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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Here we can post pictured and discuss women covered from head to toe, showing as little of the devil's skin that's turning men into raping monsters as possible. I apologize in advance for the little skin around the eyes or the hands and feet that might slip through the rape culture filter. Also, allow me to apologize in advance for being a white heterosexual male with a pen1s. I am a monster, please forgive me.
  2. The first GTX 960 reviews and benchmarks are coming in. Obviously, do your research and don't just go be a single review, but from that single review the card seems like a real winner, delivering plenty of horsepower at a very reasonable price point ($199, don't know what that translates to where you live). If nothing else, this will likely force AMD to drop prices on some of its cards in the same general performance range, so everybody wins.
  3. I'm sorry everybody, it was clearly the Io Shirai pictures I posted. ****less wimps were obviously intimidated by pictures of an attractive, highly athletic, fearless, and totally badass woman who does things they would never have the cojones to try. My bad.
  4. Because the best way to deal with a security risk is to add another security risk into the equation.
  5. It's the dead of winter and we have another week of brutally cold temperatures coming up. This seems like an opportune time to break out the slow cooker and make some clam chowder.
  6. I finished up Jagged Alliance Flashback. Not the greatest ending in the world, but this is a low budget game, so I shouldn't have expected some epic cutscene. Anyway, I enjoyed the game overall. It's nothing special but it kept me entertained and coming back to it quite willingly, so there's something to be said for that. I'll take a look at the toolkit in the future and maybe set up my own scenario if I feel so inclined and the tools are up to snuff. I'd like to see Full Control do a follow up. The framework is in place and the combat mechanics are solid, good even. While characters don't have special abilities, so the leveling is pretty plain and straightforward, the actual combat itself works really well, better in many respects than XCOM, with the ability to stand, crouch, or lie prone anywhere, giving both offensive and defensive bonuses, good shooting mechanics with sustained fire bonuses, solid line of sight mechanics, and a relatively simple, but well functioning stealth/detection system that incorporates line of sight, lighting, time of day, weather, and noise. I wouldn't mind them tweaking and improving the mechanics further, but even if they left the mechanics alone and concentrated fully on making a better story with more interesting characters, I'd be happy with that, since that's the area in which the game lacks the most, in my opinion.
  7. AMD's R9 285 is probably the price to performance king in the $200-$300 bracket right now, though Nvidia's GTX 960 is supposed to launch in a matter of days, it might even be tomorrow, so you may want to hold off until we get full specs, pricing, benchmarks, and reviews to make a decision.
  8. The subscription model is pretty much dead. What subscription-based MMOs have succeeded in staying subscription-based? WoW FFXIV Eve Online There's also Wildstar, but I predict that will drop the sub within the next 6 months. For me, personally, a subscription is a barrier to me ever even trying a MMO. If a game is F2P, I may give it a shot, because what have I got to lose except some time? If I wind up having fun with the game, I may buy some stuff to support the devs. If I have to buy a retail copy of the game then fork over $15 a month, I'll never even try the game. Simple as.
  9. Yeah, that Sandy Bridge CPU is fine. RAM should be okay for a while, though you may need to upgrade for some games in the near future. Video card is the big thing. I don't know what you budget looks like so I can't recommend a specific card other than to say I generally prefer Nvidia over AMD, but that's down to my own personal choice.
  10. TESO going F2P model (except you still have to buy the game)? Nobody could have seen that coming.
  11. I did my first ever Rift Run in Infinity Wars. It's basically the same thing as Arena Mode in Hearthstone (i.e. you draft a deck more or less at random then play that deck until you lose 3 times, trying to get as many wins as possible). I wound up going 4-3, so at least I had a winning record, which is pretty decent for a first ever attempt at it. Many of my victories came at the hands of the insane Defense Golem/Balance combo. Defense Golem is a relatively low cost creature with no attack power and very high health, plus reach (meaning that while it can't fly, it can block flying creatures). It functions basically like a wall in MtG, putting up an obstacle and delaying your opponent. Balance makes a target creature's power equal to its health, turning a tough but harmless blocking creature into an insane machine of destruction instantly. I wasn't specifically drafting for that combo to begin with, since combos in Rift Runs are foolish to depend on seeing as you may not draft the necessary cards, but about halfway through the draft I realized that by chance that synergy was coming about and decided to pursue it, so it kinda fell into place. Anyway, that was pretty fun and I quite liked that deck. I don't as of yet own the cards to effectively replicate that deck in the constructor to use in ranked play, but it the future I'd like to do it with some tweaks.
  12. Would you recommend the game? Yes, but not without a bit of hesitation. It's rough around the edges, it's a bit buggy, it's not the longest game in the world (unless there's a lot more game left than I thought), and it certainly doesn't reach the levels of greatness of JA2. That said, I've enjoyed playing it, the tactical combat is fairly robust, time of day and weather actually have a significant impact on gameplay, the simplistic art style and saturated colors work really well, and the gun sounds are nice and meaty. At full price I would hesitantly reccommend it if you're into turn-based squad strategy. On sale, I would reccommend it with out hesitation, just know that it's closer to JA1 than JA2.
  13. Spiders making new RPG called Technomancer. It's possibly a Mars: War Logs sequel/spin-off. I actually kinda liked Mars: War Logs, even with its unfulfilled potential and hilariously bad dialogue and voice acting.
  14. I'm nearing the end of Jagged Alliance Flashback. I now control the entirety of the main island, all that's left is to go across to the small island where The Prince's stronghold is located. I'm sure I'll encounter heavy resistance there, but my mercs are so well equipped and skilled at this point that I foresee cutting through enemy forces like a hot knife through butter.
  15. Are they trying to one-up BioWare's in the hilariously bad romance department?
  16. It's Wampir in Polish. Also, dang, the Phillipines either have a large number of different vampires, a lot of different dialects, or a lot of ways to say the same thing.
  17. I only have one game to go by as to judge Dontnod's abilities as a developer, Remember Me, which was frankly not good. Still, maybe this genre will fit them better and I wouldn't mind a vampire RPG, at least vampires aren't nearly as ****ed out as zombies. I'll be interested to hear more about it once details about the game come out.
  18. Escapism doesn't have to mean fantasy setting and magic and dragons and stuff. Escapism could be as simple as living a regular life as someone more attractive, successful, and/or better at dealing with the opposite (or same, if you're so inclined) sex. The fact that this has raised over 60k Canadian so far seems to suggest there is at least somewhat of a market for that kind of experience.
  19. I like cities. I like not being reliant on a car and cities almost always have vastly superior public transportation compared to rural areas, plus a lot of stuff is in walking distance. On the down side, I don't currently live in a city that has a trolley. I wanna ride a trolley, dammit.
  20. ............................................________ ....................................,.-‘”...................``~., .............................,.-”...................................“-., .........................,/...............................................”:, .....................,?......................................................\, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:”........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(.....“~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_....”~,_........“~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......”=,_.......“-,_.......,.-~-,},.~”;/....} ...........((.....*~_.......”=-._......“;,,./`..../”............../ ...,,,___.\`~,......“~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-” ............/.`~,......`-...............................\....../\ .............\`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....\,__ ,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,_\_......`\,.................................\ ...................`=~-,,.\,...............................\ ................................`:,,...........................`\..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_\..........._,-%.......`\ ...................................,<`.._|_,-&``................`\ Edit: @Zoraptor - Agreed. There is, unfortunately, some truth to the phrase "If you repeat something enough times, it becomes true." That's a central tactic of propaganda, and it is effective.
  21. Hey, remember Raven's Cry, that pirate RPG being developed by Reality Pump? No? Well, I imagine most people had forgotten about it, if they even knew about it in the first place, since there has been no mention of the game in seemingly forever. Well, there's some actual gameplay of the game out in the wild now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vY4IPpmsuWk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kwoHucMgls
  22. Thanks for the well wishes, folks. My back feels a bit better but no work for me today, just taking it easy all day. I've thrown my back out enough times to know that it's generally 2 to 3 days before I'm fairly functional and a full week before I'm back to normal.
  23. Luckily, I have sick/personal days to use so I won't be losing any money if I miss work tomorrow.
  24. I took a rather unpleasant trip down some ice covered steps today. That set off my reoccurring back problem (as anyone who has ever hurt their back knows, once you hurt your back once, you've got a back problem for the rest of your life). It's been a rather painful day. A whole bunch of pills, some alcohol, and lying flat on the ground for a while have helped, but moving around, especially getting up or sitting down, is still extremely painful. I already texted my boss and let them know there's a decent chance I won't be in tomorrow. I'll see how I feel in the morning, but I know these things don't go away in a single day. In the state I'm in I'd be useless at work.
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