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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. What is a ZOG, some kind of robot?
  2. Obama needs a sense of humour, if that would get him to do that.
  3. IIRC, there will be talents which are analogues of 3.X/PF feats. No word yet on traits, but the character background may take the place, sort of like Arcanum.
  4. Something I disliked about shapeshifting in most D&D videogames is that it would remove any bonus spell slots gained from equiping items. Will this be an issue in PoE?
  5. The case for/against romance is that you like/dislike them and would/wouldn't like to see resources spent on them. This inclusion or exclusion of romance is not supported by anything other than personal preference. Obsidian has decided not to implement romances in PoE because Sawyer doesn't feel the dev team could do them well. If you would like romance in PoE, you will not get it in the vanilla game. I reccomend waiting for a mod to be released or lobbying for romance if PoE2 is made. If you would like to have a discussion on the merits of romance in RPGs, then perhaps the Computer & Console section is a better venue.
  6. Final Fantasy VI, the ability to suplex a train is awesome. PST and/or BG2, to learn how to tell a serviceable story without a set PC. Superman 64, to scar them for life.
  7. Looks pretty, but will I have to upgrade to be able to run it?
  8. Yes, a person can and I will. I doubt the more enthusiastic promancers will. We can't say with certainty that there will be a PoE2, so no. If and when PoE2 is announced, feel free to start lobbying for romance.
  9. This looks cooler than I thought. Should I buy D3 or wait for the expansion to play as a Paladin(or whatever they're calling it)?
  10. But but but...Teh West is teh evilz. Murica bad!
  11. Too many goddamn walls of text. PoE will not have romance because the devs don't think they can do it well. If this bothers you, find the turn-basers, combatXPers, fantasyhatinghipsters, antibalancers, and every other group of butthurt **** and make your own game. PoE isn't for ya'll.
  12. I find it more akin to a bunch of people posting **** on the internet.
  13. So Israeli neo-nazis exist and the Confederate flag is a symbol of rebellion in Europe. Learn new things everyday.
  14. IIRC, Godlikes are like the planetouched from D&D, which are humans infused with the essence of an element, celestial, or fiend. I don't believe Godlikes are the spawn of a base race and a god.
  15. I'm sorry. Everytime alanshu posts, DAI gets 2.438 bugs.
  16. I guess we will have to write our own Sex in Sewers books then.
  17. "They don't have the resurces to implement more than 4 types of Godlikes" I believe is what he meant.
  18. ^Bruce will love it, Monte will hate it, and everytime alanshu posts it has another bug. Are Arcane Warriors and 2-weapon or Bow using Warriors back?
  19. Yeah, there is nothing like having sex shortly after waking up. Oh, you guys were talking about videogame romance. I'll let Bruce handle that.
  20. http://rt.com/news/ukrainian-warships-leave-sevastopol-476/ It's not intervention. It's rebellion of Ukrinian regions against usurpers. Ukrainian army support this rebellion. I think we have short Egypt scenario here. Glory for Ukrainian army! Glory for Ukrainian people! Glory for Crimea! Hurrah! I notice your grammar and punctuation is functional again. You sure you don't want to edit your post and take out a few vowels? Maybe move the capital letters around some? He is reverting back into Lord of Flies.
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