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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think Chu mentioned something about past deeds being held against someone, so I mentioned what about Ian Miles Cheong and his Nazi past.
  2. They consist of a select few on twitter(who seem to have died down for the most part) and King of Pol who got btfo after being an idiot.
  3. ... ... ... ... This is the most insane thing I've read. I can't wrap my head around it at all.
  4. So now we're as bad as Anders Breivik? Can someone explain to me how sending e-mails to Gawker's advertisers and donating money for pr0n is as bad as gunning people down?
  5. http://powergamer.co/editorial/discussions-with-a-gay-gamer-2-alternative-roo/ Another gay dude talks about his experience with gg.
  6. Finally getting into Divinity Original Sin. It's damn good and a sequel would be pretty awesome.
  7. http://daemonpro.tumblr.com/post/100188395259/stop-comparing-gamergate-to-isis On the infamous "worse than ISIS" comments from a fellow from the Middle East. No happenings other than the PC Gamer dude dating a Ubisoft employee, any of you folks see anything lately?
  8. I'm trying to find a game to get lost in but can't seem to. Any recommendations?
  9. Isn't that, by definition, discrimination? Yes. The best way to fight discrimination is to discriminate.
  10. Saw this on KiA. It's decado I believe. https://egalitarianvideogamejerk.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/an-explanation-of-free-speech-for-morons-and-arthur-chu/
  11. Why is it so difficult to appologize, promise to do better, do better, and move on? Even the Italian mob had better ethics than these people. That'sa spicy meatball.
  12. Filthy, dirty console peasants run the show. Enjoy your gaming community farm, where some gamers are more equal than others.
  13. 2.5 million stretch goal - Scrap the game and make a linear first person shooter with massive setpieces and an overabundance of QTEs instead. Nah. Action FPS-RPG with TWO branches. Dating simulator with qte sex scenes and plenty of SJ issues.
  14. The fact that he is writing about the company his girlfriend works at without disclosing it is pretty shady. Should be a red flag for coi to any editor worth their salt.
  15. The Codex is moderated, juuust not in the style that you're used to. I like it how it is. If it was moderately or overmoderated I wouldn't visit there very often. Fair enough, if you don't mind me asking I'm interested in what type of moderation style is used on the Codex ? http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/rules-of-the-codex-enhanced-edition-directors-cut-2013.87048/
  16. You are. The codex is the codex, if you think it's bad don't go there. RPGWatch provides an alternative that caters to your sensibilities.
  17. There you go anon. https://archive.today/FmyoE https://archive.today/SKUgW https://archive.today/hVgld https://archive.today/2fzHI
  18. You'd be half wrong on the Jew part Bruce. I consider them mild because it's essentially teenagers doing a tough guy routine doing the internet. Getting offended over that sort of behavior is silly.
  19. I appreciate your honesty but yes you obviously "can't see the wood for the trees " if you think the some of the comments on the Codex are normal and acceptable I didn't say they were acceptable or normal Bruce. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.
  20. Perhaps it's cuz I lurk on the chans, but the codex seems rather mild to me. *shrug*
  21. Funny thing about that guy... He is in a long-term relationship with a Ubisoft employee and wrote several articles extolling Ubisoft.
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