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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think the idea is that Iomedae outright killing Deskarii herself would unite the Abyss by providing them with a common enemy, and that in turn would get all the other gods and planes to jump in. Honestly it's not very convincing because some of the other gods and planes are already involved on some way or another....and because Aroden already did it back when he was still around. At the end of the day it's just an excuse to have your party deal with it instead. Anyways.....I found a mod for a Swashbuckler with the Rostland Bravo archetype. This is bad news for the Aldori Defender, who now has competition for the classic "While you were getting mythic power I studied the blade" builds. And after several rerolls I think I got my Lich down and will finally play an evil necromancer. I kinda want to do the silly little cat romance because
  2. I think that was the first thing that got moded out lmao. Uh...I'm not convinced by the bear sex or edgelord origin but I'll probably play the game months after it releases and it's less buggy. I'll probably go with a College of Valor Bard.
  3. Enough to design a law specifically to target it. Construction is big business here and Perry Homes is a major Republican donor. However given the law's broad scope, it's more of an attempt to prevent cities and counties from doing anything in regards to business than taking out this regulation specifically. It's not a surprise, the large cities have been trending away from conservative politics for a while and are also where the majority of business happens, so the Texas legislature is trying to nip any "business unfriendly" regulations in the bud by preemptively blocking cities from doing them in the first place. Assuming the Death Star stands the results are going to be pretty bad, the state of the electric grid two years after an apocalyptic freeze showed how vulnerable it was is enough reason not to trust the Texas government at managing anything.
  4. https://www.texasobserver.org/texans-die-from-heat-exhaustion-after-governor-bans-water-breaks/ As someone who works a job where I am outside for a significant amount of time, I can guarantee that this "Death Star" ban on mandated water breaks is going to result in people dying. The political ghouls and their business backers behind this will have blood on their hands and deserve to burn in hell.
  5. Around here it's guaranteed to have fireworks being shot off (barring rain) as soon as fireworks are able to be sold and maybe a week after. I could deal with it if they stopped at 11 but they like to push it till the am. At least it wasn't until 3am like July 5th.
  6. If I had more disposable income I'd buy a lot of fireworks to setoff over the rest of the week in retaliation for being kept up all damn night before I have to go into work. Call me crazy, but it makes more sense to set off fireworks on July 3rd or the midnight of the 4th like you would for New Years. Let me enjoy a day off instead of waking up exhausted for work. Somewhat relevant, but my phone's has started giving me a moisture alarm whenever it's plugged into my vehicle. Tested with different cables and another phone to make sure, unfortunately the issue is definitely with the phone itself. So any firework money gets to go to a new phone instead of petty revenge against neighbors. Oh well.
  7. There's already been a live action JoJo. Not by Netflix, but it looks like it's in the same tier as the live action Sailor Moon @majestic was watching.
  8. This post gets scarier as it goes on. Uncle DIO needs to nuke Netflix adaptations and chatgpt next season. I watched The Bear season 2. Which is good, it was a nice move to have the entire season being dedicated to renovating and opening a restaurant instead of doing a montage episode. The Christmas episode is probably one of the best episodes of television period, but Bob Odenkirk as an **** and Jamie Lee Curtis having a break down are very enjoyable watches.
  9. Unless you designed the game I can't see how you're to blame, trash bloat is endemic to the game. I too would prefer if stat bloat was confined to the Hard and higher difficulties, it sucks that a sword and board heavy armor tank will struggle on Core. Ditto on AI, but SCS is a labor of love that just won't happen on a commercial game.
  10. I was a little confused when I saw it the first time ngl. It's pretty much Normal but without the 20% damage reduction.
  11. I think they put in one between them, Daring or something.
  12. Inseminoid (1981) Imagine a mashup of Alien and 80's monster rape. This is that mashup, with extra plot induced stupidity ane incompetence added for good measure. Unfortunately it doesn't get into entertainingly bad but just makes you wonder why so many people struggle to kill a hundred pound white lady on a rampage. Not a good time, if someone told me an AI made this to mimic 80's B-Horror I might believe them. Leon: The Professional (1994) A beautiful balancing act of wacky silliness and harrowing brutality elevates what could have been a forgettable story of a nice guy criminal into one of the best action movies made. Just incredible performances punctuated with some serious goddamn style. It's also refreshingly small in scale, somewhat like Taxi Driver, which works better for me and let's the characters breathe more. Cocaine Bear (2023) Like Prey it's a movie with questionable cgi that somehow turned out to be good. Unlike Prey it's just a ****ing laugh from start to finish....which sounds strange to say about a movie about a bear mauling people but here we are. It wears being a joke ok it's sleeve and it works beautifully.
  13. While I can understand the random encounters on a design or lore level (there needs to be some danger to sleep and you are in a demon infested hellscape), in practice it's just annoying. Getting my unbuffed backline mowed down by archer gang #42069 is more annoying and tedious than challenging. I'm less inclined to cut quests than cut or condense the mobs in quests or specfix areas, but it's been a while and there are definitely certain quests that could be cut. Anything with Owlcat puzzles comes to mind. Some areas are fine, but others are packed so much you can throw a rock in any direction and hit a mob. Off the top of my head and several months removed from having played WotR, I think Wintersun and the Baphomet mazes would have both benefitted from less but better designed mobs. For a guy known as the most clever demon lord the goat man really should use more tricks besides minotaur pairs. It's definitely a hard agree on the environment. Dialogue is bad but I'd be lying if on a meta level "(Evil) I don't like you, Die! [Attack]" or "(Lawful) You broke the law, Die! [Attack]" didn't make me laugh. It sucks to play but it feels like Owlcat is trolling a specific type of edgelord who wants to be Doctor Doom and instead has to be an insufferable bureaucrat.
  14. Eh, I'm pretty sure the great dreamer would just look up a guide. I'd go as high as 2/3rds of the encounters getting axed, or at least get compressed together. For the most part a lot of individual battles are just bland and could benefit from some variety to make it more interesting.
  15. To be fair Iomeneigh can have good AC, maybe not monk dip + crane style good but better than Seelah at least. And I think fear is supposed to be mind affecting but eh, Owlbrew is weird. Regardless, I think that Owlbrew Pathfinder expects substantial optimization and cheese to make it on higher difficulties (I'm including Core here, despite that being the "normal" difficulty by the text), too much in my opinion. It's not very intuitive and user friendly (of note, last I looked Outflank and Spell Penetration aren't recommended feats, despite most advice putting them as premium for melee and casters respectively), so I feel for people unfamiliar with Owlbrew coming in and getting rocked by the game because they weren't expecting it to play the way it does.
  16. If you compare the stats of WotR monsters to the Pathfinder pnp source, a mid-late game demon from a random encounter on Core would probably be able to wipe out pnp Cthullu. But despite wonky balance and weird writing it's still one of the best games I've played in a long time. Somehow it beats games that I should objectively like better and I have no idea why. It is and it isn't, there's some stuff I wish there would have been a lot more of and could have used more stuff. Like mythic paths that aren't Angel or Demon. But generally I agree, it's a very long game which takes commitment to finishing. Not at all helped by rerollitis. Anyways I'm finished with a lot of the rush from work and with the heat dome making being outside miserable it's time to finally embrace being an undead monster and do a Lich run. For real this time. I hope.
  17. Well how many times did he use the phrase "wet leopard growl"?
  18. It would make sense, but perhaps the fact that I haven't really heard much about Gabbard regularly over the last few years or so (your mention of her I've seen in months and covid has destroyed my sense of time) shows that there is maybe a limit to the "I left the left" grift in terms of launching someone into the big leagues of the grift game. If RFK goes the way of Gabbard, it looks like he'll go from being the current "anti-establishment" fave to doing slots on FOX news and hosting a middling show that struggles to pull any big names in. Still will probably make more money than having to get a real job though.
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