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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The only appropriate response: At best this "pressure" they're trying to put on Obsidian will get PoE some free advertising, at worst (and most likely) it will do nothing at all. Remember, these are largely the same people that have been trying to take Total Biscuit down for the last however many months. Q: How has that worked out? A: He's more popular than ever. Edit: As an aside, that's got to be a sad way to live; constantly going out of your way to look for things to get upset and outraged about (often on someone else's behalf). That can't be healthy for your psyche. I'd almost feel sorry for these people if they weren't such ***holes.
  2. I've been lucky enough to avoid the bug as I've been drag and dropping everything. Hopefully the fix shows up soon, though, as I'm bound to double-click by accident sooner or later, especially since double-clicking is how you split stacks (it took me forever to figure that out since I'm so used to shift+click).
  3. It turns out that Hard Difficulty in Pillars of Eternity is actually hard. My party's been savagely obliterated a fair number of times already.
  4. I think we have experienced a catastrophic reactor overload; Pillars of Eternity broke the forums.
  5. So, I wandered into the ruined temple in Gilded Vale by myself and decided to give it a go. I managed to get around a little bit of it by being sneaky and skillfully pulling enemies with a crossbow bolt then retreating and going melee, but then I got horribly murdered. Repeatedly horribly murdered. Turns out, there are packs of beasties in there that it's not advisable to tackle alone. I do love that though. If I do something stupid, like wander into an old abandoned temple all by my lonesome, I should get punished for it, and punished for it I got, by being repeatedly horribly murdered. Don't have enemies level scale with me, allow me to make my own mistakes and punish me for them severely. I do have a companion now (and another level under my belt), so maybe I can try that temple, but I'm going to head back to Valewood first and pay a visit to those bears. Good times.
  6. My favorite Chinese dish: Ma Po Bean Curd.
  7. I love reading the stories when you reach into people's souls; some really entertaining stuff there. I spent an hour walking around Gilded Vale and hardly did anything but talk to people and reach into souls, and I only visited just over half the town. I haven't even been to the inn yet. Good times.
  8. Had a big greasy breakfast, took a walk outside once it stopped raining, lifted some weight when I got back, and now I'm finishing up laundry. Then it's all about that PoE.
  9. I am super slow at playing games too. I like to take my time; it's part of the reason I'm not cut out to play RTSs. I played nearly 4 hours of PoE last night (and recorded 4 LP episodes) and just reached Gilded Vale. I got killed a couple times in Valenwood and made note of places to come back to once I have some companions/am stronger. Turns out, trying to solo a pair of bears with a Barb at lev 2 on hard difficulty, not the best idea.
  10. I spent the day eating pizza, drinking hard cider, and playing PoE. Good times.
  11. Hard, Expert Mode. I may do Trial of Iron and/or Path of the Damned in the future, but not for a first playthrough.
  12. As an aside, I named my piglet "Roberto", not that you can "officially" name him, but that's what I call him.
  13. I tend to avoid Snyder's work because it's mostly ****, is Sucker Punch worse than usual? It's hard to compare since I too tend to stay away from his work, for the same reasons. The movie tries to relay some deep message about captivity, abuse, and rape, but the narrative is such a mess and so nonsensical that you have to perform Olympic-level mental gymnastic to derive anything out of it. The effects are a mixed bag; some of the CGI is cool, some of it is bloody awful. The action sequences are a complete mess. Really, "a complete mess" is the best way to describe the movie.
  14. It's by some fly-by-night company called "Obsidian Entertainment". Never heard of them. I wouldn't trust them. Label it a "stay away" for now.
  15. Yemen does have some natural resources for us to plunder, right? Sweet, let's do this!
  16. I'm pretty sure Sucker Punch flopped because it was a ****ty movie. No further explanation or delving is necessary nor warranted. The movie sucked > people realized it sucked > it flopped. End of story.
  17. I got Friday off from work, I can play PoE as long as I want tomorrow. Gonna rain all day and night, so nothing else to do anyway.
  18. Marred by the reflection of the fool with the camera! Fool indeed. The build quality on this card is exceptional. By comparison, the card I took out felt like a little plastic toy compared to the precision built professional machine I put in its place. Not that it matters, it could feel like paper-mache so long as it lasts, stays (relatively) cool, and gives me all the FPS. ALL OF THEM. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I don't want any FPS left for the rest of you. I'm greedy like that.
  19. Steam, because of the convenience of auto-updates and the built in social functionality, even if this isn't a multi-player game. Had GOG's Galaxy client been out at this point I maybe would have decided differently, but it isn't.
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