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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I see some arm skin and I feel triggered. You won't like me when I'm triggered.
  2. Getting offended is about as common here as someone complaining about xp systems.
  3. Does this mean oby's men thread is kill too?
  4. I think it's obvious what we must do. Become inebriated and make anti-Semitic remarks? Flush our careers down the toilet? I thought that's what we did every weekend?
  5. End of an era that's for sure. I wonder what will happen with 4chan. It will become a cheaper Something Awful.
  6. No honeysuckle, it's to point out that moot left 4chan. That's why there's a link to moot's post about leaving 4chan. Then why the diminutive jargon in the title and link to some weird re-hosting domain name and not 4chan.org? 1. It's commonly referred to halfchan by folks who frequent such sites. 2. Halfchan is notoriously NSFW. I provided an archive to avoid linking anyone directly to it incase of filters or an aversion to frequenting such a place, as well as saving this iteration of the page in question.
  7. Well it seems that most cases of free speech involves members of the fringe. Such as not being forced to do the pledge of allegiance because Jehovah's Witnesses objected to it(strangely it was initially allowed for schools to enforce that but it was later overturned) or the Hustler and Falwell thing.
  8. *shrug* I'm not sure tbh, but the belief it's a honeypot is why some folk are against it.
  9. In my experience, everyone that left for 8chan or that frequent both refer to it as either "halfchan" or "cuckchan". It has less to do with GG and more to do with 4 being half of 8 and chan culture. *shrug*
  10. Apparently malware warnings were popping up when a lot of people viewed the site. I'd have to ask for more info but the idea was that it was possibly a IP harvester. Best to stay away until someine can confirm IMO. As to gamergate fatigue, I'm honestly in the same boat. 8chan has usurped halfchan and I now have /leftypol/ and /v/ to haunt, most games media have ad what little credibility they had ripped to shreds and set on fire, BasedGamer, and the would be censors seem to be universally reviled by most not involved. I'm more than happy to let it fade into the background while I slowly drink myself to death while being ready to spring back in if we get another happening.
  11. No honeysuckle, it's to point out that moot left 4chan. That's why there's a link to moot's post about leaving 4chan. No, the sensible folks here have far more esteemed things to discuss such as the lore of power armor in Fallout, the merits of kill experience in arrpeegees, and various conspiracy theories.
  12. Some concern over it being an IP address honeypot. Some anons were looking into it last I heard.
  13. Which is why I'm interested. The next person that says "But what are you all so afraid of?! There is no censorship!!!" Look at what can and has happened. You should be, the American comics industry took a huge hit from the CCA and the only survivors were the large publishers who could afford not selling the popular sci-fi and horror comics. Nowadays American comics struggle to sell 40,000 copies per monthly issue, have high prices for little content(which is why pirating them has become so rampant), and are just now able to produce commercially viable comics that aren't superhero books. Imagine something like this happening to videogames and the picture is not very pretty. The funny thing is that the arguments of Fredric Wertham(whose hitpiece book Seduction of the Innocent is what contributed greatly to the moral panic preceding the CCA) resemble those of certain commentators on videogames, such as that they influence the attitudes of young people who play them and make them more violent. http://news.illinois.edu/news/13/0211comics_CarolTilley.html The above link goes over how he misused the data gathered to construct his arguments. It should look familiar as there is also no scientific evidence of videogames affecting behavior yet some still insist it does.
  14. I'd wager the Comics Code Authority. Essentially it was a set of standards imposed by an organization funded by the large comic publishers in response to moral panic. The result was censorship of non-CCA approved comics, in that such comics wouldn't be distributed widely and the average reader wouldn't have access to them. It parallels the current moral panic IMO.
  15. Get back to me when Yara Ma Yha Who is released.
  16. No wonder they hate meritocracy, they don't have anything of value to contribute.
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