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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Also apparently wikipedia editing is srs business: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B8XsB7hCYAAY9Jz.jpg I just can't really picture myself having that kind of reaction. A reaction of "that's bull****" or "you gotta be kidding me," sure, but he sounds like he considers Loganmac his arch nemesis now. Dude wtf it's a wikipedia edit that no one will recognize you for. It's a very solitary act that hardly even qualifies as a hobby, why would he care THIS much? It's worth posting what set him off. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia_talk:Arbitration/Requests/Case/GamerGate/Proposed_decision&diff=644366991&oldid=644364382
  2. Ahh "Advanced Interrogation Techniques" or it's not torture cuz we call it something else.
  3. If I take a piss on a bible, is that art? Are a few lines on paper art? Is Red Velvet Cake from my favorite shop art? Art is ultimately subjective, therefore attempting to qualify something as art is ultimately flawed. Best to keep freedom of expression so we can have "open doors till you find out your sister is a lesbian" simulators and pewpew shooters IMO.
  4. I think devs should be free to create the games they wish. The demand for a multitude of games is sitting untapped and I would love to see devs creating games that aren't clones of other titles, even if I don't play said hypothetical games.
  5. Why? You're not responsible for that one. I am. He's English, they're required to apologize at least once an hour for something.
  6. True, but D students in my 10th grade English class were better writers than games bloggers. And N. Either that's hyperbole or you went to a gifted school. It's hyperbole, but games bloggers aren't particularly good writers.
  7. True, but D students in my 10th grade English class were better writers than games bloggers. And N.
  8. We all could. I have to say that discussions with you people about videogames is usually far more informative than any review from one of these sites.
  9. Yes, I've found the most effective way to troll is to act like you actually believe in what you're saying. And I'd trust the 99% feeling.
  10. http://techraptor.net/content/behind-scenes-feels-like-gamergate-target-interview-chris-scott Interview with the dude from 8-bit and Up who was featured in the segment. Seems his 30min interview was cut quite a bit. Bit off-topic, but they have Battletoads there as well.
  11. It's not. Throwing their own absurdity in their faces is not only funny, but exceedingly appropriate and very much called for, in my opinion. Stop trivializing my struggle as octokatkin ****lord.
  12. Today I consumed certain substances and got yelled at by my ex.
  13. I don't care what race the cop or the victim is, killing people over stupid **** is wrong.
  14. Well TB is getting dogpiled for poking at otherkin and destroying Wu.
  15. We were talking about starting a patreon racket a while back. If you can pretend to be some otherkin ****, we can fake harassment and be rolling in money.
  16. Ah ****, thanks for the clarification tep. It's still relevant IMO, in that the arguments are similar and that censorship effectively happened without the government.
  17. GamerGate was behind killing John Kennedy and 9/11 as well. We are the Patrilluminati and I'm a council member.
  18. She's showing so much wrist, I am so sorry. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts. "Unsexy" and "thoughts" are triggers too.
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