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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. You get an on screen message at the top every time it saves. The game is far from perfect, but considering the limited budget and quick turn around time, I think they did really well with the title. For sure some things could be more intuitive and/or user friendly, but the overall experience has been really good for me so far.
  2. That's actually more reason to go wireless, a lot of crap with a lot of wires in close proximity is a recipe for trouble and indestructible knots. I don't know what kind of messy computer setup you have, but practically all the wires have always come out the back of all my tower setups (not to mention they're neatly zip-tied to avoid a mess) and the only wires coming out the front are whatever is plugged into USB ports, which 90% of the time is just my controller. The only wires that come anywhere near my controller wire are the keyboard and trackball wires, but those are neatly funneled through the sliding drawer so there's no chance of tangling with the controller wire.
  3. To each their own. I have no issues with wires, plus wired controllers tend to be significantly cheaper, and I'm a cheapskate frugal like that.
  4. About 2 hours in and loving it. This is one of those games where I'm eagerly anticipating every piece of narration, flavor text, and dialogue. It's got that dark but sarcastic tone with a hint of film noir that doesn't take itself too seriously.
  5. Doesn't BioWare have that name copyrighted? I wouldn't want to infringe on anyone's intellectual property.
  6. Snag the DRM-free version from their site.
  7. I've played for about an hour. I'm playing an Ork Shaman named Restless Wolf. I'm definitely liking the game so far. I love reading all the flavor text and dialogue, they absolutely nailed the Shadowrun vibe, which they damn well should have since Jordan Weisman created the game in the first place. I basically have just the bare minimum ranged skill to wield a rifle right now and try to keep back and let my summons do the dirty work.
  8. More than anything, I'm curious what "publication" named Imperium Galactic War Game of the Year 2013.
  9. Any idea how long? Thought I heard something like 10 to 15 hours. That's the word out on the street I'm hearing too. Edit: Woot! It's downloading.
  10. Sweet. You got a head start then.
  11. I'm excited to get my hands on the tools. After I finish the main campaign I plan to give it a looksie and hopefully get crackin' on some shadowrunning goodness. Hopefully this will grow into something like the NWN modding community, so many awesome community made modules for that game.
  12. Yeah, I used to meta-game dialogue options. These days I stick with an outcome, even if it's not what I expected. To each their own.
  13. As long as the checkpoints it saves at aren't too far apart, I won't be bothered by it much. Sure, I would prefer save any time, but as long as it's not more than maybe 15 or 20 minutes playing time apart, I'll live with it. 2 more hours before I can start downloading...
  14. Seems to me like Obsidian are taking many of the familiar elements of IE games Isometric view Party-based Tactical Combat Real-time & pause Story driven And addressing one of the biggest shortcomings of the old IE games by designing a new system from the ground up specifically meant for a video game to replace the D&D system which put significant handicaps of game design in the past. If that's "setting the bar low", then by all means, Obsidian, set the bar low.
  15. I'm checking out different utilities for doing PnP over the internet for future potential Numenera sessions. Roll20.net seems pretty cool, and, as best I can tell, free. I'm guessing that's what Rol20.com has become. Anyone else have experience with this utility or have another one to recommend?
  16. The bad news: This drops at 1 PM where I live, which is right in the middle of my work day. The good news: I brought my lappy to work so I can download it at work and have it ready to play when I get home. I'm already trying to think up names for my Ork Shaman.
  17. Oh wow, that looks and sounds great. Thank you for all your hard work. I don't envision myself jumping back into DA:O in the very near future (ridiculous backlog, tons of new games coming out, etc.), but when I do (and I will eventually), I'll definitely give your campaign a whirl.
  18. Okay, that makes sense. A wireless controller doesn't generally make sense for a PC anyway since most people are going to be sitting close to the PC, rather than on a couch 10 feet away.
  19. I didn't even know 360 pads needed batteries. I use a 3rd party 360 pad for my PC and it doesn't have a battery, as best as I can tell. It just gets its power from the USB port. Is this something 360 pads can't do when connected to the 360, or is my cheaper 3rd party pad just superior on that front? I'm confused.
  20. I've always taken that to mean that as soon as you sign up and they have your information, they send someone to your home to kidnap you.
  21. Sweet. They should hit at least the first 2 stretch goals (composer, localisations), I'm hoping they can hit the 3rd (destructible environments).
  22. Very rarely midnight. Probably around 10 am pacific. I'm getting an unhealthy level of excited about playing around with the level editor. It'll be hilarious if it doesn't even run on my computer. 10 am pacific would be 1 pm for me, which would put it right smack dab in the middle of my work day. *sigh* Unless your computer is really ancient, I doubt it will be a problem. Unity games are generally pretty easy on the resources.
  23. You can create those hirelings by yourself and they probably don't have much of reactivity towards anything, in other words they are mute party members that do what you command, if I have understood correctly. I was referring to this: I read this as there being 16 Obsidian provided joinable NPC's and that the eight hirelings are not Adventurer Hall products. Have I misunderstood? Maybe that's the amount of companions/hirelings you can bring with you and have available in camp locations. So if you want to switch your party around you could go back to camp and have up to 16 characters available to choose the 5 (or less) you want to bring with you. If you want to take a character along from outside the pool of 16 you still could, but you'd have to trek all the way back to the adventurer's hall (I'm guessing there will be only 1 or very few) and give someone the boot from your pool of 16 to make room for them.
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