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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Trying to back, but the site is being wonky... I guess too much traffic. So no confirmation mail... not even from amazon :/
  2. Ah its his first link! He posted so many I missed one
  3. This thread seems to be missing the link to the gamespot livestream with Chris Roberts' annoucement http://www.gamespot.com/shows/gamespot-live/?event=roberts_space_industries_gdc_panel20121010
  4. The thing is, why does it sound "right" just because it is in a foreign language? The names are equally silly in english as they are in any other language. But it seems only when we translate the names that the ridiculousness hits us. On a related unrelated note: It's pretty much the opposite of Games Workshop settings were english words are translated into faux german to create imperial names. They sound extremly ridiculous...
  5. I have done worse. A game called Paradise Cracked. My sniper crouched on high ground. Cybernetic eyes and the best sniper rifle money could buy. Enemies out in the open, no cover whatsoever. The game says 100% chance to hit. I missed 120 shots (or around there... stopped counting after a hundred, didnt start counting until I had gotten frustrated). Eventually I had one of my other team members rush out with an SMG and mow them down
  6. I'm a bit scared of playing BL2. I had so much fun with Lilith in 1, I am worried I'll be missing that playstyle "Look at that little Lilith go, beatin' all them boys down."
  7. Yeah. Free with pre-order, payable DLC for later purchases.
  8. Planning to play some Anno 2070 over the weekend...
  9. And I now have an image of Werner as Sarevok. The Lord of Murder shall perish But in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny Bölkstoff will be sown from their passing So sayeth the drunk Alaundo
  10. I hope those are the wrong examples. It should be english names were there is no relation to an english speaking culture. Sunset Sarsaparilla and the rest of the Fallout universe are in the US, the english names belong there. What I hope the OP is refering to is having a game translated into german but having to still enter the "Endless Paths" instead of the "Unendlichen Pfade" (oder so) makes no sense. At least that is how I want to understand the OP
  11. Yeah. I just managed to get ahead of the leveling curve so did the spider cave while two levels above the critters. There was danger of dying, but it was far from the first couple of maps that had me drinking potions like crazy. I think at the moment the difficulty is just right for me. But that may mean its too easy for people who realy wanted elite.
  12. What LadyCrimson said. Also, after a while you will just *know* Hair pins for example are for Katrina. Knight stuff is for Lucas etc
  13. It's a room full of people who backed a project based on their love for the IE. We kinda are old men... ok middle aged... but as a starting audience we are getting closer to old than young
  14. Also teleport in Arcanum. That was a great spell. Charm in Arcanum was great as well... running around with an army of followers. But teleport was awesome. Especially on the evil playtrhough where...
  15. Have you even seen how much cash they got? "they made it at least" ? Silly troll.
  16. The Mechanus Cannon. How could anyone not love that? (I'd post a video but work has youtube blocked )
  17. Ah see, I already try not to die on non-Hardcore Did One-Eyed Willy, Modrox (or how he's called) and General Grell without dying and was really proud of myself after that But Frost Phase really helps with those tight places that make kiting difficult. Agreed on the focus. You have so much mana and it regens so fast, you hardly need potions outside long boss fights.
  18. The Wasteland 2 thing is not Obsidian loosing focus. It is Brian Fargo pledging support to Project Eternity. Basically what Brian Fargo said is: "Hi guys! I'll support your kickstarter campaign! But how about insetad of just giving you money and being one more backer, I give you copies of this highly anticipated game I am making to give away to your backers?" The Facebook thing: Any product needs marketing. That would usually be the publisher's job. This project is self-published (Yay!). The devs have to come up themselves with ways to make the public aware of it. And that public is not just those of us old enough to have, when BG first came out, said "Whoa! Isometric? I can see my character? An RPG that is not first person?!?" or "Its good... but... it's no Eye of the Beholder..." A facebook page is a cheap way of having an accessible online presence. Would people rather they did not have a facebook page but then would have to spend actual cash on advertising? Cash that could have been used to make a better product?
  19. Thought I'd share my experience with the Embermage. I play on Elite which had me die a lot at first. It is quite a challenge and has me running away a lot and drinking more potions on one map than I drank with my Engineer throughout normal mode. I was going to try and use any skill that can keep my character alive. I ended up using skills that make the character fun as heck to play and the survivability seems to have started building up as a side effect. So far I have Magma Spear (starting skill) which hits every enemy in a straight line and has a chance to set them on fire. It has a nice range (pretty much the length of the screen and can be spammed. I also have Magma Mace, a melee skill that has a high chance to Stun enemies. I have this on tab, in case enemies come too close, to buy me time to run. While it was useful at first, it is loosing its usefulness very fast. It does not build up charge. Charge Mastery (passive) I am increasing quite a bit. It improves the rate charge builds up and reduces the rate at which it decays. Charge for the Embermage allows the use of skills without mana cost for a short time once the charge bar is filled up. Very useful skill, obviously. Frozen Fate (passive) gives a chance to freeze up to 4 enemies around any enemy you kill. I hope this to icnrease my survivability. Frost Phase is a teleport with a very short cooldown, allowing me to get out of trouble (and even cause some damage as I leave), Prismatic Rift (passive) has a quite nice chance of randomly teleporting enemies that hit me. Especially usefull against melee enemies. And especially fun during fights with already teleporting enemies as they zip around the battlefield like crazy Wand of Chaos (passive) adds a chance for a "strange" effect to happen to targets of your Wand attacks, but also Magma Spear, Magma Mace, Icy Blast and Shock Bolts. The effects seem to include: Acid Rain, Fire Rain, huge rock crushing down, poison, burn, freeze, panic... and can even summon a little flying critter to attack your foes. The chance for effect starts at 8% at rank 1 and increases by 2 per rank - a 10% chance at rank 2 for your weapon attack to deal AoE damage isn't shabby. At the moment I mostly run away from enemies, try to line them up for Magma Spear, spam that and watch Wand of Chaos effects happen. It's a lot of fun. I had a wand that actually had homing attacks... will try to figure out which wands have that. edit: So far I have beaten General Grell, which isnt far at all. But in Elite it is taking me a while to clear maps.
  20. Thirty, counting the free ones.
  21. Well at least someone understand it I still don't. If Blizzard can do global launches, why can't the rest of the industry?
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