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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. It's Shadowrun Returns Eve. Celebrate! /taps fingers on desk Is it tomorrow yet?
  2. I've never quite understood all the hubbub over the royal baby, or raby (I'm hereby coining the term 'raby'). So this is the future King of England. That hasn't meant anything other than "rich" in hundreds of years.
  3. Keyrock you seem to be a veteran of gaming, do you ever go to forums or watch video's to see how to beat bosses if you have been beaten a few times? In other words do you get advice on the strategy around how to win a certain battle Only if I get REALLY stuck and I've reached the point of serious frustration. I'll die 10 times in a row and keep trying to figure it out myself as long as I'm not ready to put my fist through the monitor. I had contemplated suddenly developing a sickness, but, nah, can't do that. Hopefully it drops early enough in the morning that I can set it to download before I leave for work so that it's ready when I get home. I'm quite happy about scooping up Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams. I almost feel bad for getting it for free (thank you trading cards), almost. It's a really fun game and absolutely perfect as a secondary or tertiary game to play since you don't need to worry about story and you can play it in bite size pieces. I really love how everything in the game changes dynamically when you switch personalities from cute Giana to punk Giana, especially the music. The dynamic and seamless music switching is one of the more brilliant pieces of audio work I've heard in a game in quite some time.
  4. Yeah, it might be more work than the scope of this game can accommodate with all the different deity combinations, but the prospect of characters with different religions butting heads, maybe in a respectful manner, maybe in a heated manner, maybe even coming to blows, excites me.
  5. Nah, I'll take just the brunette with the life preserver. I'm a one woman at a time man. Much less headaches and problems that way.
  6. I never got to play the original. Supposedly it was a pretty good game, aside from being a blatant Super Mario Bros. ripoff. I'm going to scoop up this... sequel? reimagining? reboot? Anyway, I'm happy 2D platformers are making a bit of a comeback. The genre seemed completely dead and buried about a decade ago. Also, it doesn't hurt to get it free.
  7. Woot! I've sold enough cards that I can completely cover the price of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams while it's 80% off. Free platforming goodness? Yes, please.
  8. Eidos Montreal founder quits company
  9. It took me a good 6 or 7 tries to beat the fire breathing dragon in the lava level in Unepic. The first 2 deaths were just me figuring out the pattern and approach to killing him. I had a couple of deaths earlier in the level just getting to him (as you can imagine, falling into the lava is insta-death). One time I died when I didn't bring enough arrows and just ran out of ammo, and I died a couple of times just making a fatal mistake during the fight when I fully knew how to beat him. Oddly enough, i didn't find any of this frustrating.
  10. Wait, people pay attention to youtube comments? Actual "controversies" can be started by those? I always just considered them the lowest form of communication on the planet, well below guttural grunts and slightly below the gibberish that comes out of someone's mouth when they're intoxicated at borderline emergency alcohol poisoning level.
  11. It's a video game adaptation of the German The Dark Eye RPG system. It's decidedly old school, brutally unforgiving, and has a large world and plenty of depth. The balancing leaves a lot to be desired and a lot of the table top stuff didn't translate particularly well into video game form, leaving the game with a bunch of skills that are essentially useless. I, for one, am down for this remake, though it won't likely be a day one purchase or anything like that.
  12. Good to hear a 360 pad works well, that's what I envisioned myself using (I don't have a wheel/pedal setup) with the standard left thumbstick to steer, triggers to accelerate and brake setup. Can you setup to right thumbstick as a freelook, so that you can look out the driver/passenger windows?
  13. I'll take life preserver brunette over built-in life preservers blonde any day of the week.
  14. @Humanoid - Thanks for that. It sounds like a pretty chill game, which is why I am interested in it. Sometimes I just want to take a break from murder simulators or frantic break neck action and play something chill and laid back. Do you have to compress time during trips? Is that something you could turn off and actually have a 12 hour trip take 12 hours? I'm not saying I necessarily would, I'm just curious if that's an option.
  15. I'm making some decent coin off the cards I got just from voting on sales and playing games I already owned. I'll get a free game or two out of this eventually. Also, I see some people got Euro Truck Simulator 2. I've always wondered about that game and have contemplated pulling the trigger on it in the past. Feedback please.
  16. In case of apocalypse I'm turning to human flesh, that way I'll blend right in with the zombies. Sweet garden, by the way.
  17. Howard the Duck may have been a pretty crappy movie, but it did have redeeming qualities. And by redeeming qualities I mean this: http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n131/Nicnever/00%20L/Lea%20Thompson/LeaThompson-HowardTheDuck003.gif
  18. So I bet you woke up this morning thinking "I really wish there was a co-op twin stick shooter featuring cute android girls for PC, Mac, and Linux". Well, you're in luck, or you will be later this year when Assault Android Cactus comes out. Hint: This is your cue to head over to Steam and vote for it. Dibs on Holly for future co-op shmup madness.
  19. Ah, good ol' Audrey Hepburn. She's another one to file in the "it should be impossible to be that cute" category.
  20. Sticking with the old school theme, Julie Newmar (the original Cat Woman):
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