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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I am so going to rob a bank tomorrow. When they catch me I'll them the reasonable thing would be to ask for the money back "ok, you caught me, here you go" . Jail time? Not gonna happen.
  2. Watching a race car and driving a race car are two very different experiences. Of course the analogy would be better if one were comparing watching a haycart, and being drunk on a haycart. Seems more like watching Forrest Gump and being Forrest Gump (without getting rich and lucky at least once).
  3. I always forget that you are you, the fellow Teasman from that time when hanging out on the Bioware forum was not associated with wierd alien erotic fetishes.
  4. So one of my mother's hobbies since retiring is worrying about my career and scouring the internet for jobs that could interest me. Among those was a job as German Gaming Advisor. Sounded kinda neat. Then I looked at more than the title: customer support for the Elder Scrolls MMO. Which at least in the EU, as it turns out, will not be done by Bethesda itself but is handled by these kind souls in Lissabon (company recruitment video follows) : Part of the benefits package for the Elder Scrolls team the company is putting together, in anticipation of the game's release, is "exclussive access to the game". So if you end up playing and wonder why the CS person knows little more than you (if anything), don't be a racist and complain about CS getting outsourced to India. It didn't. It got ourscourced to Portugal
  5. I bought an issue of PC Gamer (UK). I quickly realised why I hadn't done that in ten years or so. I wish journalists who want to sound fancy would first figure out what those fancy words mean, before they use them.
  6. Pondering deep gamer-philosophical questions: If you play a game and are not logged onto Steam so people can witness you playing, do you truly exist and play? Achievement or it didn't happen?
  7. All i care about is an immersive world and story and interesting characters to interact with. Real Time or turn Based? Both will be equally bad if the story isn't up to par.
  8. I'm more likely to end up learning to do a point and click adventure
  9. I uninstalled. But if you people are playing maybe I should reinstall... I got a max level villain but then got kinda bored. It is a great game to have some fun with and traveling through the cities is really fun in an by itself.
  10. I have some concepts for a combat free rpg. I'd love to make one. But I can't make games
  11. I think the name is silly. Usually video game names are silly, but this is one of those names that try to be cool while being silly. Tired of "death"this, "dark"that etc. I'm too old for that. That is not to say that I may be overlooking an awesome project. But I have spend too much on kickstarter already. I am backing the Mandate and that is enough for me right now.
  12. Installing Batman right now
  13. That is on my wishlist... It's my 2013 game of the year pick so far. If you're into adventure games, I can't recommend it enough. I still havea huge backlog when it comes to adventure games. Never finished Ceville and also playing the Book of Unwritten Tales.
  14. Applied for a job that would be awesome... Now to wait for the rejection
  15. I'd take your Batman off your hands
  16. Eh, you are playing a game called Max that does not involve a psychotic white rabbit...
  17. Be my bodyguard instead! Then I could be your long lost pal.
  18. With the prompts at the bottom it looks more like QTE-Murder-Babe than anything I'd associate with Lara
  19. Also, he has left it open and anything that other people would call pre-orders, in this system gets addd to the crowdfund tally.
  20. Makes me proud to have paid for my Wadjet Eye Games games.
  21. Don't know, it sounds like pregnancy to me. Very worrysome if you are male, as it means you might be turning into Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  22. That was the one case worth disagreeing with her. You get to call her out on her own sexism, seeing how she had no problem as a Queen when the arranged marriages targeted boys. Her excuse: "They are boys, they will enjoy it"
  23. I think you needed something like 1700 words a day to make the goal. Sadly I can't even find a point in my schedule to fit in writing in the next two weeks so I won't be able to participate yet again. I guess I'll do the screenplay thing in April instead. 1600andsomething. I'll try to have 10k by the end of the weekend though to get ahead of the wordcount. I'll see how it goes and may just blog the story, uploading thousand word chunks.
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