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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Prominent Texas Republican helped cover up child sexual abuse by a judge/Baptist leader. I'd make a joke here but honestly I'm too disgusted to muster anything but searing rage. The sooner these vermin get their ticket to hell the better the world will be.
  2. https://www.thenation.com/article/world/trump-israel-collusion/ Lmao
  3. Lucky Bastard (2013) I do not reccomend this to anyone. I See You (2019) Surprisingly very good, but it's something that you have to stick with. In many ways it reminds me of Barbarian (2022) so if you liked that this may be worth a go.
  4. I like to think Florida Man was birthed fully formed from our collective nightmares, but more realistically you're right. Though Barney Bishop III sounds like a supervillain or a evil rich guy name and something parents would only inflict upon a child they loathed. I guess he looks the part.
  5. Ever wanted to feel like your brain got microwaved? Then I have an article for you.
  6. The only options we had were milk and chocolate milk, until the vending machines in high school which may have had sodas but I honestly can't remember. Again bad memory, but I think it was 2% or skim. Not as good as juice or tea by a big margin but it's what was there and the water fountains tasted funny. I would usually get a cold sandwich because it came with a cookie. One thing I remember clearly was these rolls I assume were mass produced because they were the same in the 10 years I spent in the district. In high school in the a la carte section there was this thing we would call ****ty t******s, where you would get two rolls with chilli and cheese dumped on. Texas public school food was not very good in the aughts. Oh yeah good news........I ate crawfish today. Crawfish is damn good, I highly recommend everyone eat a crawfish boil at least once.
  7. Based "The police did everything to protect the demonstrators"
  8. I have to say I'm disappointed, I thought this would be a movie magic thing but you can see him put his hands under the table to take the watch off. I guess the people who would normally edit that out hit the streets.
  9. Are you sure? I know of another new law, or perhaps axing an old law is more correct here, that is very popular with the kids. Just not Swedish pizza.
  10. Tomo sounded familiar, so I looked it up and she is in fact the Villainess who is Taming the Final Boss. Unfortunately Jun is just the guy in JoJo who used Kraft Work and got shot by Mista. At least modern anime is consistent with American TV, where high school students look like adults in their late 20s. Because when I googled Tomo-chan is a Girl!?!?!?!?!, I was treated to an ad for a body pillow and a picture of Tomo-chan's boob enhancing bikini (made by Wiseman/Death Phantom for all potential BLACK LADY knock-offs) along with shirtless Jun, who is a jacked himbo on the path to becoming a gym god.
  11. To be fair, John Bolton has a vested interest in not wanting someone arrested for war crimes.
  12. The Matrix: Resurrections (2021) Somehow, Neo and Trinity have returned. The movie goes hard in parodying the idea of milking a franchise for all it's worth, which is probably the best part of it. It's certainly not game changing like the original Matrix and it's not as odious as some other sci-fi reboots, it's mediocre. Hopefully this is the end of the Matrix.
  13. There's a curious phenomenon in American politics where some folks believe that college students wield more power and have more responsibility than people currently in power. I dunno, the likely establishment Republican presidential contender banning books and teh gheys seems like a bigger deal than some college students mad at Charlie Kirk. Meanwhile....
  14. I saw the whited out one and assumed it was because @Bartimaeus was trying to contact Fire walk with KP, who was exiled to the black lodge for twenty five years for twenty five years.
  15. The answer is in the thread title, JOOOOOOOOOOOOJOOOOOOOO! You will either love it or hate it, and if you love it we can execute the JoJo Instrumentality Project in this thread and communicate solely through "ora", "muda", and the occasional "wrrryyyyyyyyy".
  16. I haven't played Aeon yet, but when I tested out builds it gave me the impression of adding stuff to a character more than buffing what a character could do, if that makes sense. Sohei is probably the best monk for going the full 20, imo the monk needs some accuracy and polearms are stronger than unarmed due to better crit ranges and reach. And you get a pet on top of that, which you can ride to flank and flurry every round.
  17. It's not only in b&w and those are phenomenal scenes, but I'm thinking more of how the lack of color makes it feel like.... seeing shadows projected on a wall is the best I can describe it as. There's something eerie about the above that I don't find Apocalypse Now doing quite the same, partly because the faces in Citizen Kane aren't lit and partly because the different perspective. Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now evokes a more personal feeling from me because of the perspective makes you feel in the middle of his conversation with Martin Sheen. Comparatively I feel more removed from the reporters, more voyeuristic and outside of their world. It has been far too long since I've seen The Godfather. I think I watched the first season, maybe two? It's been a while and my memory is bad. The person I watched it with was a bigger fan than I was and enjoyed it. Recently I enjoyed Three Pines, which is a detective series, but the feel is much different than how I remember Luther.
  18. Luther: Fallen Sun (2023) - A feature length police procedural with Gollum as a serial killer using internet magic. Ok if you're into that sort of thing and/or liked the series. Citizen Kane (1941) - It has been a long time and the talk about it here me want to see it again. It's definitely dated, from the way women are portrayed to the way the sets look, but the archetype of Kane seems to reoccur both irl and in fiction enough that it feels relevant enough, even if we ignore the massive impact it has had on cinema as an art form. I wish more current films were made in black and white, there was something disturbing about the way the darkness framed faces that I would like to see in more films but seems to get lost in color.
  19. You get a new class too, in case you want to do some multiclass shenanigans or even the insane gestalt stuff the Toybox mod enables. Personally I was going to do a Bloodrager or Demon Dancer Skald for my Demon run.....but I'm kind of interested in a natural attack build and Shifter may work better for that. Assuming the alignment restriction isn't Neutral or relaxed for the fiend or rage shifter. I haven't officially picked up the DLC but I probably will soon to check out the class.
  20. Three Pines 3-6. I watched 3+4 a while ago but didn't post about it. So each two episodes is a two-parter mystery, which makes this like watching a series of detective movies with an overarching mystery surrounding the disappearance of Blue Two-Rivers. I ended up sympathizing more with the killers of mystery 1 and 3 than I did the victims......which I suppose certainly says something about me.
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