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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I heard a rumour about a playable alpha version having been leaked as a torrent
  2. The Wire Battlestar Galactica (reimagined) MacGyver The Fallguy Sledge Hammer The Raccoons Batfink
  3. eh, showing my age again Then just turn the minuses into pluses then, the basic thought stays the same
  4. I can't really remember how it went, but could it be that there is a confusion between natural AC and actual AC? The magic modifier of equipment, such as the magic medium armor +3 could be added to natural AC. The enchantment's protection is in effect even while the character is immobilised. So a human with a natural AC of 10 would have a AC of 7 wearing said armor even while under the effect of a hold person spell - while the weaknesses of the armor can be exploited with the character immobilised, the enchantment is still in effect and has no specific weak spot. So an unarmored human has an AC of 10. A human wearing an unenchanted version of the armor has a natural AC of 10 and an effective AC of 3. A human wearing the enchanted version has a natural AC of 7 and an effective AC of 0. Does that make sence or am I completly off base here?
  5. That is a very interesting take on Wynne
  6. I'd be happier if he actually spend the full four years in prison
  7. I like what you tried to do with the game; how you tried to explore ways of story telling. I even liked that the whole game stayed in the same location. But I believe in Act 3 the story fell apart. But I'll spare you my opinions The fight with the Arishok was fun, the most difficult part of the game and, in a way, I guess unavoidable? We all knew that things with the Qunari could not end well.
  8. Thanks! I'll have to look into it. Only one kind of dice is always an advantage. And d10s are in abundance as people have dabbled in WoD. It is indeed the core system I am most interested in. From there a GM can build on it as needed.
  9. Havent done that yet. Also need to start hunting for the books...
  10. The awesomest thing that happened on my birthday obviously is that I was born. Other events look at wikipedia to see if they happened on the same day I looked at wiki, but must say I found it more interesting to read only fraactions of each entry then skip to the next. That way I ended up with this event: World War I: Major League Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis shocks the Theosophy movement by dissolving the Berlin Olympics.
  11. I am considering setting up a little campaign this holliday season. But am not sure what system would best suit me. The setting would be the faery tale world, which has begun to react to the changes and mostly the cynicism in the real world. As a result, the magic kingdoms are dragged into a sudden and violent industrial revolution. Gameplay wise this would result in both magic and basic gunpowder but also clockwork and steam. (I guess being on this forum I have to admit a certain love for Arcanum ) Tech won't have to really be truly feasible as I do want some more artsy creations such as steam powered horses for the king's guard. I was considering going with WHFRPG rules as I am most familiar with it and just wing it... Any idea would be appreciated.
  12. Trying to remember the specs of my 286. Or what my dad had before the PowerMac (I think a 7100)...
  13. Eh, customer support in the game industry has been suspect since everything moved to internet only. If you need to ask the person who's decision you have a problem with to please forward your complaint, then chances are they wont do it. Why risk it if they can just delete your ticket and move on? With a call center, not passing you up the ladder was less easy, as when you call again you'd get a random other person. My experience with Blizzard has been limited but neutral (good experience with GMs, silly experience with techies). Then again I remember the ban of the GLTB (or in what order those letters go) guild, which was completly out of order. I've had terrible experiences with other companies though. Fantastic experiences with yet others. I wouldn't be surprised if the anti-cheating software mistook whatever linux users use to run windows games as illegal 3rd party software. Kinda like a false positive.
  14. I miss that... when the games were about ridiculous fun and not about balanced armies.
  15. The fun bit was when the player later complained that nothing was happening
  16. But with Orks at least that's part of the fun. They were meant to be a gamble. Did you ever get to read 40k 1st ed rules for Orks? There were two books, Freebooterz and ... can't remember the name right now. You would actually roll dice for every mob to see whether they'd show up or if they were too drunk on fungus beer from the night before
  17. Agreed. My elite chaos marine strike team misses on every shot. The Ork Waaaagh! bearing down upon me hits with every single shot, one-shotting my Great Unclean One with a lascannon to add insult to injury...
  18. I was planning to. Don't know if I'll have the time.
  19. You should channel that alien-killing-prowess and play Space Invaders. Space Invaders isn't turn-based. True. Neither are Dishonored or Boderlands though, so I guess you have no option but to replay XCOM
  20. You should channel that alien-killing-prowess and play Space Invaders.
  21. Players can only be controlled through fear... and surprise. Surprise and fear.... At least those ***** who in my campaign, when confronted with the murder mystery, said "Don't go that way! That's a quest hook, better ignore it."
  22. Actually no. I've been mening to look it up when I get some time. Hmm, got a spare copy on Steam if you are interested. (if I remember correclty)
  23. Reading about the X-COM games you guys play makes me feel as if I was watching some sci-fi story unfold where the human commanders escape to alternate realities each time the aliens overrun the reality they were currently defending. Reminds me a bit of Now Wait For Last Year by Philip K. ****. Did you know it's now for Iphones? Hmmm... and I have a Galaxy... buy iPhone for retro gaming or keep the android? Decissions decissions
  24. Used to GM. I enjoy both GM/Storytelling and being a player. Can't ever be a DM. To me a DM is a Deviant Master, leader of a certain cult of Slaanesh in WHFRPG 1st Edition.
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