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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It's users from old /b/ who enjoy doxing and stuff. Best to avoid.
  2. I know it's not literally what he said but my interpretation (and since he's a postmodernist douche, my experience is all that matters) of his tweets is a very clear "I am not Charlie because they had it coming." So he's arguing they deserved it because how they presented themselves? I wonder where I've heard a similar argument...
  3. Actually, they have the domain back, but Hotwheels likes 8ch.net moar.
  4. Looks like there is more... Total Biscuit responds It also looks like that 8chan is back(as 8ch .net) and KiA has over 24k sea lions now.
  5. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/basedgamer-com Based Gamer has been funded!
  6. And 8chan is back at a .net Won't link cuz probably some stuff that could get me banned on 8chan, but it's back up.
  7. Some programmer who does animal abuse and created a blocklist that outed Colonel Sanders as Leader of GamerGate.
  8. Like I said earlier, I can stage some harassment if any of you can pull off otherkin.
  9. Already donated....before it was cool. EDIT: What Lizzy wrote was reposted, leaving an archive just in case. https://archive.today/z5dMa
  10. It's easier to keep up momentum when you can do this without changing your schedule much.
  11. Well, looks like Mercedes Carrera may be having false popo reports filed against her. Why do aGGros harass women so much?
  12. ...and it has been removed. I don't know why I'm surprised. Nothing shows you support inclusion of women like taking down pieces written by women.
  13. Inherent Vice ....... It was really weird, but I enjoyed it.
  14. http://www.buzzfeed.com/lizzyf620/gamergate-through-my-eyes-190rr Here's something for the feelz, written by Lizzy.
  15. I think some gamergate dude died while playing Might & Magic 6. It was illness though.
  16. There is a belief that a high score can result in many more copies sold if marketed correctly. Whether this is a bit after release or on release is unknown. Of course, it's probably just corporate stupidity.
  17. http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Games/Interviews/larian_studios_pt1/ Old, but pretty good. Especially relevant IMO.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZYjIfKyinU
  19. Yeah, and bullets are shaped in a phallic way because of reasons other than aerodynamics. Aerodynamics is a tool of the Patriarchy.
  20. Too late for that I finished 90% of the side content, as for where I'm at, I just finished the warden (into the abyss) quest and have 2 more main quest to finish (the one with Morrigan and probably the last one). I don't even know if I will be able to make my self kill all 10 dragons. I'd just slam into the main quest. Dragon fights aren't particularity noteworthy and the boss is ridiculously easy.
  21. This is just bizarre. That is not anti-semitism... Some Israelis would take it as such, and Intel does employ quite a bit of them. But I'd say there's plenty of crazier **** FullMcIntosh has said that can be(and is) used instead. EDIT: FullMcIntoshtyme
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