can ruin a perfectly enjoyable experience.
  12. May I reccomend nailing his scrotum to a hot skillet? I have an exam in 30 minutes and am feeling a bit queasy. Currently running on 2.5 hours of sleep, five hour energy, and a lot of tea. BTW, does anyone else feel that Earl Grey is an abomination?
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