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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So I went back and beat the game. I'm not sure if it's because I was overleveled or was playing what seems to be the most OP specialization, but the final boss was too easy. Anyways, Pros and Cons. +It's pretty +Variety in areas +Voice acting, music, and sounds +Companions were generally well written and had reactive quests +Main Quests were generally good +/-Crafting -Combat -Difficulty(too easy after a while) -No stats to distribute and lack of Abilities -PC Controls -Sera -RNG loot/short list items -Most side quests were not very good Essentially, it's combat similar to DA2 with a save the world narrative with flavors of rise to power added in. The game doesn't revolutionize anything and does seem to have a bit of an identity crisis, but ultimately it's good for what it is. If you're looking for DAO2 or even a modern BG it would be wise to look elsewhere, but if you want a fantasy Mass Effect this will be right up your alley. At the current price and bugs/stability issues, I'd recommend you wait a bit before you pick it up, but it's worth playing at least once if you're into action RPGs.
  2. Going to register for classes next week, looks like I should graduate in Winter 2016 if I don't **** up. I'll be 24. As an aside, I got a raise and have been promoted into a position with hours flexible enough to allow me to take 9-12 hours a semester. Going to celebrate by going out with my girlfriend and throwing a party.
  3. If Peter himself came down, stood next to Francis, put a hand on his shoulder and says "Listen to this guy" THEN I'll listen. Until then he can go pound sand. He's a nice man with some good things to say but he's not an authority on anything. Besides, he puts his pants on the same way I do and he's read the same Bible I have. He's no more of an expert than me. Well actually if you've read the King James Bible you've been reading a different one than him.
  4. I thought Hatred looked really stupid. I'm probably not going to touch it because I have better things to do with my time than play a snoozefest murder-simulator featuring an Xtreme! Tumblrtard. I find it more funny that someone would waste their time developing such a bland piece of **** than offensive. Then again, when people are gunned down here it's usually just an officer "acting in the line of duty", so what it takes to offend me is probably different from you folks across the pond. As to AAA publishers and the lack of creativity, that's the reason I typically ignore those games. I'm clearly not the target audience and will gladly accept that, especially if I can help crowdfund titles like PoE or Torment that I am the target audience for. As it is, I'm more than content to play Postal 2 or Expeditions than worry about the creatively bankrupt crap that is most AAA releases.
  5. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B4iGeXkIIAALn6R.png:large For appealing to a vicious misogynist mob, Nichegamer seems to a higher percentage of women than esteemed feminist hubs like Kotaku and Gamasutra. You right of course, she shouldn't play any game unless Volo endorses it !!! But isn't this fundamentally sexist ...... I don't have to explain sarcasm to you do I?
  6. Volo's niece played a game I personally didn't approve of? How dare she not consult with someone she has never met before playing the games she wants to!
  7. You can try Age of Decadence, if it's ever released.
  8. Passed 325-100, so it certainly isn't a partisan issue. Horseshoe theory looks to be true.
  9. Relevant: http://www.spectator.co.uk/features/9376232/free-speech-is-so-last-century-todays-students-want-the-right-to-be-comfortable/ I hear books burn at 451F, seems like a good idea to torch the problematic ones.
  10. There's more. This may also be of interest to any comics people or anyone concerned with censorship.
  11. Tattoos? Guys, you aren't noticing the most important thing. That's some sweet ass Darth Vadar figurine on her nightstand... and the light is a lightsaber? Guys, she could be the one. And a Boba Fett tattoo.
  12. Just to be clear, because I'm obviously not American, now that the US government can monitor your communications why is this such a contentious point? It's an issue of privacy. The government shouldn't be able to monitor communications of citizens without court order(ie probable cause) in a free society.
  13. Oh and lookie here: The woman who anti-gg goons tried to run out of the industry(whose game we and TB helped get greenlight) claims she was bribed to denounce gamergate in exchange for coverage. And since I've decided to kick some money to charity, I decided I would throw some here: http://www.feedingamerica.org/ Feel free to insult me for being American-centric or whatever.
  14. Keyrock, you've touched mah feelz. I've been called worse than ISIS, a rapist, and deserving of extermination. At this point, I don't think any slander can affect me at all anymore. I think I'm going to throw the money I was going to spend on Legends of Grimrock 2 at a charity because my backlog is ****ing huge and I'm sure they could use that money more than me.
  15. http://thehill.com/policy/technology/226752-gop-rep-attempted-late-bid-to-kill-spy-bill The US government now has effectively unlimited access to our communications.
  16. I'm really hoping that GG will become a launch platform to get moderate voices into every aspect of society. Because more and more i'm seeing loud extremists everywhere and I blame the Internet and the culture that it created. I honestly doubt it. Here in this thread we're more concerned with the McIntosh's various crazy statement's than someone like.....Daimon Schubert I suppose, precisely because the voices of McIntosh and his ilk are amplified much more than those of moderate folks. The media is mostly to blame I believe, after all in the age of clicks pissing someone off is far more likely to get a reaction than a relatively bland look at the arguments presented, and these sites are run on clicks so do the math. As to GG, I just want my vidya gaem news sites to list disclosures and attempt to not write about those they have close personal relationships with. After that, an environment where I can protest censorship of GTA or criticize individuals who happen to be female without being labeled a misogynist neckbeard would be awful nice as well.
  17. https://archive.today/I5y1t Looks like doxing is ok, as long as it happens to the right people. I can't wait to have my personal information leaked so my girlfriend and I can receive threats, because e-mailing Gawker's advertisers is such an affront to humanity.
  18. I only do the former(I hate Twitter with a burning passion) but it doesn't. It's guilt by association, which is an utterly ridiculous idea if you believe in personal responsibility. I will be one of the first to denounce trolls who harass anyone at all, but I refuse to blame those who are ideologically aligned with the harrassers of conspiracy or even that they are enabling it. I believe that we should judge individuals by their actions and assume innocence until guilt is proven, and I believe that if this happened from the beginning we would all be sitting around playing vidya instead of treating each other like ****.
  19. I didn't say he did. I said that by his logic, he enables their misdeeds similarly to how I enable those of people who claim ideological alignment with me. The difference is subtle, but it is there. I condemn all harassment, no matter who the victim is and who the perpetrator is. I do not support placing the blame for the actions of a few on a movement as a whole, or even that the movement is supporting those actions. Just like I have no control over the actions of the reprehensible people who attacked Briana Wu, Tale has no control over those who attacked Liana K. I will not accept being held responsible for the actions of those I have no control over, I think the harrassers are terrible excuses for human beings and should **** right off, but do not believe anyone but themselves are responsible for their activity and as such only they should be blamed for it.
  20. No, because that's at least on topic of what you're supposed to be about. And they've done some truly ****ty stuff. Like the times they contributed to the leak of celebrity nudes, which wasn't even all that long ago.But going after game developers for petty slights, denying harassment, doxing, and the other disgusting things you enable, you deserve to be called out for it. I enable none of those things and condemn them when I have the opportunity. By that logic, you enable the harassment of Liana K and Claire Schumann, attempting to tank Jennifer D'Aww's Seedscape, and denying Ablegamers money from Mercedes Carrera's Porn Charity. I won't ascribe to guilt by association, but perhaps you should check where you're standing before tossing stones. Of course, I suppose one could consider drawing a mob towards Brad Wardell a "petty slight", but I would call that inducing harassment. As to alleged theft, as someone whose work was "appropriated" I tend to get very angry over stuff like that. Then again, my "going after" those in question involves bitching about it on KiA instead of bothering them on Twitter.
  21. It was corrected recently. Good on her for crediting the work she used in her game. In a world where using code uncredited is as common as it is, correcting a mistake is admirable. As to our online mob, Gawker has been targeted much more than her. Care to defend them?
  22. Absolutely. There was a similar petition to ban the game in Canada using the same arguments. I see the same attitudes from "Family-Values" conservatives, such as One Million Moms(laughably founded by a dude) getting Mistresses pulled off the air.
  23. I really don't want to argue semantics over censorship and banning. Rather, this is objecting to art(I realize this term may open a huge can of worms) because you find its content objectionable. On its own that isn't a problem, but when you start urging entities to stop carrying art because you don't like the content, you're attempting to force your views on others and stifle creative freedom. I don't like GTA but their right to make the content they want supersedes my right not to be offended. Now if the same group had instead put their efforts to something more positive, like promoting an existing game they found to be acceptable that would be quite a different matter, and frankly something I wouldn't mind seeing as I don't play GTA. But when you start clamoring to shut something you disagree with down, you're attacking someone's creative freedom. Not only is this bad for freedom, but it's also ineffective at stopping the spread of GTA and will probably end up increasing its popularity. The best way to combat GTA is to make an alternative that consumers will buy instead.
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