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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Yeah, it's not an enviable position. I almost wish the game was complete garbage so that I could just wipe it off my hard drive now and be done with it, but it does have redeeming qualities and the story, acting, and production values are good enough that I'm invested enough to want to see it through to the end. But there is just so much ****ing combat, and when I do get a reprieve from combat and actually get to do some platforming it's so childishly easy that it's practically a slap in the face. The worst is stumbling into an optional tomb. This should be a moment of happiness for me, but it's actually quite the opposite. First, how ****ing sad is it that TOMBS are optional in TOMB ****ing RAIDER, not to mention very few and far between. Second these tombs always consist of one puzzle so easy it's pathetic and about 3 jumps worth of platforming. Basically it takes about a minute to complete these optional tombs. What I wouldn't give for Tommy Lee Jones or Will Smith to zap me with the memory eraser thingy and wipe this whole experience from my mind. Yes, I did just use a M.I.B. reference.
  2. I'm borderline hate-playing Tomb Raider at this point. My god, Lara must have killed 300 people by now, it's just an almost endless stream of violence. The combat is decent enough and I'll give the game points for having fairly good enemy AI, but there are already a million other murder simulators out there on the market, some of them much better than this. And make no mistake, that's what Tomb Raider is, a murder simulator. By trying to appeal to a broader audience, the game has lost its niche. As a Tomb Raider game it's garbage. I'd borderline recommend Angel of Darkness over this for someone looking for a Tomb Raider experience. As a murder simulator, it's solid, but there are many better choices on the market. And QTEs... I was never a fan of them before, but I was more tolerant of them than the majority. At this point, I find QTEs almost as disgusting as snuff porn. I'm looking forward to finishing the game so I can wipe it off my hard drive and never touch it again. As far as I'm concerned, Lara Croft is finished, the series is dead.
  3. I won't. Then people on Steam would see me purchasing a Bioware game. What would that do to my reputation? Nothing?
  4. LSL's length came from getting stuck on obtuse puzzles. Its girth came from spending endless hours just clicking on (or, originally, typing) stuff to get funny responses. And, yes, I responded just so I could get those crappy puns in. You're welcome.
  5. Nothing in the new pack interests me as it's all elf/fearie-centric, and that doesn't appeal to me. If they put out an orc-centric pack, then they would have my attention.
  6. Not to mention, this is Saints Row, it doesn't need to make sense.
  7. Daniel Dae Kim ‏@danieldaekim1h THE GAT IS OUT OF THE BAG. Thanks to you fans, Yes I will be back as JOHNNY GAT in #SaintsRowIV. Get ready! @DSVolition **** yes!!!
  8. Well, they abandoned Global Agenda for Tribes Ascend, sow they're abandoning Tribes Ascend for SMITE. Hold on, let me get my crystal ball. /puts crystal ball on table //waves hand over crystal ball Hi-Rez abandons SMITE for Global Agenda 2 Hi-Rez abandons Global Agenda 2 for Tribes Ascend 2 Hi-Rez abandons Tribes Ascend 2 for SMITE 2
  9. I'm about halfway to lev 17 leadership on my main. My alt laborer just got to lev 11 leadership (he also has gone up 8 levels doing nothing but leadership jobs and invoking his deity ). My alt actually got a coalescent ward from a coffer of augmentation (small sample size, but it seems the drop rate on those from coffers is about 10%), which promptly got traded to my main and used. Now I have 4 lesser lifedrinker enchantments. All I need is 1 more coalescent and I can make a regular lifedrinker enchantment.
  10. There is a desperate need for a higher resolution No-bark. "I tole 'em, we got a chupacabra with an automatic weapon. That's when they get real quiet."
  11. Yes they asked him why doesn't he perform any miracle to show people he is Jesus. He said in about 5 years he will be able to do this but he needs to be more aligned with God More aligned with God? If he's the son of God, how much more aligned than that can he get? Also, what's with the specific timetable? Is there some some sort of workout regimen for gaining divine powers: You see, the ability to walk on water generally requires a 9 month training course. Turning water into wine only takes 3 months. However, raising the dead, that's a whopping 4-year course.
  12. Just when my wallet was starting to recover (that's a blatant lie). Well, I can't not support a Sierra alum, and I did love the bejesus out of Police Quest. Sonny Bonds Maxwell Jones reporting for duty. I fear that the $30 entry point to get the game will turn away many would-be supporters. Gotta love this picture on the Kickstarter page: Check out Lori Cole rocking the super high waisted pants. I can't believe those kinds of pants are making a comeback. There is absolutely nothing attractive about high waisted pants.
  13. Since both Zach and Bobby are back, I guess that means more of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax. Hopefully they get more lines this time around. Their commentary was pretty hilarious, but it got super repetitive really fast. No Zimos, no Oleg
  14. I'm still sad about no Tara Platt protagonist voice. I know what voice we're getting from Laura Bailey, but I'm not familiar with Diane Michelle or Sumalee Montano. There better be a ridiculously over the top female voice from at least one of those 2.
  15. Got an email telling me I should get an email soon. As long as I get that email (containing my key) on or before launch, I'l be a happy camper.
  16. Playing Tomb Raider, Axe Murderer Lara style. As an action game, it's pretty good. As a Tomb Raider game, it's a failure of the highest order. The platforming, if you can even call it that, is pathetically easy. Puzzles... are there even puzzles? (I guess there are, but they're pathetic) On the other hand, the combat is pretty good. This was supposedly a reboot for the series, a new beginning. If this is the direction they're going in, then they can count me out from here on out. It's a good game, but it's not what I want out of a Tomb Raider game. Raiding tombs should not be an afterthought just haphazardly tossed in like "oh yeah, we should probably throw this in so we can pretend it's a Tomb Raider game". Raiding tombs should be the core of the game.
  17. KoToR2 is on a flash sale and DoW2: Retribution is on a daily sale right now. If I didn't already own both of them, I'd be buying the **** out of them right now. (that translates to a recommendation for both games)
  18. It do have to fess up and say I wound up buying a clothing DLC for Tomb Raider. Of course, it was only $0.24, which I was able to cover with money I got from selling a trading card. Plus, Lara just looked so cold in those early scenes. I was just being a gentleman by getting her that sweet bomber jacket to keep her warm (and stylish).
  19. I thought it was a warm gun. Now I'm really confused. This has really slowed down, though it should still make its goal.
  20. A very simplified and much more playable version of Rolemaster. I was never able to understand fans of Rolemaster, I have to admit. That game was so ardeous and so incredibly complicated, demanding dice rolls for everything. All it lacked was a Nose Picking Disaster Table, and there'd be a table and a chart for every damn thing you could possible imagine. Once the game got up and going it didn't take THAT long, assuming the GM had all the charts handy. Character creation, on the other hand, was a ridiculously arduous process. It would usually take me an entire day, if not longer, to create a single character. Of course, that's if you were just using the base rules. Once you start diving into the optional companion books... /whistles The game was certainly not for the feint of heart, or the short on time.
  21. All I do is sell any dupes I get. I don't put any effort into getting cards. If I get one I get one. If that mean that eventually I get a badge, or whatever, then I get a badge. /shrugs
  22. I'm just about ready to start taking advanced (tier 2) skills in Tomb Raider. For those that have played the game, is Axe Murderer Lara a viable play style (obviously some enemies I'll need to take out with ranged weapons)? I ask because anyone can pull a trigger, but sticking an ice axe into someone just seems way more badass.
  23. 27 Celsius? Pfft, we had a solid week of 90+ Farenheit (32 Celsius) with about 80% humidity.
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