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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I get where you're coming from. With this game you may be waiting forever for the "definitive" version, though. The game is 3 years old and they still keep adding stuff to it periodically, so there's no telling when it will be possible to buy it with absolutely everything. Edit: Also, I was wrong, there are currently 9 major DLCs.
  2. Not as far as I can see, only the old game. Yeah, it's only CK, not CK2. If you want CK2, you have to sign your fist born over to GabeN. Nah not going to buy another half product, I will wait for complete edition. Do someone know how much each DLC for CK2 cost? because there is already around 20+ as far as I know and if each is 5 bucks + then its really ton of cash for one game There are like 5 or 6 major DLCs that add scenarios and/or flesh out and add stuff to what were previously unplayable and/or minor cultures. Then there are about a billion DLCs that just add portraits, unit models, and songs. Wait until a Steam Sale and you can probably get the base game and all the major expansions for around $30 or $35, then just scoop up whatever culture's songs and portraits and graphics you care about the most for like 50 cents a pop.
  3. Not as far as I can see, only the old game. Yeah, it's only CK, not CK2. If you want CK2, you have to sign your fist born over to GabeN.
  4. HTC + Valve VR headset http://www.htcvr.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTITJSSRUso 1200x1080 per eye 90 HZ refresh Headphone jack Gyrosensor Accelerometer Laser Position Sensor Couples with Steam VR base stations that track your body's movement (up to 15' x 15') Custom game controllers in each hand
  5. It's a pretty good point & click. I found the puzzles to be a bit meh, but the game is bursting at the seams with charm.
  6. Westbrook out for at least a week. OKC can't catch a break this season... Actually, they are catching breaks, literally. The Thunder have had maybe 15-20 games all season at full strength.
  7. Khronos Group filed a trademark for "Vulkan". Speculation is that this will be the official name of the OpenGL successor (generally referred to as OpenGL-Next until now) to be revealed next week at GDC. http://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=86539994&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=statusSearch I wonder if the name "Vulkan" is in honor of the late Leonard Nimoy or if it's a coincidence?
  8. Well, I'm done with Hand of Fate. I didn't finish it, I'm just done with the game. I recorded my last LP on it and it's getting uninstalled immediately. I had some 7 to 8 hours of fun with it, for $20 that's not bad, so I don't regret it, but it turned from fun to really frustrating really quick. It's the RNG that got to me. Yeah, randomness can create tougher challenges for you and tense moments, that's all well and good, but there are times where the cards get so stacked against you that almost no amount of skill can overcome it and you're just ****ed. Restart the adventure and hope the cards are kinder. Yeah, no thanks. It's the same reason I stopped playing rougelikes and I'll never play FTL. I find no fun in getting plopped in a virtually no win scenario, haha, better luck next time. I have no time to play with RNG that can place you in virtually unwinnable scenarios.
  9. The first FEAR was far and away the best of the series IMHO. FEAR 2 had better shooter mechanics and AI, but the story and level design were so much weaker than the first game, the game just felt really uninspired. FEAR 3 is just pure garbage.
  10. I hope Spock lives long and prospers in the afterlife. Since I need something to cheer me up after hearing the news, here's Leonard singing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGF5ROpjRAU
  11. I'm confused by the San Francisco comment. Unless you think I live in San Fran, which I don't, I live on the opposite coast, then that's a weird non sequitur. It's usually a white sauce with potato & bacon pizza in my experiences.
  12. Bacon & potato pizzas are quite commonplace, at least where I live. They are insanely delicious, but they are massive calorie bombs, even more so than pizza in general. Even better is bacon, potato, and chicken.
  13. Westbrook should be MVP. He's keeping OKC afloat while KD has been missing a bunch of time. On a serious note, this could be a blessing in disguise for OKC assuming KD's foot is all sorted out by playoff time. KD's going to be all types of rested for the playoffs and a lot of guys have been getting playing time they wouldn't have if the team had been at full strength all year. They may need those guys in the playoffs.
  14. I don't feel like making a separate thread for this so I'll just put it here. We have some Brits on the forums, so I'm asking said Brits, transplanted or still in the UK, give me some crisps suggestions. I'm thinking about importing some across the ocean to try some out. I'm tired of the chips we have here in the US, I'd like to try something a bit different.
  15. That looks cool, definitely something to keep an eye on. I love the art style on the backgrounds. The character models, not so much.
  16. I had my first death in Hand of Fate last night. I was going up against the Jack of Scales (lizardman). The adventure started out well enough, but it was a rather long trudge and when things started falling apart for me, they fell apart quickly. I was never able to get much gold because it just wasn't in the cards for me, and whenever I stumbled across a shop, I was so low on food I spent all my gold to buy food. I was still doing okay until I lost my shield, then things went south fast. Without the ability to counter or reflect projectiles, I had to dodge roll like crazy, plus I was running out of food. I was just scraping by, trying to survive, almost got to the boss fight, and wound up dying in an encounter with goblins and lizardmen. I just wasn't prepared for what lizardmen brought to the table, as this was my first battle with them, plus I was already pretty hurt going into the battle, plus there were traps there. I got slaughtered but quick. It wasn't all for nothing, though, as I had acquired 3 tokens by then and got the cards from those. I'm happy to see the difficulty ramp up like this in the game. My one fear early on was how easy the game was, but it's not easy any more. The battles are more hectic, the encounter cards are more devious, and the dealer is more stingy with items to help me along. It's great! This game is a ton of fun.
  17. I thought about doing some Let's Plays once (narrated) but when I tried to practice, I realized two things: --I do this mild/quiet giggle when I'm amused, and apparently I'm amused a lot --I sniffle/mini-clear my throat a lot (allergies). I can control the latter but I couldn't cease the giggles. The giggles might be endearing I've noticed I vary the volume of my voice too much. I have a tendency to say some things more quietly, under my breath a bit, which is obviously not good for a Let's Play. Gotta work on that.
  18. Not harsh at all. Also, I welcome any honest criticism, harsh or otherwise. Yours was particularly constructive, thanks for that. I'm not looking to do any kind of schtick, I'm just playing games and doing my normal stream of consciousness out loud. I know what you mean. I still remember the first time I heard myself on a recording and how shocked I was. "That's what I sound like?" I don't have a very good public speaking voice, not much I could do about that. I'm using Simple Screen Recorder to capture the video and in-game sound and Audacious to capture the microphone sound (keep in mind that I'm on Linux, so Windows-only software does me no good). I then split out the audio from the video recording and mix the game and microphone audio together into one track in Audacious (this lets me adjust levels or make cosmetic adjustments like I did in my 3rd video). I then put the video and the newly mixed audio together and encode it using Pitivi. I turned the volume up in my 2nd and 3rd videos after noticing how quiet the first one was (I didn't link them here thinking linking just 1 was shameful enough). I may turn up the gain in postprocess on the audio some more in future videos. Thanks for the suggestion.
  19. I hated Dead Island and I still love Dying Light. It's way better than Dead Island, it's what Dead Island should have been, and even with the annoyances of the pit battle and the lame as hell final boss QTE battle, I still loved the game and continue to play it occasionally to do side quests, challenges, and just parkour around Harran and slice heads off. As long as first person parkour isn't a turn off for you, you will love Dying Light if you loved Dead Island. Pro-tip: Get the dropkick skill as soon as possible. It's hilarious.
  20. I actually like the setting the bomb mission, I liked the intensity and panic the time constraints added to it. The pit, though, I hated. Outside of the horrifically disappointing final boss fight, the pit was the most angry and frustrated Dying Light made me in the entire game. The Pit was annoying, but more so because of those stupid running zombies. The actual "boss fight" was relatively easy if it weren't for those running things buzzing around. Virals are really annoying and quite dangerous early in the game. They're a piece of cake later on when you have a powerful weapon. I've decapitated so many virals that I'm into the hundreds. They are a definite annoyance in the fight with the Demolisher, though.
  21. I actually like the setting the bomb mission, I liked the intensity and panic the time constraints added to it. The pit, though, I hated. Outside of the horrifically disappointing final boss fight, the pit was the most angry and frustrated Dying Light made me in the entire game. I'm playing more Hand of Fate. I really like this game. This may be the closest any video game has ever come to recreating a table top gaming experience. Using cards to create randomized "maps" and loot drops is a brilliant idea and executed really well. Heck, even the combat has gotten more fun now that I'm fighting stronger enemies and have access to better equipment with special abilities, giving me more options during combat. It's still the weakest part of the game, but I'm having a decent bit of fun with the combat. Hopefully the game keeps getting deeper the further I go, like it has so far. As an aside, anyone have any advice on what codec and settings to use for youtube videos? I think I just skimped too much on the bitrate trying to keep the file size down, which resulted in a kinda crappy looking video. Is there a better codec to use than H264?
  22. Hand of Fate, a weird combination of deck building, choose your own adventure, and brawler from Defiant Development. Also, this is an opportunity for me to shamelessly plug my first ever Let's Play video. As it's my first Let's Play, it's a learning experience. I definitely need to work on my audio levels and using better codecs, also, just getting more comfortable commentating while playing.
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