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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. "I think this fearmongering is just incredibly disrespectful to women" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  2. So it looks like I managed to pull off a B in Chem. I have no idea how I did that, but I'm not going to look this gift horse in the mouth.
  3. If you ignore Lephys, the word count on a page he posted on would probably be less than half. And engagement is dumb because it's attempting to fix a RTwP problem using a turn-based solution. One would think that mechanics designed explicitly for RTwP would try something a bit different than copypasta of 3rd edition DnD.
  4. So I keep disappearing when walking around now and lose a chunk of health every time. I think I'm going to put this aside for a bit and come back to it in a few months.
  5. I've got my last tomorrow. I plan to pop a ritalin and plow through it.
  6. So after the patch objects found with search now show up in the minimap. Pretty convenient, except books don't seem to. Anyways, does anyone know where to grab a T3 masterwork schematic for mage armor besides that shop in the wastes?
  7. Took it on at level 13 on Hard, right after got the KE specialization and respeced.
  8. I'm on the last 3 dragons at that Du Lion place and I have to say the Frostback has been the toughest so far. Likely because I'm playing a KE and at high levels they are pretty much invincible. Anyways new patch is out.
  9. Why are they only targeting the women of #GamerGate? I dunno, but many in this thread and other GG hubs have noticed that pro-corruption does have a special ire for women, LGBT, and minorities in gg. One could argue that their method of proving women get harassed worse than men on the interwebz is to attack women, but that would just be speculation. WTF kind of way is that of talking about another nation. I believe it's called racism to any reasonable person. Actually I believe, and I just learned this, its Ethnocentrism. So pretty much self-involved arrogance and ignorance. Sounds like pro-corruption.
  10. - Anita Sarkeesian on the Japanese value system. https://archive.today/Ffrx6#selection-141.351-145.2 ..................... This was not a pleasant quote to wake up to, the sheer arrogance of these people is a bit astounding. And as far as nations with bad treatment of women goes, I'd think any nation in the Middle East would be a far better example of one, although any criticism of Islamic states is bigotry apparently.
  11. I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I've broadened my horizons, yes. Censorship is a cancer eating away at freedom and I say down with the sickness! Sorry, that was cheesy, it was the best "humorous" Disturbed reference I could come up with. I've never listened to Disturbed(sorry TN) but censorship is wrong. We have to allow **** like Hatred and Gone Home, even if we think they're complete **** because everyone deserves the right to make the stuff they want to make. If you have a problem with a game, don't buy it and support something else with your money.
  12. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sj20re Is it fair to say we've become concerned about more than ethics and have moved to censorship?
  13. Er... what about George Bush Snr.? But i agree with your general point. Work in the security services should bar you from overseeing them. Of course Bush Sr. is corrupt evil. So was his NAZI collaborating, and military-coup attempting father. Just because I recognize Putin for the cloak-and-dagger, fascist, autocrat that he is does not mean I fancy Anglo flavors of the same evil(s). Right now, it's the Anglo branch that's begging to bait Russia into WWIII so that it can preserve The Petro-Dollar Standard and provide cover for the collapse of its eviscerated and mostly illusory economy. Well THAT escalated. You really think anyone wants WWIII? If Fallout New Vegas is the direct result of it, then **** yes.
  14. You really love to hate this game, don't you? It's the only warmth she'll ever know.
  15. I think I ****ed up on my Chem final. [Rants on why an Economics major even needs that ****]
  16. Perhaps its taking me to a different place, but I'm seeing stuff from a recent convert to lazy activism myself. No redpill stuff. Looks like you're correct. The quotes I was shown were harshly taken out of context. Not taking that persons word for anything again. I retract my accusation and I apologize. https://archive.today/6GD8C Just an exchange on the hashtag I found hilarious. Also, Disturbed frontman and longtime pro-women activist David Draiman came out to support #GamerGate. This is a man who I personally saw (yes, I'm a fan, judge me all you want) kick people out of a concert because they groped a woman in a moshpit. Well it does mention that he used to be an "Ultra-Right Christian", so there is a good chance there is something out there. I have noticed a trend that the "born-again", those that convert to a religion or ideology, are often the most extreme zealots. Make of that what you will.
  17. Perhaps its taking me to a different place, but I'm seeing stuff from a recent convert to lazy activism myself. No redpill stuff.
  18. Pushed through quite a bit. There is a problem with staggering: In addition, I find combat gets fairly repetitive at higher levels. It may be due to the reduced number of abilities or the lack of enemy variety, but I find myself using the same strategies for most encounters. As it is, I feel the game could do with a few patches and I don't see myself replaying it anytime soon, if I even finish this play through. I'd also say having access to the character sheet at creation and getting attribute points would be an improvement.
  19. Got quite a bit further. At level 20 now and most encounters are easy to complete. I wish the leveling curve was a bit more gradual. Off to the Hissing Wastes to get the schematic for high level armor. Running into a bug where I'm unable to take control of party members. So far it's happened at Adamant Fortress and Cassandra's side quest, pretty damn annoying even though I managed to easily beat the encounters.
  20. @TN: Actually, Gamergate supporters(on KiA at any rate) are generally prejudiced against San Francisco residents. I don't know if that qualifies it as a hate movement, but almost all pro-corruption people seem to live there. LOL. These crybabies are butthurt they're not the majority so they want to take control. I guarantee you they would quickly scratch off "democratic participatory" from that in practice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Cultural_Marxism#Restoring_older_version Cultural Marxism article has been reverted by Jimbo Wales himself. Seems relevant to the gamergate article.
  21. http://therealpornwikileaks.com/mercedes-carreras-immoralsupport-vol-2-god-save-porn-games/ BasedMILF speaks.
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