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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. 8chan's /v/ is easily the best. Just don't go there if easily offended.
  2. Well Tep is talking about the funnybooks, which are probably going to sell about 50,000 copies per issue tops. That said, female Thor to continue the franchise after Hemsworth leaves is pretty likely.
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheHat2/status/552221267798278144 BGotD/W is back on KiA. Unfortunately, Meow has fallen after having her FB info leaked and receiving lots of harassment from ghazi goons.
  4. http://natalieminx.blogspot.com.ar/2015/01/so-here-we-are.html?m=1 Safe for work, but we have another porn star down with gg. Incoming **** shaming imminent?
  5. I'd like to stop talking about that individual as well, because I honestly felt sick reading the bit I did of that. If you know where I can report her to the authorities, PM it to me. http://therightvidya.wordpress.com/2015/01/05/i-just-want-to-write-about-wrestling-dammit/ Another GamerGate dude talks about being harassed.
  6. ...that's absolutely terrible. I honestly feel sick reading that.
  7. Apparently another porn star, Natalie Minx has decided to support gamergate. Should be writing a blog today. This comes from BasedMilf, whose Twitter I won't link for obvious reasons. Cue the internalized muh-soggy-knees.
  8. Don't worry, BW has joined bethesda in the old adage "Mods will fix it." From what I understand, modding DAI will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. At least Bethesda provides a toolset.
  9. What? Target was targeted by another petition, some 10,000 signatures long demanding they pull the advertising and apologize for having a white girl modelling an Annie inspired clothing line. That's really stupid. Both the outrage and the fact that someone thought an Annie inspired clothes line was a good idea.
  10. Frankly the vendors apart from a certain mabari (who has the change, remember) and the skyhold merchants have very little that wouldn't theoretically be beaten by a lucky random drop. Or even most of the fixed ones...Vendor inventory and RNG drops are possibly the most frustrating parts of the game IMO. Trying to get the best Tier-3 armor waswa bitch.That was the only easy part, I think the loyal mabari is guaranteed to carry the top model for your inquisitor's class. That's what I got, and I've read most others getting too.Now, getting a 2h sword that is not ugly... And there is no decent 1h sword in the game at all, Caliban at least looks nice but, well, is nit very good. Either by design or by necessity, they're going to have to implement a less random top tier schematic vendor in dlc. I had to grind to get the schematic from the dog, he mostly had the masterwork armor instead of schematics. My understanding is that the perks adds an item randomly to the list, rather than dumping off a selected group of items at once. And yeah, tier3 swords look bad.
  11. Frankly the vendors apart from a certain mabari (who has the change, remember) and the skyhold merchants have very little that wouldn't theoretically be beaten by a lucky random drop. Or even most of the fixed ones... Vendor inventory and RNG drops are possibly the most frustrating parts of the game IMO. Trying to get the best Tier-3 armor waswa bitch.
  12. I can't play it without ascension or SCS. With those it's pretty fun IMO. I love epic level gameplay so I'm pretty biased though. And with BGT, the FMC becomes a god damn monster.
  13. Yes but where's the study that says that they don't cause sexism? Not done because sexism is difficult to measure.
  14. Some details about Afterlife Empire, the game funded by TFYC. http://blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2015/01/afterlife-empire-images-video-clips-introduce-more-characters/ Tangentially related, but long-term study finds no link to videogame violence and rl violence. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/gaming/longterm-us-study-finds-no-links-between-violent-video-games-and-youth-violence-9851613.html It's almost like people can tell fiction from reality.
  15. ?? Care to fill us in with a couple more details? Won't link to 8chan directly, but you can find the board fairly easily.
  16. Looks like /notyourshield/ is on 8chan as well. Not much atm, but does feature a Bethesda employee telling a bunch of minorities to shut up.
  17. Doesn't Nightmare slap on random resistances?
  18. Welcome to the reality of rich white libruls in the USA. They'll pay lip service, but their actions indicate a disdain(at its most mild) for the lower classes and minorities. As to reddit, /KiA/ is a thing as is a new KiA on Voat. If need be, the exodus is being prepared for and should be able to happen without losing too many.
  19. Well they did some digging through Ben Kuchera's old posts and came up with these. http://i.imgur.com/6w1lij0.jpg https://m.imgur.com/YjJml6l At best he's a hypocrite.
  20. Yeah I saw this floating around before. Not surprised, SRS gets away with brigading all the time because mods are sympathetic. At this point preparing for an exodus is probably a good idea.
  21. Looks like we may see a migration to /gamergate/ or Voat. http://voat.co/v/KotakuInAction
  22. Is Steam down for anyone else right now?
  23. I've noticed they reserve their most vicious attacks for racial minorities, non-heterosexuals, and women. Not sure what that says about them as a group, but I'm going to say it isn't good.
  24. https://medium.com/@socialunjustice/how-gamerghazis-campaign-of-hate-nearly-ruined-my-life-8783ffd94b86 Black teenager chronicles some of his harassment by redditors at GameGhazi.
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