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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. With a few exceptions, I almost never use guns against zombies, I save my bullets for fighting Reis' thugs. Once you get stronger melee weapons, you'll be slicing through most zombies (not the really big ones like Demolishers) like a hot knife through butter. I use guns for Demolishers, (sometimes) Goons, and Reis' thugs (also those spitting dudes if they're in a hard to reach spot), and basically nothing else. My electrified and flaming bastard sword makes short work of anything else. Outside of Demolishers (and Volatiles at night), combat is a piece of cake at higher levels.
  2. During the first couple missions it's scripted, meaning certain events will always happen at a certain time, regardless of how long you take to get to them. This is done on purpose because that part of the game is essentially a tutorial and wants to show off trying to get to a safe location before night, surviving a night pursuit, etc. After that, time flows on its own and it's completely up to you whether you want to do something during the day or the night. Certain missions and challenges require either daytime or night time, but trying to do those won't magically move the clock, you just won't be able to do those events until it's the appropriate time in the game. Edit: Basically what Fighter wrote.
  3. 5, I believe. Thanks. I can safely shuffle that into the 2016 pile at the back of my mind, then.
  4. How many episodes total? I'll think about scooping this up once the game is released completely.
  5. Some The Order 1886 humor (strong language):
  6. Finished the story in Dying Light. The story started out well enough, but very rapidly devolved into a paint by numbers, been there done that a million times ordeal. I think Techland had a contest to see how many cliches they could cram into one storyline. Luckily, the gameplay in the game is really fantastic and just keeps getting better... until the final boss fight, which is a freaking QTE battle. What. The. ****? What better way to cap off a game filled with great gameplay than in the laziest, most non-gameplay way imaginable. Oh well, I can now freely run around Harran and just **** around with no worries about the main story (I could do that before too). The side activities are for the most part a lot more interesting than the main story anyway.
  7. Interview with Spiders' Jehanne Rousseau with (scant) new details on Technomancer So it is indeed a sequel to Mars: War Logs. That filthy mysoginist ****lord pig... What, Jehanne's a woman? I mean, that filthy house ****er! Fortified with 56% more rolling! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYnFIRc0k6E#t=62 Menage a trois possibility?
  8. My new all melee party for supreme jerk difficulty: Obviously, Jack, Janet, and Chrissy, the OG 3rd roommate, had to be part of the team, but I was torn on whether to have Mr. Roper or Larry as the 4th member. I think Mr. Roper was the right choice. I tried to make them at least a little like they were on the show. For example, Jack has low coordination because he's a klutz. Janet has high intelligence. Chrissy has low intelligence and high charisma. Mr. Roper has hard ass and bargaining skills. Not the best strategy for min maxing, but I'm not trying to do that, plus I've already beaten the game on ranger difficulty. This is all about goofing around and making things very challenging for myself.
  9. I'm 84% through the story in Dying Light. I have a katana that both electrocutes and sets enemies on fire, though that's mostly a moot point since 90% of the time I just slice heads clean off, so the whole burning or electrocution thing is kinda pointless. I just finished climbing a tower that would make Ubisoft green with envy. I should be able to finish the story tomorrow. Hopefully after I finish the story the game will allow me to keep playing so I can keep getting my Mirror's Edge on and going on murder sprees in Harran.
  10. False. There is no correlation between the harshness of winter and my enjoyment of summer. It's a nice thought, but it's untrue.
  11. I got a serious case of cabin fever going. The reason: That's what Connecticut has looked like for a month straight. Everything is buried under snow, below average (way below average in most cases) temperatures every day. Next week looks just as bad, way below average temps the whole week, more snow on Tuesday, maybe more snow on Friday. Tomorrow morning I get to wait for the bus in -5° F temps with 15 mph winds. This is my 27th Connecticut winter and I can confidently say this is easily in the top 3 worst winters I've been through here. April can't possibly come soon enough.
  12. Feminism has become so reviled that people, and I'm talking both men and women, would sooner admit to being a drug addict or criminal than call themselves a feminist, at least where I live. While most people I know support equality, the term feminism has become so tainted by radical "feminists" over the last decade or so, that it's now synonymous with screeching, overbearing, man-hating harpies. Radical "feminists" of today are not feminists at all, at least not going by what feminism was originally defined as, they are miserable people that want everybody else to be miserable too, so they set out to destroy anything and everything others enjoy under the guise of "feminism" so that everyone else can share in their misery. It's too bad, since it hampers the work of those actually fighting for women's rights.
  13. I'd like to add that I've started to mess with the Dying Light companion app on my phone. It's actually a pretty cool little "game". It's free, there are no microtransactions, at least none that I've seen, and it's a neat little distraction for when you're away from home. It doesn't really have much effect on your main game, the stuff you get is mostly stuff you could easily scavenge in 5 minutes in the game, but it's still pretty cool. You link it to your main game, whether Steam, PSN, or XBL, then you have a team of runners you can send on missions in the app. They can level up and they can die and have 2 stats each, power and agility. Some missions depend on power, some on agility. You basically choose your runners for a mission of your choosing, up to 3 can go on a mission, then check back later to get the results. It takes like 30 seconds to send a couple teams out on a mission and the missions take however many minutes to complete. It's perfect for wehn you're at work. On break send a couple teams out on a couple missions, then on next break collect the stuff they got from the mission, heal them up if necessary, and send them out on more missions. Lather, rinse, repeat throughout the work day, then before you go home, create a package from the stuff you scavenged and send it. Then when you get home and fire up Dying Light, the package with all the stuff your teams scavenged will be waiting for you at the quartermaster.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsKz1FBPTxc
  15. I finally decided to move on in the main story in Dying Light and moved on to the Old Town. The journey through the tunnel was quite fun. I like how they set it up so that you could, if you wanted to, avoid most of the enemies and Mirror's Edge it instead. I did wind up wiping out every enemy in the tunnel, as I often do in controlled areas like that where I don't have to worry about infinite enemy respawns or drawing virals from surrounding areas with noise, especially when given areas where I can safely wait and strategize my optimal killing path. I'm really liking Old Town. It's got a lot more really tall buildings, for even more of a Mirror's Edge feel getting all parkour on rooftops hundreds of feet off the ground. Good times.
  16. Kinda defeats the point of playing in a window.
  17. Again. The ends justify the means, in a nutshell.
  18. Still Dying Light. Still haven't made progress in the main mission. The tunnel is right there for me to go through to get to the next part of the city, but I'm having too much fun doing challenges and side missions in the slums. Also, I've unlocked the grappling hook. The grappling hook is essentially Cheat Mode. It's freakin' awesome. I love it so much. With my upgraded skills and the grappling hook, I can basically Mirror's Edge around Harran, except I can vault off of zombies, jump off cars or buildings and OBLITERATE zombies on the way down, then grappling hook my way up to the top of a building before the rest of the horde can get to me. This game just keeps giving you more ridiculous goofy fun options the more you play. The one skill unlock I'm looking forward to the most is the ultimate agility skill. When you unlock that you no longer burn stamina doing Mirror's Edge type stuff, meaning you can parkour forever. I'm a long way from getting that skill unlock, but when I do, and I will, this game is going to be the freakin' best.
  19. Is that a SVU Valentines Day card? Oh man, that just made my day. Thank you for that.
  20. Yeah, to me, whether Wu was or wasn't a dude at some point means nothing. As for the mental instability, I don't need Milo to show me that. Anyone with a pair of eyeballs and a brain can see that she's a stark raving lunatic.
  21. Such music Much Warhammer Wow I couldn't help myself.
  22. Yeah, the "progressive" media flipping out because Raven's Cry has rampant sexism is pretty hilarious, and I saw this coming when I first wrote about the game a while back. Criticizing the game for being broken and unfinished is fair, because it;s broken and unfinished. Criticizing it for the horrible voice acting (when it actually has it) and terrible dialogue, also fair. Criticizing a game about pirates for having foul language and sexism is ridiculous. It's a game about pirates. You play a freakin' pirate. A pirate like they really were (and are) not the romanticized Hollywood vision of pirates with a heart of gold. Pirates are not nice people, they don't have hearts of gold, that's Hollywood bull****. Pirates are criminals, thugs, thieves, murderers, and rapists. Out of all the things Raven's Cry has going against it, and believe me, as someone who owns the game, there is PLENTY wrong with the game, starting with the fact that it's not even finished, their depiction of pirates is not one of them. That game deserves the bad reviews it's getting, but not for its depiction of pirates. Their depiction of pirates is closer to reality that pretty much any other game I could think of, and it's damn refreshing. The character you play is a ****ing scumbag, because pirates are ****ing scumbags, and it's cool to play a pirate that acts like a genuine pirate for once.
  23. I'm interested. Not nearly interested enough to pre-order or anything (I'm all done with pre-ordering anyway. I feel dirty I ever did in the past). I'd be more interested if it had been written by whoever did Orzammar in DA:O as that was the only part of that game with writing worth celebrating, IMHO.
  24. I'm just here for d1ck jokes. On a serious note, as for Bethesda I have no hatred toward them. On the other hand, I don't speak their name in reverence and place them on a pedestal like some people either. Personally, I think vanilla Skyrim pretty much sucks, much like Oblivion did, but it is a great base for people to get buckwild and crazy with mods, and there is value in that. Same goes for Fallout 3, and it did pave the way for New Vegas, which is my favorite Fallout game ever. So, umm, yeah, Bethesda just sort of exists in my view, putting out mediocre games made much better by modders. No harm in that.
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