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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. So once the Chargers opened up the offense and started slinging it around, they were quite effective. Too bad it took them 3 quarters to figure that out.
  2. Watching the Chargers offense play today is just plain painful, like watching the Cowboys play level painful. How the heck are the Broncos only up 17 right now? Edit: 17-7. I don't expect a comeback, but that would be pretty hilarious.
  3. The Marquest Colston what the ****!? play:
  4. Point taken. Still, even in 2010 I shouldn't have had to play ****ty Camera Angle: The Video Game.
  5. While there is a lot to like about Castlevania: Lords of Shadows, there is one thing I absolutely abhor, the complete and utter lack of camera control. I get that it's probably easier to create a game this way and it lets you set up cool looking views that you can be sure get to be viewed from just the right angle for maximum gorgeousness, but come on, this is 2014, I should not still have to play ****ty Camera Angle: The Video Game. I thought we did away with this crap years ago? The worst is where the camera rotates wildly in an area where you're fighting mini-bosses and you're dodging like crazy and trying to set up power attacks all the meanwhile the camera is shifting constantly, screwing up your angles. It's ridiculous. Still a badass game, though. It's got a lot of what I like about Tomb Raider games, that being climbing, jumping, puzzle type stuff, and the combat is good when the camera doesn't screw with you too much.
  6. I'd go with the middle or the right, I'd say the middle. The one on the left is too black and white. I still haven't found any color scheme to entice me out of my gold, red, and black scheme. Edit: Right now I'm saving up AD to upgrade my Ioun Stone of Allure to purple. I'm more than 1/3 of the way there and it won't take too long. It should match up nicely with when I finish all the other stuff in Dread Ring and am ready to do the Epic Dungeon (Assault on Valindra's Stronghold or whatever) in that area. I expect it's the toughest Epic Dungeon yet as the one on Malabog was the toughest I had encountered previous. The boss fight in the Malabog Epic was crazy. Toward the end of the fight the amount of adds is ridiculous. You have to mop them up quickly because many of them do AoEs and the amount of AoEs in the area can quickly escalate out of control making them almost impossible to avoid and avoid getting stun locked into oblivion. It was the primary reason I went with an Elven Battle Enchantment on my armor (it lessens stun/slow duration). Getting stun locked into oblivion is the #1 cause of death in Epic Dungeons in my experience. Right now I only have a Lesser Elven Battle Enchantment, so the stun duration is only slightly lowered, but once I get it up to Greater or Perfect, I should be very difficult to stun me lock for long, which will help a lot.
  7. Holy smokes that was a hilarious ending to the C-Hox/Saints game! Marques Colston, what the **** was that? That has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen in a NFL game in a long time.
  8. I could see the concern if the MMO was highly PvP-centric, which Neverwinter is most certainly not. Blue Ribbon Pig GT3 RS Twin Turbo: http://youtu.be/_csuFoDvl5U Look at those stubby little legs churn!
  9. I haven't played in ages either. Hit me up if you want to do some new character co-op Saturday or Sunday (assuming out schedules magically line up).
  10. Thanks to LadyC, I now have a Blue Ribbon Pig GT3 RS Twin-Turbo. I'm tempted to pull up next to people and challenge them to drag races. The shady world of the Neverwinter illegal street racing scene.
  11. There have been good Alien games, there just have been a lot more misses than hits.
  12. LadyC, I got a hot tip for you. There's a listing on AH for a Sparkling Scepter of Winter for a mere 2.2 million AD? Can you believe it? You should see the quality too! The craftsmanship is unparalleled. It's a steal at that price.
  13. More Shadowrun Returns on my phone during lunch at work. My ork decker is up to the part where we're going back to the NTSB building. Decker is easily the best class to play in the Dead Man's Switch campaign. It's not my favorite, that would be Shaman, and it's not the most powerful, but it's the class with the most options to do things a different way or access optional areas.
  14. So would it be possible for them to completely erase Jar Jar Binks from the canon... and the part where Darth Vader Anakin is a whiny mama's boy... and midichlorians... actually just erase everything in the new trilogy?
  15. Once you get Kardashian stink on you it takes a long time to wear off and bad things happen to you.
  16. It's the porno-ish cooking rhythym game you've been waiting for! http://www.destructoid.com/dekamari-senran-kagura-is-a-rhythm-cooking-battle-game-268672.phtml Finally, something comes along that almost gives me a reason to get a Vita. Almost. Ah, Japan. Thank you for being Japan.
  17. lol...yeah...if a stranger wanted to pay that much for one of those...well, that's called taking the money and running. So I'll check the AH for something by you in (my) mid-afternoon, then, unless you say something different. Cool. I'll post here just before I log on and put the item up for sale. Would you rather it's the bow or the scepter or no preference?
  18. We can do that. When I get home I'll pick an item. Maybe I'll post one of the augment items, either the bow or the scepter. No one is going to buy either one of those for 2+ mil, and if they do, then so much the better.
  19. Let me know if you want a sparkling bow or sparkling scepter augmentation item (or both). I knew I wouldn't have enough to get another fawn so I used up all my temp currency and bought those before the event ran out, figuring I could maybe at least get a few pennies in AH for them, but you can have them if they're useful to you (I didn't get the sparkling greatsword because I like the look of my big ol' mallet better, it will take a really cool looking great axe or halberd or something to get me to augment my weapon again).
  20. New Mexico, eh? Florida, step your game up. I'm laughing because I can imagine Woldan disliking this story for very non-standard reasons. Improper storage of a firearm?
  21. It is one of the best endings I've ever seen in a video game. The amount of win in that ending is tremendous. I'm playing Shadowrun Returns on my phone, ork decker style.
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