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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The racing is awesome. It's like power drifting the entire time. Really great on my pig mount. Monsters on ice is awesome. It is indeed more difficult for melee, but I don't care, it's hilarious. The only thing I really want out of this festival is the mimic companion, and I'll get that easily with minimal effort.
  2. Wait, how is it that they're having a Winter Festival? I thought it was Never Winter.
  3. Sweet! How does it work? Is it like a Mario Kart deal? Are there power ups? Is there a blue shell?
  4. No, pre-apocalyptic. Where you don't know if there's gonna be a post-apocalypse. To be specific, I was thinking of Mass Effect, that type of thing. Mass Effect had a cool universe but it was screwed from the very beginning, and after the last game they either have to go back in time or create a whole new setting for the next one. One that's way less cool than the one they started with because the mass effect relays are ancient history now, so no more space adventures, I guess. Okay. In that case put me in the please no "all is lost" setting camp.
  5. Well, "This game would really have benefited from less fighting" applies to at least 80% of RPGs, in my opinion. I'm sure it will wear on me eventually, but for now I'm loving the heck out of the combat. A lot of it isn't particularly well explained in the game, though I've found some rather lengthy and excellent guides and wikis that go into how the combat systems work and why things happen and also the upgrading system. I'm not trying to exploit the system to its fullest and min-max all my characters, but it helps to understand how things work.
  6. And the sale has begun. A bunch of the usual suspects, plus Metal Gear Rising Rerererevengeanceretributionwrathreprisal at 33% off. I'm holing out for Cognition and Drakensang 1 at 75% off. I'll try not to let GabeN Claus rope me into buying anything else.
  7. The setting, dialogue, and orcs and ogres with beefy sideburns wearing stylish as **** suits? The godawful combat, (lack of) balance, and insane difficulty spikes? Works for me.
  8. Agreed. The story left a lot to be desired and the boss fights were an abomination (thankfully they were few and rather far between). My other complaint is that the way the game was structured, it encouraged redundancy to maximize exp gain. For example, sneaking into a place through a vent, then going back and hacking a computer to "gain entrance" to the same place which you've already entered, then going back and beating up the guards to the same place. Still, that can be easily enough avoided by simply choosing not to exploit the system. Outside of those gripes, I found it to be a thoroughly enjoyable game.
  9. Yes it does. Who knows if it will actually deliver. I just realized that when I copy & pasted the article from Kotaku, it copied "SEXPAND" where the images were in the article.
  10. I gotta say, I'm really enjoying The Last Remnant so far. One thing that I really like about jRPGs and Japanese games in general is not constantly conforming to Tolkien-esque races and tropes. Sure, jRPGs have their own set of tropes, but at least I don't have to play yet another ****ing game with elves and dwarves and goblins (I'll never get tired of orcs, though, because orcs are awesome). In particular, I really like the Qsiti: D'aww! Fighting is something I rarely really enjoy in RPGs. It's something I generally just put up with so I can get back to exploring and story. So when a game comes along where I actually look forward to battles, you know they did something right. The combat system in The Last Remnant is ****ing boss! There is some pretty deep and gratifying strategic goodness in there. I haven't figured out everything yet since not everything is fully explained in the game itself (I'm sure there's a wiki somewhere I ought to read, and will), but now that I'm starting to get the hang of it, it's really fun, especially when you have large scale battles with large numbers of units and unions.
  11. Kingdom Come: Deliverance coming to PC & nex-gen consoles in 2015 So, Mount & Blade with purrrrdy graphics and an actual story? Yes, please.
  12. What a terrible terrible blunder by these folks. Have they learned nothing? You don't announce Chris Avellone from the get go, you put him in as a stretch goal.
  13. Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is pretty doggone good. I didn't list it because I didn't back it, I bought it when it released. Really fun platformer. I love how the world changes when you switch from cute to punk Giana, and vice versa, and the nice touch of how the music changes along with it. Little things like that make a big impact on the enjoyment of a game.
  14. Humanoid covered it pretty well. As long as you get a Haswell based laptop you should be in good shape. The integrated GPUs in Haswell are pretty powerful (all things considered) and Haswell is pretty doggone good on power efficiency, so battery life shouldn't be much of a problem.
  15. I love SRR, even vanilla, though having all the user made stuff definitely makes it better. Heck, I'm going to buy it again just so I can play it on my Android phone also. Funny thing about opinions, people have differing ones.
  16. But melkathi, Peter Molyneux is going to revolutionize gaming. This is going to be the most important game in the history of gaming, nay, the history of the world itself, nay, the history of the universe. This game will induce the human species to have the largest leap in evolution it has ever had. In fact, we will no longer be Homo Sapiens Sapiens but become Homo Sapiens Molyneuxis, a glorious new race of enlightened, advance beings that live in harmony and have the entire universe as our oyster.
  17. Yep, my thoughts exactly. It was exactly the game they promised, decently enjoyable, but thoroughly unremarkable.
  18. Yes. Right at the beginning of the game. I tried to close the popup window for the picture by clicking on the "x" in the upper right hand corner of the window in your picture.
  19. I'm pretty deep into Drakensang 2 (well over 30 hours) and I like the game, but I need a break from it. I can't power through these long games straight through. So I fired up The Last Remnant. After all, what better way to break up the monotony of a long wRPG than with a long, grind-heavy jRPG (I suppose I could have just written jRPG, they're almost always grind-heavy).
  20. No disappointments yet. Legends of Dawn is a pretty crappy game, but I knew it was a risk and there was much potential for a dud going in. Even so, I played the game for over 25 hours and found it strangely enjoyable, despite the fact that it's clearly a ****ty game, so I got my pledge's worth. Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded isn't earth shattering but it's exactly the game they promised and I had fun with it. Shadowrun Returns is one of my favorite games of 2013. Grim Dawn isn't fully released yet, but I've been playing it since alpha and have had fun with it, plus it's clear that it's a great game, just unfinished right now. Broken Sword 5 is a solid point n click, I'm pretty happy with it, the first half of it, anyway (all that's been released so far).
  21. For me the best part of DA:O was Orzimmar, hands down.
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