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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. That's entirely missing the point of Amentep's post. It isn't about supporting the game by buying it, it's about the right to actually make the game and have it sold on a platform if they follow the ToS. And the devs have said they aren't neo-Nazis, so I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
  2. @Keyrock:1.The Young Turks 2. Actually it's MSNBC And I'd be more concerned if someone was able to talk about furries while keeping a straight face to be honest.
  3. It seems that perception is worse than actions to some of these people. Postmodernism in a nutshell. EDIT:
  4. It's like these people have never heard of the Streisand effect. Anyways, I'm not going to buy the game but unlike some fascists I do believe it has the right to exist. Part of free speech is accepting that works you don't agree with have a right to exist and should not be censored because someone is offended. And Hatred is actually about equality, you can kill anyone regardless of who they are. :D
  5. Vols right, even if you don't dispel demons in the Hinterlands are outnumbered by animals, bandits, mages, and templars. The only maps they dominate are Exalted Plains and (arguably) that swamp region(in DA undead are demons possessing corpses). Everywhere else they're a small fraction of enemies faced.
  6. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=356532461 As of this posting, Hatred is back on Steam.
  7. What I find funny is that Hatred could be an excellent opportunity to raise critiscm of the carnage resulting from a mentally ill person who has access to weaponry. Its highly unlikely Hatred would intentionally do this, but such an experience could highlight the problems of untreated mental illness on society. Meanwhile, DAI(a game I put about 100 hours into and completed most of the content) receives high praise despite being about killing individuals suckered in to joining a cult or who have become terminally ill because of a religion-sponsored substance abuse problem.
  8. Yes there is a lot. From grass simulators to Unity asset #473627.
  9. I hope you're not seriously comparing a Bioware romance scene to youporn Yes I am. Both are porn, one just happens to be animated and have "emotional stimulation" while the other is a porn database with many different types of porn. If you have a problem with pornographic material that caters to men, certainly a game where a player can have sex(via avatar) with a female character by selecting the heart option and buying her stuff is problematic as well, at least as much as getting health by paying for sex at any rate.
  10. So we're being lectured on how damaging prostitution is to women by a man who partakes in hookers. Ok then..... In this vein, RPS has a problem with YouPorn sponsoring a DOTA2 team. I wonder how they felt about the pornographic DAI romances? https://archive.today/s0R8g I've heard that archive has been on the fritz, so apologies if it doesn't load.
  11. Well he's mentioned that he has frequented hookers before. Not sure if underage though.
  12. Yeah, overriding customers desires in a system designed specifically to accommodate said desires is strange. I suppose one could argue that Hatred would violate Steam'spolicy of not carrying any Ao rated game, but as others have pointed out Steam carries games with similar content. At any rate, it's censorship according to that right-wing fringe group the ACLU. I can't wait to see the reaction when some butthurt Christians try to get a SJW indie darling taken down because it offends their sensibilities. Thanks for giving them the precedent to take down "objectionable" games guys.
  13. Gal actually. Kinda funny that SJWs seem to target women so much. The offending material: There's more with more salty language, but it does capture tumblrism pretty well.
  14. I hate that dragon. Have yet to beat it. I'm level 21 and still can't kill it. My character even did 5000+ damage to it once and it barely scratch its hit points and it didn't have any defenses up either. Cheating game. I beat that on hard with little trouble. What build are you using?
  15. I think I just can't understand how those people think, from advocating for women women by harassing Liana K and trying to get Jennifer D'aww's Seedscape off greenlight to the self-hatred a group of predominately white men feel towards themselves it just boggles my mind.
  16. I'm honestly confused by that mentality highlighted at the end. Everything is flawed, so we should stop trying to make it better? I think I'm going to continue advocating for improvement, regardless if "everything is ****ing corrupt" because that isn't an excuse to accept ****ty standards.
  17. https://www.change.org/p/gabe-newell-bring-back-game-hatred-to-steam-greenlight-service Petition to bring the game back to greenlight.
  18. They want to remove the problematic games. Of course, the fact that Steam has such huge market percentage is more problematic than a distributor not selling a game, but that's been covered on other places to death.
  19. Did you learn your lesson and are you ashamed of your pen1s? Yes, my toxic masculinity forced the poor individual to inform me that they wanted to beat me to death with a rusty pipe. I've accepted my wrongdoing in this matter and have apologized to the individual for causing them such distress. In the future I will do my best to contain the poison of my masculinity in order to avoid the heinous offense of being threatened. In all seriousness, it seems it wasn't about gamergate, but rather some choice words I had about romances in DAI. All in all, this is reinforcing my opposition to romance in vidya gaems.
  20. Well you're a male, which automatically makes you a sub-human so.....what's worse than unperson?
  21. Tell them to become good christians and forgive you. That's bigoted ****lord, why not a good Hindu?
  22. Well I got my first death threat, is there an achievement or something?
  23. You've got it all wrong, KaineParker. This whole thinking for yourself thing has got you all mixed up and discombobulated. This is why our enlightened and highly superior San Francisco moral overlords have deemed fit to grace us with their magnificant wisdom and faultless judgement. Set your mind at ease, turn off your brain, and just simply follow their lead and parrot everything they say and everything will be much better for everyone. I see now. Bayonetta has always been sexist. We've always been at war with EastAsia. BigMcIntosh is watching you.
  24. I'm conflicted, If I don't hate on Bayonetta I'm enabling misogyny and terrorism, but if I do hate on her I'm criticizing a woman's work and therefore oppressing her with mah patriarchal might. Is there an ess-jay-dubya holy book I can consult?
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