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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Woohoo! The Cowboys are 4-1. Sure, they'll still meltdown in December like always, but let me have this moment.
  2. You make it sound as if they boycotted the official trailer of the game.This is just update number 8. I doubt they covered previous 7 so why should anything be different this time? It's significant because it announces the release date of the alpha, which is not only a milestone but also significant for those interested in testing the game and/or getting in on it when it's still raw and unfinished so they can see how the game changes during development. I agree that reporting on other updates along the lines of hey here's some concept art and a bio of one of our developers isn't something that's regularly covered by sites, but usually major milestones such as an alpha release do get a mention, particularly when it's a relatively major (in terms of how much money they raised) project.
  3. Planning ahead for the traditional Sunday ritual (no, not church, NFL football) I think I'm going to make twice baked potatoes today and also whip up a salad of some sort.
  4. Woohoo, I finally got a better bludgeoning weapon, a rebar staff. Higher AP than a crowbar, but the damage output is increased enough to still make it a better weapon in almost every circumstance. It has 1 better armor penetration to boot. I also found a badass sniper rifle called Sabra Marie.
  5. Techraptor is the only other site that's done an article on them that I've seen and it's an article about how there are no articles about it other than Cinemablend.
  6. I'm definitely interested in hearing your continued (as spoiler-free as possible) impressions of Crimes ans Punishment once you play it some more. I'd love to play a good Sherlock Holmes game.
  7. Whether the ant-GG sites deliberately decided to not cover Kingdom Come: Deliverance's latest video because of Daniel Vavra's pro-GG stance or it was a coincidence, the lack of coverage hasn't stopped the project from having a really great week of crowdfunding pledges coming in. They can shun projects on their sites all they want (same as we can shun their sites), but we can spread the message ourselves. That is the power of today's interconnected world, it's very difficult to control the message and shut voices down because we can skip the middleman and get the message directly. Maybe no single non-industry person has the power to reach nearly the amount of people a big site can, but collectively, our voice is loud. As an aside, anyone here pledge for alpha access? If so I'd be interested to hear impressions. I only pledged for the final released game, so I won't be taking part in the alpha. Edit: As for the Intel thing, I'm going to continue to do as I've always done, that is to buy from whichever manufacturer gives me the best value for the features and performance I desire. My last CPU purchase was from Intel because AMD simply doesn't have a compelling product in the market I was shopping in. I've bought from AMD in the past and I will do so again in the future if they are ever able to compete in the mid-to upper desktop segment again, or if I'm in the market for a laptop and their APUs seem like the best price/performance value at that time. Or I'll buy from Intel if their product seems like the best value for my dollar.
  8. Those do look really great. They would make for fantastic character portraits.
  9. I played a lot of Wasteland 2, a little of World of Diving, and a bit of Borderlands 2 today. I think I'm done with Borderlands 2. I gave it a bit over 5 hours. Maybe the game gets better later, but if a game can't hook me in 5 hours, I'm not going to keep playing to find out. Good thing I got it at 75% off for less than a tenner. At that price, I don't have to feel that bad about writing it off as a loss.
  10. Yay! I made it to California. Steam says it only took me 57 hours. Keep in mind that at least an hour of that, likely closer to 2, was spent idle while I ate a sammich or alt+tabbed out to do something else. Also, I play this game very slowly. It's a testament to how good this game is that I'm still motivated to continue and don't feel like taking a break from the game. Most games I get burnt out after 20-25 hours, even Pirate Creed, which is a game I enjoyed immensely, I lasted only a little over 40 hours before I got burnt out and needed a break. Anyway, I'm already mulling over my second playthrough party. Two things are for certain, I will play on Supreme Jerk and I will not take Angie along at the start for extreme difficulty reasons. I'm thinking about doing a party of junkies, but I'm not sure there are enough drugs in the game to last my drug addict party throughout, doesn't seem like there is enough in the Ay-Zee, anyway. Is there withdrawal in the game?
  11. Are you sure? Have you gotten to the Mine or the Abandoned TrainYard? Have you found every Shrine? To the best of my knowledge, yes (a definite yes for the mine and the train yard). I've unfogged the entire map, every single nook and cranny.
  12. Alright, got to Darwin Village, the last place for me to go through before I set off for the sunny skies and warm beaches of California.
  13. That's true, she seems to have a sense of honor. Lord knows I wouldn't be that honorable in a life and death battle.
  14. Any dragon fight where there are no missile weapons is always going to involve some questionable logic. I mean, by all accounts dragons are intelligent creatures, extremely intelligent in some cases, so why wouldn't the dragon just always stay in the air and breathe fire at you? Why would the dragon land and put itself in a position where it could possibly be harmed when it's 100% safe when in the air? Unless there is a cave or something for you to get into where the only way the dragon could reach you is by landing and walking, it makes no sense.
  15. I've been getting completely shafted on bludgeoning weapon drops. I swear, I must get 20 guns to every bludgeoning weapon.
  16. Well, I'm finally just about ready to go to California. I have a few loose ends to tie up first, but I don't think thy'll take very long. I'm eager to see a new, different location. I'm also really hoping to find a better bludgeoning weapon for by group leader. She's still using a freakin' crowbar for goodness sake, which would be great if she was Gordon Freeman, but she's not.
  17. I never had any trouble fighting the dragon. I've played through the game 5 times, I think, possibly 6, and I've dies a total of once, maybe twice on the dragon fight. The Kayran fight is the one that always gives me the most trouble, even though once you learn what to do, it's really not hard. For whatever reason, I always screw up a bunch of times doing that fight. I don't think I've ever gotten past the Kayran in less than 3 tries. It's the reason I'll never attempt Insane Mode, because I know for a fact my game will end at the hands tentacles of the Kayran.
  18. Of course, the fact that Gamasutra was the site where the whole Gamers are Dead thing should have been something I remembered, I didn;t since it;s a site I never visited anyway. My bad, thanks for the info.
  19. Out of curiosity, can someone fill me in on Gamasutra? I'm going to make the leap in logic and assume they're one of the sites that aired the Gamers are Dead articles and are anti-GG, correct? I ask because it's not a site I ever visit. There are certain sites I used to visit, quite regularly in some cases, that I no longer visit at all, to the point that I won't even click on a link if it has that site's name in it (thanks to all this that post archived articles), but Gamasutra wasn't a site I really visited before, so nothing has changed in that regard. My view is this, I'm not in favor of silencing anybody by force. I don't condone the SJWs manipulating the message and trying to silence opposing viewpoints via threats and at the same time I don't condone any GG or NYS folks trying to manipulate the message and silence opposing viewpoints via threats. With that said, if sites lose sponsorships or even completely shut down because of dwindling viewership then that's just the market speaking, as far as I'm concerned, that's what you get for attacking and demonizing your core target audience (seriously, how in the world can attacking your core target audience be a good idea?). As long as a site losing business or shutting down is a result of dwindling viewership and not due to people messing with their servers, threatening them, or blocking their channels, then that's just capitalism in action as far as I'm concerned.
  20. That would be absolutely tragic, if true. Someone going to prison for 10 years over this ****? Nah, no one deserves that. Somehow I doubt it's true though. Agreed completely on one account and partially on the other. I fully agree that I think this is fake. I partially agree that the supposed punishment does not fit the crime. I agree 10 years is excessive, but at the same time this doxxing **** has got to stop, regardless of which side it comes from. Doxxing is some seriously irresponsible **** and sooner or later it's going to lead to somewhere really dark. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are plenty of mentally unstable people out there, and eventually if this crap continues someone is going to use the information to physically track someone down, in person, use your imagination as to where this goes from there. I don't know the legal ramifications, but whoever did the doxxing should be tried as an accessory to the crime as far as I'm concerned if that happens. What I'm saying is that a message needs to be sent loud and clear that this doxxing **** is not okay, and if it takes someone getting put through the legal system ringer to do it, that's a better alternative to what could happen if it goes unchecked.
  21. I dunno, Monte. Putin is doing his damnedest to keep Russians at or near the top of the villain food chain for years to come.
  22. Total immersion my ass. We won't have total immersion until they put out these: I keed I keed. I'm excited about Oculus too, but I'm waiting at least 2 more iterations before I even consider getting in on it.
  23. No reason to be faithful, Geralt's been cuckolded to hell and back by both Triss and Yennefer. To be completely honest, I'd kick both of them to the curb for Shani.
  24. Oh sweet Jesus, are we going to have a Rant On thread for every single game? I'm fine with people discussing what they don't like about a game, but I'm envisioning a dark near future where the whole first page is flooded with these ****ing threads.
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