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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I am a WASD+Mouse person. I resist controllers as much as I can. I am a proud PC gamer and feel that companies who wish to cater to certain audiences (and get their money) should make the extra effort to then adapt their product to those audiences. If there was a PC-Pride Parade I'd be there marching in it I gave up on Sleeping Dogs when I couldn't figure out how to look up and then, when I finally reached the place I needed to be, had to endure a (for me) horrible QTE trying to break away from cops trying to cuff me. Some games are just not made to be enjoyed by some people. Fair enough, i can live with that. Besides, I still need to manage to beat most scenarios in Fate of the World, finish the Anno 2070 campaign, finish the Frozen Synapse campaign...
  2. Aaargh! I have to catch up! Oh and pertinent to the discussion so this can slip through the spam rules : Know a couple of left handed gamers. It was especially wierd when we were kids and they had to cross their hands in wierd ways to use a joystick. Also: when on a motorcycle in Sleeping Dogs and you stop at a red traffic light. How do you look up to see when the traffic light changes to green?
  3. After the terrible FF8 port all I have to say is "Wow! Square figured out PC games need a Quit Game option!"
  4. The end hass to be climatic. I guess as a lot of players do not have the patience or attention span to go through a long dialogue driven end (and it is difficult to do for the writers), using assets that are already there (hordes of stock enemies) is the way out. Which is why for me the most memorable game ending is and remains Arcanum, having the long chat with Kerghan.
  5. I found that you have to be in the right mood to get into Walking Dead. But once you overcome that first hurdle its just as hard to let go as it was to get in
  6. DA:O vanilla was a good game (if you turn a blind eye to certain parts of the story and play the characters with the personality the writers want you to have). Stone Prisoner was a good DLC (well content cut from the game and turned into launch day DLC). I was even tempted to rebuy it, then I realised I'd have Return to Ostagar and everything that came after it... that would just annoy me to knowingly spend money on I keep looking at the Steam page in case the expansion for Anno 2070 gets a better sale than the 33%
  7. I had played and loved the previous Alice game and just couldn't get into the sequel.
  8. Even so, it still is the land you have to always be on the lookout for drop bears.
  9. I know. 10 years ago I probably would have written a long and, more importantly, serious answer
  10. Thought about it, remembered it is terrible and I wouldn't play more than the first level if I bought it
  11. Deus Ex: Human Revolution at 2.99... must control urge not to buy a game I allready own Borderlands 2 50% off as well...
  12. Just noticed that, in complete absendmindedness I bought Botanicula on both Steam and GoG and haven't even downloaded, installed and obviously played it...
  13. Pfft I have 2 years on you, young 'un. There are always good excuses to be found why dating isn't a good idea at the time
  14. Hey at least, unlike some of us, you are actually going out there
  15. Yeah, that's veteran. Makes the game very easy, has some veteran only dialogue options (the oposit to rookie I guess) and lets you do both in Brayko's mansio even without high enough tech skill.
  16. Now imagine that whole experience with Morrigan following you around
  17. Daughter... Overlord... favourid writer... sounds like Rhianna Pratchett
  18. I think UFO: Extraterestrials is on sale for something silly like 2.99 or so. Always felt it was the closest to the original X-Com. It's been out for a while. Someone gave impressions in the What Are you palying now thread if I remember well
  19. Good thing the storm blew part of the roof off then, huh? At least you can get out that way if the door wont open Is it damage you can fix yourself?
  20. A colleague and I discovered a leak to the Press today... A rather facepalm moment. I'll describe the basic rundown without names. *phone on the desk of the colleague who wasn't in today rings. I pick it up* lady on the phone (after the whole he isn't in yes I'll try to help you instead if I can talk) : "I am calling from <news agency> in regards to the president's statement this morning. We didn't get the usual email alert, instead we only got a late, very short alert from your agency a short while ago. Now our correspondent did get an SMS, but he was in the car on his way to a conference, so he requested for the full mail to be send to us here at the main office instead. Only we never recieved it. I am not sure who is responsible for the thorough press briefing, but we do require it, so I was wondering if you could tell me who I should contact so we recieve that email as well? It would be unfair if all the other agencies got it and we didn't..." Lady on the phone gives the email address that their news briefing is usually send from. It's a private gmail address... "The short briefing you got from our agency? It is the only official briefing there is and it went out at the time you recieved it. You do not need to be on a special mailing list to get it. There was no statement issued before that by a goverment agency, nor was there a longer statement. The email you gave us is <name> private email address. We do not know what agreement she may have with your correspondent..."
  21. According to Associated Press this morning: 8 days of conflict. 4 Israelis dead (of these 2 were confirmed as military) and 12 wounded. 161 Palestinians dead. Meh, I work in a Press Office at the moment...
  22. What's up with all the hostility in here all of a sudden?
  23. Speaking of great voice acting and story: All three Deathspank games are 75% off. Drat, I already own them all EDIT: ok the Baconing is 75% the other two seem to be 50%
  24. If you do I hope you have fun with it
  25. So in other words you are saying the same thing I am
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