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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Well yeah, karma is a b****. There's also the karma for the picked up flag in last week's game, so double karma payback.
  2. Well, sure, but that's easy to say sitting at a computer. On a crucial 4th down play, making a spectacular grab, it's probably hard in that split second as all that happens to recall this ridiculous rule and make a judgement to tuck the ball rather than risk stretching out for the endzone. I would think instinct pretty much takes over at that point and it;s Dez's instinct, as a competitor, to try and score the TD on that play, it's what makes him a great player. It's the same reason I don't get too mad at DeMarco Murray when he fumbles when he's fighting for extra yardage. Part of me wants him to maybe not fight quite as hard and put more effort into securing the ball and less into trying to get extra yards, but it's the instinct and desire to keep fighting for extra yards that makes him a great runner.
  3. Well, okay that clip doesn't start early enough, I guess, to show the ball as it's getting there, still he gets control of it almost immediately and before he even starts falling. More importantly, as a rule that's supposed to take judgement calls out of the game the Calvin Johnson Rule is a failure, since it still often comes down to a judgement call. The only difference being that the judgement call is now "did he make a 'football move'?" instead of "was that a catch?". Also, any rule, regardless of its good intentions that labels what is clearly a catch not a catch is a stupid rule. I still remember the original Calvin Johnson play. EVERYBODY thought that was a catch. Anyone with a set of eyeballs and a brain thought that was a catch. Even my sister, who doesn't watch or give a crap about football, came in the room as my pops and I were watching the replay and asked us "what's going on?". To which I replied "they're reviewing this catch". She watched a replay of it and asked "Why? That's clearly a catch."
  4. Dez was falling down when he gained control of the ball. He might have had a chance a non-falling catch if he'd secured control when the ball first arrived, but Shields got a hand in there and made Byrant bobble it a bit before he could control it. He got it in his hands as he stumbled forward, though. Then the ball touched the ground and he lost control. Ergo, incomplete. It's really quite an easy call-- controversial only in that some people don't like the underlying rule. Really? What bobble? Show me the bobble. Here is the play: Dez clearly has complete control of that ball. He has it securely in his hands and stretches his arm out, fully controlling the ball, toward the endzone. The ball comes loose when it hits the ground, he is in complete control of it up until that point. The "football move" part is important because if it is deemed that he has completed catching the ball and is making a "football move" then he is no longer considered to be in the process of catching the ball and is now considered a runner. The question is, is he still in the process of making the catch when the ball hits the ground or has he made a "football move"?
  5. Here is the Calvin Johnson Rule in all its faulty glory: Part c is the important part and what is commonly referred to as making a "football move". The problem is that there is no clear definition of what is and isn't a "football move". They cite a few examples then give the all powerful et cetera at the end, which essentially boils down to "use your judgement", which is hilarious for a rule put in place to remove judgement calls from the refs. So, Dez fulfilled part a, he clearly had control of the ball, I don't think anyone questioned that. He fulfilled part b, both his feet came down inbounds and he took a couple steps on the way down. The question is, did he fulfill part c? That question boils down to whether stretching out towards the endzone is considered a "football move". I would say yes, apparently the officials disagree and think that stretching out toward the endzone is not an "act common to the game".
  6. Angry Dez is pretty hilarious. He's almost as good as Harbaugh having a meltdown.
  7. I started to play Metro 2033 Redux on my Linux machine then stopped. The game runs fine and the graphics are amazing, but there are several problems. First off, the graphical options are as follows: Overall graphical quality SSAA Texture Filtering Motion Blur VSYNC That's it, that's all of it. There isn't even a ****ING separate selection for ****ing resolution. WHAT THE ****!? Apparently, resolution is tied in to overall graphics? What kind of crap is that? I figured out how to change it in the config file, but still, that is NOT ACCEPTABLE. More so, the game does not recognize my extra mouse buttons. I have a 5 button mouse (works just fine with all other games), but anything beyond mouse1, mouse2, and the scroll wheel button (mouse 3) are invisible. What ****ing year is this, 1993? 5+ button mice have existed for ****ing DECADES! What kind of lazy ****ing **** is this? For anyone wanting to play this game on Linux, know this, the port is garbage. Absolute ****ing garbage. Anyway, in the more positive realm of things, I plan to restart Jagged Alliance Flashback. Not due to any fault of the game (other than explaining mechanics) but due to my own negligence. I didn't understand/remember all mechanics early on which caused me to neglect doing some things that would benefit me greatly now and are 100x harder to do now. I could continue and persevere with a handicap, but I'll wuss out and start over. I figure it's better to start over now while still early, than have to start over later.
  8. You can't take on every foe at the same time. Big Publishers have big lawyers and tons of money to throw around. Taking on corrupted press AND SJWs (they are somewhat intertwined) is hard enough. Taking on the press, the SJWs, AND the publishers all at once would be folly. As much as it pains me to say it, you gotta pick your battles. For what it's worth, I battle the big publishers personally by no longer purchasing their games in many cases (Haven't purchaed an Activision game in 4 or 5 years, haven't purchased an EA game in at least 2 years, haven't purchased an Ubisoft game since Child of Light, so 8 months).
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq2ohfX_AzI At least they're consistent with it. lol It was unbelievably wrong the first time, it was just as wrong this time. That rule is so messed up. The point of it, I guess, is to take the guesswork out of officiating... by calling what is CLEARLY a catch not a catch... Somehow this makes sense to the NFL. Edit: Regardless, the Cowboys had a great season. Now they need to build off this for next year. Pay Dez, shore up the defense and get a QB for the future. Romo isn't done yet, but he's a couple hits away from done, they need to start developing a replacement yesterday.
  10. Cowboys got totally ****ed today. You can call it payback for last week's dubious no call, and that's fair, but that was ABSOLUTELY a catch by Dez. The Calvin Johnson Rule is utter garbage. Any rule where something 99% out of 100% of people with eyeballs and a brain decisively know was a catch is called not a catch is a retarded rule that has no place in the game. Oh well, still a great season by the Cowboys.
  11. Also, don't let him call a timeout when you get a generous spot that gives you 1st down. What the **** was that timeout to give the refs a chance to review?
  12. I don't much care if he succeeds or fails, I just want him in the league in a place of prominence for the entertainment value. I agree the situation in Buffalo is less than ideal, pretty similar to the situation he's leaving actually; solid defense, very questionable offense, and particularly QB, situation.
  13. My contempt for Torture Porn Raider is well known around these parts, so I agree with Luridis in that regard, but that's going quite off topic, isn't it? To bring this back on topic, TotalBiscuit very much liked Torture Porn Raider, but also very clearly told people that it is a Tomb Raider game in name only. Some other reviewers alluded to it too, but only in passing, skimming over the fact that this is a VERY different game than its predecessors, which is failing their readers IMHO.
  14. Rex Ryan has been hired as the new Bills head coach. This makes me so happy. Rex Ryan has given me an almost endless amount of entertainment during his coaching tenure with the Jets. I don't care where he coaches, I just want him in the league as a head coach.
  15. Grey Goo looks cool. Not my cup of tea since I don't usually play RTSs, on account of sucking horribly at them (I generally like to take my sweet time in tactical/strategy type games, which is fine in turn-based and not at all fine in real-time), but I appreciate the genre and the skills necessary to excel at them.
  16. Youtubers are whom I mostly go to for game related stuff these days. A certain Cynical Brit is my go to source for game impressions since his WTF Is videos are extremely informative and thorough, he wears his biases on his sleeve, and he takes the time to try to see things from other people's perspectives. Angry Joe and Yahtzee I watch for entertainment value because I enjoy their shtick, but not for information purposes, since their videos are piss poor in that department, IMHO. I'm pretty indifferent toward Jeremy Jahns and PewDiePie straight up makes me want to claw my own ears off, so I avoid his stuff like the plague.
  17. After their mismanagement of Broken Age (aka Double Fine Adventure) and the Spacebase DF9 fiasco, I wouldn't even consider getting a game from Double Fine before it's finished, since I've lost all faith in the company. That said, I've heard good things about Massive Chalice, so maybe Tim Schafer was hands off enough with this project that it managed to stay more or less on track. Hopefully it turns out to be a good game, it certainly looks interesting.
  18. Io Shirai - Wrestler With her sister Mio And some action shots for good measure
  19. Ugh, Rakshasa. They are a super pain in the butt to deal with. I hated them with a passion back when I played this game.
  20. My new Atomic Lamborghini Gallardo Evo racing wheel and pedals setup Sorry about the blurry pic, I'm a terrible photographer. I don't much care about the Lamborghini branding, though I don't mind and it does look cool. The biggest downside to this wheel is only 270 degree rotation, but I would have had to pay at least double what I dished out for this to get a wheel with the full rotation like a real car. Less rotation is common with less expensive wheels, some have as little as 180 degrees. Beyond that, it has a bunch of buttons, well placed, including 2 buttons on the back of the wheel which are very useful, and the standard sequential paddle shifters. Gas and brake only, no clutch, but again, to get pedals with a clutch I would generally have to spend a lot more. Pretty cool so far. One bummer is that I didn't realize that the power adapter it came with has a European plug, which is my bad, I mean it's a European company after all. No problem, I ordered some wall plug adapters which will get here Monday, and the AC adapter can handle US voltage. Until then, the wheel works, just no force feedback until I get the plug adapter. I'm mostly using it to play Euro Truck Simulator 2, but I'll break some racing games out too. Once Project CARS comes out this bad bod will get tons of use.
  21. Archery is really powerful in Awakening with the Accuracy passive. Some would say overpowered. It still has the speed bugs, though. ... To which I recommend this fan patch: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1601/? The only component of it that I don't use is the "no helmets" one. Also, in Awakening warrior archers are potentially better than rogue archers, whereas in Origins rogue archers were clearly superior.
  22. Bokishi has the same Thrustmaster Hotas-X flightstick I have. It's okay, I like it. It's no Saitek X52 (but nowhere near as expensive either), but it does the job.
  23. Nope It's Jagged Alliance: Flashback, so you're basically correct.
  24. Still playing Jagged Alliance: Flashback. I'm starting to get used to the mechanics and the interface. It's been a long time since I played a JA game, plus the mechanics here aren't exactly the same as either JA or JA2. There is something wonky with the game where all my female mercs start in the prone position when entering a new zone. It's not a big deal to make them change stances to either crouched or standing, but it's weird. The interface could use some definite work, the delay on tooltips is strangely long, and I haven't figured out if it's possible to turn in place, which is a big deal for line of sight reasons (as it is I have to go an extra spot then walk back if I want to face the other way, burning AP unnecessarily). Hopefully it's possible and I haven't figured out how to do it yet, because not being able to turn in place sucks. Beyond that, though, I'm finding the game fairly enjoyable. I'm a big fan of turn-based squad-based tactics games.
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