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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. In World of Darkness it is in a way what White Wolf had tried to accomplish with HunterNet - an online mailing list that could be accessible to players all around the world in any campaign the Storytellers allowed. Sadly it was based on the assumption that players and GMs would be mature and was soon flooded with werewoofs, elder vamps and silver katana wielding delta force. When we broke off into HunterUK we had a blast. I think there were about 4 standard groups using the list for some added roleplaying (and hating my Innocent ) The problem with groups playing in the same campaign is how you handle actions that affect each other. It can be rather annoying to appear at your gaming session and be told that xyz happened and you cannot react because the other goup did a weekend gaming marathon and is a month ahead. And the possible meeting of groups can be worse. We had quite a bit of trouble handling that in a AD&D campaign.
  2. Changeling was one of the other options of campaign setting I had in mind. Basically what I told a friend in an email was: "I may be in town for a few months and run a campaign. It will be either Changeling, Warhammer or my own setting." But as a setting Changeling always intimidates me. Or WoD does in general. I can be a player in it, but Storytelling... I GMed WHFRP for over a decade, so it is the ruleset I am most confident with and always end up using. But I have been trying to broaden my horizons. You should run screaming; Warhammer roleplaying is a horror setting more than a fantasy setting. Tell your friend to look into the 1st edition Something Rotten in Kislev campaign book, if she can find it. The first of the three adventures is rather good and introduces kislevite nature spirits. You guys probably will love those Been reading up on 7th Sea JayDGee suggested. Some very interesting things there. But it seems a tad too heroic for my style.
  3. Don't feel that they come close o Gran Torino though Obviously opinions vary
  4. Those are his really good ones. If you have watched those you don't need to watch the rest. Can't remember what the rest was, but I guess that's my point
  5. No idea then either. Having finishe dit in recruit should be enough.
  6. So an unstable person going on a rampage, murdering people is funny these days?
  7. Lol, I see it, I must have it If it's good enough for Burt Reynold's to be it's mayor, it's good enough to buy
  8. He has a small, dedicated following. Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as fear (because as you mentioned, they scare you), surprise (who would have expected Cullen to have fanatic fans) and a near fanatical devotion to Cullen (though we may have to scratch the word "near") and nice templar uniforms. I don't know about ruthless efficiency though. Apparently Cullen is the Figwit of DA:O
  9. Salvation's Reach... been meaning to get ahold of that.
  10. Started watching Coppers which is ok. The atmosphere I like quite a bit. Really enjoyed the first few episodes of The Last Resort but was bored to death by the latest one.
  11. Good to hear. The internet is full of SIE-haters. Though it seems to be the same group of people who are angry that Sis isn't a romance option... Must be an age thing. I think I am getting too old for the internet.
  12. Couldn't get into any GTA after Vice City. Other than some annoying missions I really hated (flying a remote helicopter through a construction site for example) it was an amazing gaming experience. The 80s and Miami Vice thing it had going allowed for a very focused atmosphere that for me they just haven't managed to create since. If I can't have that I'll just go all crazy character customization and over the top grotesque sillyness and wait for Saints Row: Enter the Dominatrix
  13. Now there is a game that deserved GOTY. And the soundtrack by nervous testpilot is fantastic as well.
  14. Was it much worse than his pre-awakening posts? I left that forum when I realized I was about to add a dev to my ignore list
  15. Anubite, you start sounding like Steven Heck Back to Dragon Age 2: I think what, from a point of game design, was a bad decission was taking over too many elements from Mass Effect. Especially the house with an npc to alert you to new messages. It was annoying but fit with the Normandy in ME2, but the butler dwarf... it gave me the impression of: "The powers that be told us to implement these ME2 features and so we did." Then again Mr. Gaider had been very vocal on the forum about taking some of the things that ME did different than Dragon Age and using them. I felt though that some of them made the game less Dragon Age 2 and more Mass Effect in a fantasy setting - and that did not work for me.
  16. Let's put it this way: I am affraid that you are probably right in assuming that I probably am overreaching. But I do like using at least two "probablies" in that sentence and keeping that slight possibility out there. It's a million to one chance that I am right. But as everyone knows, million to one chances come true nine in ten times. Besides, its fun converting people to this theory. So far nobody has been able to completly discredit it
  17. Yeah now you are laughing. In two days when the big revelation will have been completly spoiled for you...
  18. Hope you enjoy it. Loved the game. Gives a lot of choices. And it sure isn't easy. Let us know how your game turns out. King Arthur 2 is good as well, though they streamlined a lot making it easy and turning it more theme-parky.
  19. A cynic would say: "why did they need to give away free copies of ME2 with it?"
  20. I really enjoyed the fae part of the story: the house of Ballads and the house of Sorrows story arcs that is. Everything to do with the Darkelves erm I mean Dorkalfar I found rather boring. Though it is my opinion that it is exactly because of a certain well known author that the world became so dull. He is known for writting about dark elves and most of what he did in KoA was ... write about dark elves. Totaly agree about the dispelling mini game and mentioned it in our Alpha Protocol discussion before. I am certain that from now on, whenever faced with a mini-game I will say "Could be worse - at least its not the dispelling from KoA"
  21. I always found (and may very well be alone in this) that there is one final layer of ambiguity if I remember correctly: the meta-game. If you kill a main-quest npc resulting in the main quest becomming not-completable, the game shows you a message that "With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created." But threads and weaves seem to be more the thing of Mephala the Webspinner and not Azura. So it is my own interpretation, that the whole main quest is just a game of Mephala's who is pretending to be Azura sending people on epic quests
  22. What you say there, it comes dangerously close to a logical argument. I am not certain that is permitted by the usual gaming forum terms of service. Add to that the fact that your post is devoid of net-slang such as "lol". You may want to look into your posting habits before you are branded a pariah.
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