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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Electricity is ****ed in the place I'm staying, currently running my PC by precariously stretching a surge protector around a corner. I've got two finals I have to study for over the weekend and it would be a disaster if my reliable connection was unavailable.
  2. The op-eds proclaiming how empowering it is to have your organs as a commodity will be interesting to say the least.
  3. I disagree, I think it's more likely we'd see something along the lines of Chile with a US supported dictator. Perhaps I'm wrong and there's some alternate timeline out there where Cuba didn't end up with a dictatorship, but looking at the track record of the US in Latin America it seems the choice was either Castro(or some other anti-US leader) or a US backed dictator. I suppose with that US backed dictator we'd have less Cubans in Miami, a collapse in the 90's, and when he died less celebration/mourning about the end of the last refuge of Soviet Socialism, but frankly I don't see either option delivering a result that could be considered "good" for Cubans in the long-term.
  4. Building a trillion dollar wall is easier than getting parents to watch their kids.
  5. "No u" is the best you got? You make Jeb Bush look high energy. Sad!
  6. Well flys are attracted to excrement, perhaps he sensed you were full of it. ....well played.
  7. c'mon KP, we all know it requires a special brand of idiot to stoop so low as to consistently refer to people they don't like by childish nicknames I'm just trying to make the encounter something he can handle.
  8. Well seeing as the rest of the mob is here, how do we update our game? A play on their name, like Wrath of Dullard?
  9. So - to borrow D&D terminology - a level-appropriate encounter, basically. By all appearances it's a few CR too high.
  10. From what I can tell, Sorcs got a damage nerf but still have the best DCDs and the range advantage and good off-healing, (Deception)Sins have the ability to maintain +15% DR and Force Regeneration for a long time, and Guardians are good for PVE but run into issues when focused in PVP when they aren't tanks. I'd say play what you want, unless what you want is a lot of alts in which case tough **** and go with sorc.
  11. Yeah, Knights of the Eternal Grind does not look alt friendly and I've got too much stuff to do to get fully geared. I mean if this was something like Legacy and we got tokens or commendations that would be one thing but it's a huge amount of work to gear 1 toon in full 242(?) with set bonus.
  12. If you've got a lot of alts it's a pain in the ass to get geared for each one, more so than it was for PVP at least. Tried a few uprisings, pretty much shorter flashpoints without cinematics or koltostations. Doing them without a healer is a bitch and what (non payer or companion) healing there is doesn't reset between boss fights. Looks like I now have a reason to keep medpacs. And I really miss ravage.
  13. So what they're saying is that fascism is western civilization?
  14. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/trump-voter-lost-home-treasury-secretary-43923824 Beautiful.
  15. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1875/gotha/index.htm Please read what the actually man wrote before making a fool of yourself.
  16. The answer to your question is "no", if you would have gotten it all along instead of ctrl-Fing for Stalinism that should be clear. I guess proficiency in reading comprehension isn't a requirement for graduation at Rice.
  17. "Instead of reprimanding ordinary people, he should have applied the old Stalinist motto according to which the mobile of progress in Socialism is self-critique, and exerted a radical critique of the system he and Fidel personify. Here, again, evil is in the very critical gaze which perceives evil all around." I removed what triggered you. Do you get it now or do I have to hold your hand?
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