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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. A mix of myself and original character. How original can a character be anyway As I am not decided on gender though, I can't predict that I will completly play myself either.
  2. I only really got into SR3 after playing co-op with a friend. After that I somehow got all into the single player as well. Wierd. I loathed Darksiders. Couldn't even get as far as you before I gave up on it.
  3. I liked most planets. Hoth was great. Tatooine was great. I loved Voss. I enjoyed Nar Shadaa, Coruscant, Balmorra, Korriban and Dromund Kaas (the city and ancient temple part mostly). The other three starting planets left me kinda indifferent though Hutta had the benefit of the agent personal story and Ord Mantell had me hunting for . The jedi one was the one that just could not make me care (the one planet I haven't made it past ) I couldn't stand Alderaan. 5 minutes into it I was bored. But that is not really Bioware's fault. I don't see how they could have made "snowy mountain" more interesting than "snowy mountain". And the theme: good duke fighting evil baron. I don't know who came up with the original Alderaan story in the EU or wherever, that the poor Bioware writers had to base their concept on. But seriously what is Alderaan supposed to be? A Dune fanfic without desert, spice or worms?
  4. I think the whole Lannister cast was well chosen.
  5. The fun part is when the city then fines you for having leafs on the ground that constitute a fire hazard
  6. Spice Opera was a fantastic soundtrack. Got all of it in my playlist, though I prefer Chani's Eyes:
  7. Anno 2070 does have random continuous maps in addition to the campaign and scenarios. I spend most my time on a small continuous on easy difficulty. It's a shame that map size is tied to difficulty. Made you a screenshot: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=111404315 Oh also: My oil rig: http://steamcommunit...7&insideModal=1 (that's my continuous game by the way. The purple areas on the minimap are mine) and my reseach outpost: http://steamcommunit...9&insideModal=1 (same playthrough but before I changed my profile colour to purple) On higher difficulties AI players can be rather aggressive. At least the militant ones. But on an easy map you only get nice people to keep you company. Still, after a while, managing all the resources can be quite challenging. The real stupid part about the game is that its UBIsoft. Which means UPlay.
  8. @LadyCrimson I see your roman hovels and raise you by an eco-friendly island paradise: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342855&insideModal=1 we have blimps: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342907&insideModal=1 our citizens have roof teraces and dogs: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342910&insideModal=1 and work on a construction site: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342893&insideModal=1 and a burger factory on a different island: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342886&insideModal=1 so the people digging for uranium can eat: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=26342864&insideModal=1
  9. (Phantasy Star 2 >) Super Mario RPG > Legend of Zelda > Final Fantasy VI How the hell is FF VI a platformer? Or Phantasy Star 2?
  10. I think in '98 I was playing FFVII. But in '99 Nomad Soul came out which brought some ambition to PC games.
  11. Alpha Colony. Second time round. They did a kickstarter a while back for 150K which came close but failed. So they secured alternate funding and continued working on it. Did a kickstarter for the final stretch of 50k and reached $49.972. It's completly depressing. They had made those 50k twice over the first time round...
  12. Woke up, had breakfast. Checked kickstarter and stared in disbelief at a project failing to meet its goal by $28. If I had checked before breakfast I could have upped my pledge and they would have made it...
  13. Ooooh, Hinterlands was awesome. But honestly, try Startopia if you haven't. You "plonk down rooms" but at least you set their size, shape and choose the items that go in them. It has research and some trading and, for those thus inclined combat. And it has terraforming.
  14. I honestly don't know and although I do try to tag things I think are actual spoilers (Dumbledore dies, Spike dies, etc.), certain things to me are just... a given. If you're playing a popular game or reading a popular book, don't use the internet for a week. Those two characters dying TWD is very old news at this point (their deaths were also practically telegraphed a mile away), I may as well spoiler tag all my posts from now on? I mean, I could tell everyone how Planescape Torment ends, and lots of people pick up that game for the first time every day. Sorry, I guess I've never understood the point of spoiler tags - I always click on them even if I don't know the spoiler. People hiding parts of their posts looks ugly too There is a difference between a game from 1999 and a game that (besides the last episode not being out long) a lot of people on this forum just bought during a deal. This should be obvious.
  15. I'm backing Alpha Colony A family, strategy, trading game with a cute robot. Only just over 30 hours to go and they still need 9k. Would be nice if they made it. Seems like a nice little game and a good crew making it.
  16. I think the acceptance of Mike being Mike, with his own personality, is the major factor that liberates you during dialogues. In Mass Effect, Dragon Age or other games, Shepard, or whatever the character is called, appears to be given personality by you (even though this is impossible, as the dialogue has to be pre-written and de facto includes personality - that is another discussion, I guess, about why some games are doomed to anger players ) while Mike's character stays the same, it is only the way he judges a situation and decides to handle it that changes. Something the dialogue tutorial with Westridge tries to explain even. From there on, the "right" approaches are pretty much intuitive and, since there are only labels for the approach and nothing to actually read, should not take time. You see a man in a dingy bar enjoying a quit drink. What are you going to do? Wave a badge at him? Of course he wont like that. Sit down, order a drink... you have the time to spare for that after all. But it will be Mike who does the actual sitting down.
  17. So, at what point do people have to start using the spoiler tags?
  18. That's why later you should move on to Startopia. Best game from the post-bulfrog-era made by former bullfrogians.
  19. I enjoyed meeting Reinhart so much, that I forget all other characters. (not direct quotes) "How did you survive the mansion?" "You mean the meeting of all legion descendants in one location? That was so obviously a trap, I didn't go."
  20. Great idea! Food for thought: Gorth feeds lizards. But Fionavar is a huge green lizard. Is there a connection? Does Gorth try to raise a Fionavar 2.0 ? Or is there something even more sinister looming in our future? Find out soon in our Season Special: What You Did Today - Rise of the Poisonous Lizard Moderators edit: just on a side note to that: Gorth feeds lizards cheese. Fionavar is a wine connoisseur. That can't be coincidence.
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