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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. No. This would be a complete non-issue if the bigots hadn't thrown a fit.Go read the replies to the other thread. Someone actually vowed to undermine everything Obsidian ever does. The reaction is completely, hilariously, out of proportion. Some bigots may have replied yes but what about those of us who just hate the growing censorship we are seeing in our society? You're a bigot too. Anyone who disagrees is a bigot and probably a communist MRA as well.
  2. You're either dishonest or ignorant. http://i.word.com/idictionary/censorship cen·sor·ship \ˈsen(t)-sər-ˌship\ noun : the system or practice of censoring books, movies, letters, etc. Full Definition 1 a :the institution, system, or practice of censoring b :the actions or practices of censors; especially :censorial control exercised repressively 2 :the office, power, or term of a Roman censor This move certainly can be regarded as censorship. https://www.aclu.org/free-speech/censorship Feel free to contradict the ACLU, but I'm going to give a bit more credence than you.
  3. Oh it makes clearly fun of that person for sure. But this is not about this. It is about censorship and the principle why you as artist should never give into these crazy people. Well yeah. Much as I don't like a lot of Japanese games, their devs know how to handle this kind of stuff.
  4. I like the new poem as a backhand to offendatrons. That said, the original submission should've stayed.
  5. Member of the Grand Patriarchal Council here, our plans at subjugating the females once and for all is close to fruition. Soon we will create our messiah and dominate the world with a millennium of toxic masculinity that only we apex males possess the testicular fortitude to survive in. With betacucks extinct, we will keep women imprisoned until we achieve cloning technology, after which we exile females to the edge of the galaxy. Make sure your privilege is checked and your microagression continues in the meantime.
  6. So a poem about a fool killing himself doesn't fit the tone of PoE, but the murder of children does? Glad the backer got input on this, but that justification is...odd.
  7. Ben Kuchera managed to make /pol/ look like nice guys.
  8. Huh? Weapons and Classes are definitely fails. Rogue is cancer. Tried several builds using hirelings and found that they aren't a very good choice in almost every circumstance I encountered. Needs some serious tweaking until it even approaches a viable substitute. Weapons also fail. Going for high damage and high armor piercing will give you the most consistently good damage output while using lower damage weapons will not perform well against enemies with good DT. Then if we're talking about styles, single handed gets BTFO by twohanded or dual wielding when it comes to dealing damage. Disclaimer, I play on hard or potd with full party. It might be easier on low difficulty or different with one character, but I have no interest in playing casual mode or soloing.
  9. Got my "everything but the disk" package a couple of days ago, is there any word on when the rest ships?
  10. Archive because 8chan is NSFW: https://archive.today/XOtpm You know those e-mails you sent? According to Acid Man, every advertiser pulled out. EVERY SINGLE ONE. We did it guys.
  11. Hey, he was visiting some cop buddy that had a heart attack too, so the poor guy was upset. *snort* I wish I could be abusive to the people I'm supposed to be serving when I'm "upset". Of course I don't know what it's like so I should give him a pat on the back for abuse of power.
  12. How long have you been here? They have no self-awareness, this has been demonstrated time and time again. But this is the pinnacle of "wait wat" and remains as such. I think the first female video game character that'll come to anyone's minds is either Peach or Samus. The SJW crowd complains about video games being sexist, then given an opportunity to make a character of their own, all they did was make Peach again but they cut her boobs off, while wording it in such a way that frankly sounds disturbing and almost....humorously, like something a Nazi would say. (not calling SJWs Nazis, mind you) It's so ridiculously over-the-top that it feels like a comedy skit. Cept I'm not laughing, I'm just extremely confused. Bro, these are the same people who decry harassment(especially of women) yet are totally fine with ghazi harassing Liana K. The same people who want more women in gaming yet try to get Jennifer D'aww's game not greenlit and throw a fit when the Escapist announced content by women was incoming because it was from the "wrong" type of woman. Arthur Chu, defender of women that he is, called a charity for a woman who had been gangraped in her home "stupid" because Mercedes Carrera signal boosted it and had to be shamed into donating. Speaking of that rape, these people aren't willing to signal boost the benefit drove for that rape victim but bitch nonstop about internet threats, the vast majority of which aren't credible at best, and trolling. Finally, we hear nonstop that we need more female and non-white representation and voices in gaming, but the second a female or non-white person goes against the narrative they get called sock puppets or told they've internalized something(ie are too stupid to know what's good for them) and ignored by a predominantly white and male clique of hipsters whose efforts extend to writing blog posts. At this point I would be more surprised if they showed self-awareness at all, as all evidence shows they lack even a trace.
  13. How long have you been here? They have no self-awareness, this has been demonstrated time and time again.
  14. Who are we supposed to be a hate group against again?
  15. I've seen cops do quite a bit of illegal(yet common) driving maneuvers. Not surprising one would threaten a guy with jail for honking at him, given how they usually operate, in fact I'm almost surprised there wasn't an arrest. But I suppose we just don't understand and the cop is the real victim here.
  16. As president I'd ban Ryan Reynolds from being in movies. My constitution has been buffed to 18. I can implement whatever I want. No more Ryan Reynolds movies? You've got my vote.
  17. ? Why would I want christians in gimp suits??? Or force romance into video games??? Why wouldn't you?
  18. Namutree will be the republican candidate for 2016. His platform will demand romance be inserted in videogames and Christians be forced to wear gimp suits in public.
  19. Use a tablet that allows you to scroll easily. #firstworldsolutions
  20. So will this allow Islamic businesses to not service women who don't wear hijab?
  21. Well technically we got kicked off 4chan(probably because after the Fappening moot didn't want to get sued), but otherwise you're right on the money. We built a time machine to install ourselves in the past to harass women by inserting limericks into massive videogames.
  22. Do the standard games from GOG. EE's don't add enough to justify the extra $ IMO. Wait on PoE because while it's really good, you want to have many of the worst bugs addressed first.
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