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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. When talking anal cavity, "inside source" is an interesting choice of words.
  2. Serious Sam 3: BFE Jewel of the Nile - Holy **** this is hard! I'm almost out of ammo for the weapons I got and they just keep sending waves of big and nasties at me. I'm facing multiple enemies that I generally use things like the rocket launcher of Devastator on and all I got is about 30 shotgun shells to use with the double barrel. What usually winds up getting me is those damn Kleer skeletons while I'm trying not to get blown up by rockets or run over by charging bulls.
  3. I'm definitely all for Evil Genius 2. While the first game was far from perfect and not on par with Dungeon Keeper, it was still a fun game and had a ton of promise that wasn't quite realized.
  4. If a game is available for both Windows and Linux, and we already own it on Windows, does it apply to both? (Similar to Mac OS and Windows before) The sale applies to all platforms for that particular game. So if a particular Linux game is also available on Windows (which is currently true for every single Linux title available on Steam TTBOMK) then it's also on sale for Windows. And if you own a Windows copy then you own a Linux copy and vice versa.
  5. Nope TrueNeutral but you can't change your mind, sorry. The Moderators can correct me but as far as I know the forum rules explicitly state " members cannot change there opinions once posted". You ran the game down and said you wouldn't support it. Thats was your opinion back then and now you need to stick to it. But because I like you I'll send you some Youtube clips of me having fun and playing the game when its released Wait a minute. I just think he's living up to his alignment. He had a negative opinion of the project, so naturally, to maintain neutrality, he had to balance it with a positive opinion.
  6. Gotta be ****ing kidding me. Makes more sense than a Kinect shooter. Just sayin'.
  7. I was going to shelve Serious Sam 3: BFE for a while since I just finished it, but then Uncle Gabe sprang this Steam Linux sale on me and I scooped up the Jewel of the Nile DLC, so when in Rome Egypt...
  8. Steam is having a Linux celebration (Linux-a-bration? Celebratiux?) with a mountain load of Steam Linux games deeply discounted until Feb. 21st. /scoops up Serious Sam 3: BFE Jewel of the Nile DLC for $1.99 //reloads AS-24 Devastator
  9. Though hasn't 3DS taken a bit of a hit just from the phone market? Undoubtedly. Though the 3DS is on track to sell nearly 30 million units in its first 2 years. Obviously they're managing quite well even with iOS and Android cutting into their market. The Vita... not so much.
  10. I'll definitely get SystemShock 2, but I'll wait until I see it on sale at 50% off because I'm a cheapskate frugal like that.
  11. No matter what people think of Big N's home console performance, they are still undisputedly king in the dedicated gaming handheld arena. The 3DS is just continuing to absolutely mop the floor with the Vita, in terms of both its sales and its lineup.
  12. Reason 1: It has an umlaut in the title Reason 2:
  13. I get the feeling the picture was less a specific "casual gamers = physically young kids" as it is a conceptualized, snark reference of mentality maturity. Either way, it is a bit annoying. He could have at least used different pictures each time. The video lists these as the main points: (text in parenthesis is my own) 1 - You can't fail (can't kill quest npc's and other such stuff) 2 - No consequences for faction membership 3 - You make little impact on the world 4 - Quest and Journal System (chase EZ quest marker, with journal so sparse on details you're essentially forced to use the markers, among other things) 5 - NPC conversations are heavily reduced 6 - Massively oversimplified puzzles 7 - The value of items has been reduced (not just straight cash value but relative value and high lvl stuff too common/easy to get) Thanks LadyCrimson. I agree that most major RPGs have been dumbed down streamlined. The most obvious reason is trying to appeal to a wider market of gamers that may be turned off by the "old school" approach of hardcore RPGs. You can't really blame publishers for that since it's their business to try to make as much profit as possible. Larger audience = more profit. There is also the trend in all forms of media, video games included, of trying to hit as many demographics as possible. They use focus groups to try to find out what what's "hip" and try to appeal to as many different types of people as possible while also trying to offend the least amount of people possible. The problem with that is that it pushes all games further and further toward a bland "one size fits all category" that offers a tiny bit of what every different type of gamer wants, but not enough to really satisfy either. Then there's the move toward action focused RPGs. Part of that is because action focused games tend to appeal to a broader audience than tactical focused games, part is because we now have the technology and experience to actually make action RPGs and make them well, and part is because action focused RPGs naturally lend themselves better to console controllers. The good news is that "old school" style RPGs aren't going anywhere. They may be declared "dead" in the mainstream just like point n click adventures were, but, just like point n clicks, they will continue to live on as a niche market. As long as that niche market continues to exist, and I believe it will, the mainstream can go wherever it wants. I can simply chose not to follow said mainstream.
  14. /looks at length of video Can someone throw up a quick tl;dw summary for a lazy guy?
  15. Finished Serious Sam 3: BFE. The game was pretty much what I expected. The question was: Will the Sam gameplay hold up in 2013? The answer: Yes, yes it did. It's nothing special, but the mayhem of getting swarmed by 100 enemies amid explosions and projectiles while you backpedal and dodge and empty clip after clip is still quite fun. Now I'm playing King's Bounty: The Legend while also re-downloading Sleeping Dogs on Steam (I'm a stickler about freeing up hard disk space) so I can play the Zodiac Tournament DLC.
  16. Playing a bit of King's Bounty: The Legend. and also finishing up Serious Sam 3: BFE (I'm pretty sure I'm at the final boss, the sucker's HUGE). Good times.
  17. Sentinel Worlds 1: Future Magic (how's that for an obscure title ) was likely my first cRPG. Either that or Dragon Warrior on NES.
  18. You can't really do camera rotation or changing the camera angle with 2D backgrounds, so that's just not an option for Project: Eternity. Personally I love being able to rotate the camera, so I'm happy they added this for Wasteland 2. I also love the monochrome monitor weapon pictures in the UI. There's something strangely appealing about monochrome in a modern game.
  19. The combat if TW1 isn't much better at 30fps or 60 fps. Gothic and Risen are a couple more series with really bad combat. TW1 was fantastic for its moral ambiguity, choices with far reaching consequences, and storytelling, not for the gameplay. I thought TW2 improved the gameplay vastly, kept all the good aspects of TW1, and took production value and cinematics to levels only equaled by BioWare in RPGs. I thought TW2 was very replayable for several reasons: 1) There's an entire act that's completely different depending on a choice you make, and when I say completely different, I mean different NPCs, different quests, different area (overlaps a bit, but the base of operations and much of the accessible area is completely different), etc. 2) You can specialize in a different branch of the skill tree for a somewhat different gameplay experience.
  20. I'm surprised that some people liked combat better in The Witcher than in The Witcher 2. While I thought the combat in The Witcher 2 was far from perfect, I thought it was a VAST improvement over the combat in The Witcher, which I thought was downright terrible. To each their own, I guess.
  21. I fully expect Half-Life 3 to be SteamBox exclusive, at least for a period of time (3 months? 6 months? 1 year?). If you're going to launch a new console... like... thingy, then you need a heavy hitter exclusive to give people an incentive to purchase it. It doesn't get much more heavy hitter than Half-Life 3.
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