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Everything posted by Keyrock
You would think that doesn't happen in real life, but you would be wrong. All I will say is that women are willing masochist in the name of fashion or looking pretty. Sure, but they're usually not more than a minute or two away from a warm (or soon to be warm) vehicle or somewhere indoors. Homeslice and Ms. Cleavage don't exactly look like they're a hop skip and a jump away from having a roof over their heads. Edit: On the other hand, it does kind of look like there is a giant bonfire about 6 inches behind them. In fact, homeslice's cloak is probably already caught on fire.
I hope so. I've enjoyed the Spiders' games I've played (Mars: War Logs, Of Orcs and Men) but always felt a bit disappointed when they don't come close to living up to their potential. As an aside, if that's snow on the ground then she's not particularly well dressed for the weather.
It's an interesting one, but I do think the opening act that is the prison escape is the highlight. The follow Acts, while interesting in their own way don't seem to quite match up to that start. The game does get quite repetitive, and combat definitely suffers from Twitcher2 roll-o-holic disease, but I enjoyed the game nevertheless. Like practically every other game developed by Spiders, there is the potential for something really great, but the game ultimately falls well short of its ambitions (because limited budget/time constraints?). Still, I don't regret buying and playing the game to completion one bit.
No, I haven't been able to get that much height off that jump, maybe because there are only 2 "boost points" instead of the 4 for the other jump. Because I'm a roleplayer like that I only wear my fashion clothes at the festival (never mind that I'd be freezing my badonkadonk off in that dress) or in Protector's Enclave, I switch back to my armor as soon as I enter Dread Ring, or any other "dangerous" area. It is hilarious that my giant mallet shows up as soon as I sprint.
I like the older style, the graphics are crisp and I like the avatars (especially the rag-tag outfits like the patchwork Mad-Max style leather jackets and the shields fashioned out of garbage cans). I've just got a straightforward melee dude, still only level 9 armed with a big mace bashing stuff up. There's lots of nice little touches, like easy-to-navigate menus and toggles for maps and stuff. I like that. In fact, the only thing I'm not wild about is the soporific music. Dammit I want battle music, not chilled out piano recitals. There's a lot to love about this game, it could be the post-apocalyptic-phantasy version of Diablo 2 we never knew we were waiting for. At some point we're going to get 2-handed melee weapons and dual wielding pistols (dual wielding pistols might be in the expansion as I think it's part of the Gunslinger mastery that's supposed to be included in the expansion). Dual wielding pistols is what I'm ultimately most excited about, so that I can play a Roland Deschain of Gilead type character.
I didn't even know until just now that there's more than one launching ramp around the lake. http://youtu.be/7k1qSlNQA0g
So the new Grim Dawn update included some better art assets and new art assets for the laboratory area, a couple new side quests, plus a regular round of bug fixes and balance adjustments. The game definitely does look a bit nicer now, though it's not a massive change. They are starting up internal testing of Act 2, and in about a month we should be getting it into our grubby little hands. I went ahead and killed Warden Krieg with my Saboteur last night, it's the lowest level I've ever killed him at (17). He dropped an awesome ring for me. Time to do the new side quests and hit up some of the hidden areas.
I turn on my Steam and I see Grim Dawn starts downloading an update, a fairly meaty one too. Nothing on the Grim Dawn forums about it yet, but it's the next update, b16, so that's what I'm playing now.
I gotta say it's a nice little distraction that I can do while I'm away from my gaming computer (This in no way, shape, or form means killing time at work. No siree bob, not one bit. Why would you even suggest such a thing? )
Have you tried Sword Coast Adventures yet? It's a pretty fun way to level up your companions and you get some companions too. You get a dog just for doing the tutorial adventure. I named my dog Commander Shepherd.
Okay, that might just be the post of the year (just in time!). I unliked this post just so that I could like it again.
Maybe we're all reading this wrong? Maybe it's Dark Post Apocalypse, as in all the posts will die, there will be no more posting? Or it could be that all the posts become really dark. Maybe we'll all be ousted and Obsidian Forums will just be a bunch of goths posting? Or maybe we'll become assimilated and become goths ourselves? /shudders
I first read that as "To look (harder) for a gif" Here you go:
I didn't think you were knocking Oden's commitment at all. All reports out of Miami are that Oden is working exceptionally hard on rehab. Being drafted ahead of Durant certainly isn't a plus. Bennett appears to be far more of a fail based on talent, and not injuries. No one has doubted Oden's talent or dominance when he is healthy - the problem is that his knees (at least so far) have just been train wrecks. Just a different perspective. Yeah, Oden is a draft bust because his body won't let him play, not because he isn't trying. Bennett just looks lost and unmotivated, which is worse in a lot of ways (he's still very young and could turn it around, though). The fact that Oden was picked in front of the second coming of Larry Bird (Small forward, scoring machine, deadly accurate shooter form absolutely anywhere on the court, well above average ball handler, above average defender, high basketball IQ, 50-40-90 club member) magnifies the disappointment (again, not for lack of him trying) that he has become. Fun fact: 50-40-90 Club Members - The Full List: Larry Bird, Reggie Miller, Steve Nash, Mark Price, Dirk Nowitzki, Kevin Durant.
I'm not knocking Oden's commitment to the game, he's really trying. That doesn't change that he's played all of 80 games in his entire career and the guy drafted after him is the best scorer in basketball, without a shadow of a doubt the second best player in the entire NBA, and a guy who may well go down as one of the 15 or 20 best players of all time.
Worse than Oden? I think the player he was picked ahead of should factor into this.
Kind of reminds of those characters we "rolled" up when I was about 13 and first discovered the AD&D game and got to take home my buddy's copy of the PHB and practice creating some characters. "Well sure I rolled up this paladin with 18/00 Str, 17 Dex, 18 Con, 12 Int, 14 Wis and 17 Cha, with 4d6 drop lowest. Why would I lie about something like that?" Oh yeah, I "rolled" those types of characters too. Eventually it dawned on me that it's much more fun to play flawed characters than min-maxed ones, but it took many years. The whole point of rolling a character is that it's random. You get what you get and you work with it. I'll go so far as rerolling any stat that doesn't meet the requisite for the class I want to play(e.g. a 6 str for a fighter in AD&D 2nd ed), but beyond that, whatever I get, that's what I get and I deal with it. If you're just going to "keep rolling" until you get the exact stats you want, don't bother, just write them in. I once had a Cleric with 5 Int in a game of AD&D. That was one of the most fun characters I ever got to roleplay as I did my darnedest to play things like someone who has a high wisdom and low intelligence. Good times.
I don't care what anyone says, I think Just Cause 2 is great. The sheer level of madness and mayhem that you can cause in that game is glorious.
Yeah, it's over. I'm not sure if it was a really short term deal or a mistake. I got in just in time. Sucks I didn't get the word out quick enough for you to get in on it too. Sorry.
Garrett is a problem in that he doesn't have the spine to stand up to Jerry and put his foot down. Of course, if he did have the spine he'd get fired and another puppet would get installed. Yes, Jerry is absolutely the ultimate problem. He owns the team and I really doubt he'll ever swallow his pride and hire a real GM and let him run the team, like he should. Edit: And Schwartz just got fired. No surprise there considering the team was in all out free fall mode.
The Cave for Android phones and tablets is free right now.
I successfully pulled that off over the past year and a half or so (though without it being any sort of strict resolution). I still swear a bit, but not as much as I used to, and I'm a lot more mellow about everything, taking things in stride. I still will get worked up once in a while, but I cool off much more quickly and generally before I do or say something I later regret.
That would be pretty sweet if Obama grew a goatee to play up the whole evil thing with everyone blaming him for everything wrong with the world. My pops is the best. It's so easy to get him going. All I have to do is say "Obama" or he pops up on TV, and my dad will immediately call him a douche and get all flustered and pissed off. It's hilarious. If it's not a week I visit, then I call him up and get him going at least once a week. Good times.
Sadly, not Jason Garrett. Even better would be if Dallas fired its GM, but that's obviously not going to happen (Jerry's not going to fire himself).