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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Agreed. Don't try to get cute with multiple endings if saves don't carry over. Pick one and make it canon.
  2. No. The i7 980X is STILL a monster.
  3. I've started doing the Paths of Od Nua. I've cleared the first 2 levels... Then I saw that sacrifice pit with all the blood all around it. Naturally, I climbed right in there, after saving, of course, and hopped to the bottom. Mistake. Turns out, climbing into the bloody sacrificial pit after a pair of spirits warn you to turn back and jumping down into the pool of blood and mangled limbs is not an wise course of action, not at level 6, anyway. Good times. Next order of business is going down to level 3... via the stairs, like a sane person.
  4. I don't care what any of you people want, I just want Jade Empire 2 (or just a wuxia RPG, it doesn't have to be made by Bio)
  5. This explains my troubles with a couple doors. Good to see it's been fixed.
  6. After spending some 12? 13? 14? hours in Defiance Bay, I've decided to go back out into the wilderness. I still have plenty of business in Defiance Bay but a man can only stay cooped up in a city for so long, even if he's having fun there (Mainly pissing the Doemenels the **** off. Seriously, they HATE me, like actively trying to murder me). I now have Pallegina with me (I like her) and am slowly making my way back to my stronghold. I want to see what it looks like now and maybe dip into the Paths below for a cup of coffee. Then it's off to either Raedric's Keep or toward Dyrford.
  7. You got a dagger for the kid? The Crucible Knights should have you arrested. I ignored the kid and continued along my way. I'm not getting a potentially deadly weapon for a kid.
  8. Pillars of Eternity. 31 hours into my journey and I've been mucking about Defiance Bay for the last 10 hours or so. Not that I mind, wandering about and, talking to people, reading lore, and just chilling in taverns and establishments of ill repute are some of my favorite things to do in RPGs. I'm sure I've got tons of stuff to do in Defiance Bay yet. I play super duper slow, so I'm likely not even 1/3 of the way through the game yet.
  9. Al Bundy was ahead of his time. Truly an inspiration to us all.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rehXsNdXjrg
  11. Not much of anything. I've mostly been curled up in bed sweating then shivering then sweating then shivering, making frequent trips to the bathroom, not eating anything, and just all around hating life for the last day and a half. I'm starting feel slightly better, to where I had enough strength to walk to my computer. Hopefully, I'll be semi-human tomorrow and can go to work.
  12. I like going through the game slowly, but then I'm a slow gamer in general. I spend most of the time in the game in scout mode slowly creeping around the maps inch by inch, and that suits me just fine. I'm in no hurry to get to the end.
  13. 21 hours in and I finally got my full party. I'm nearing Defiance Bay but my next trip will likely be back to Gilded Vale to sell off some stuff. I want to initiate the next round of stronghold upgrades but don't have enough cash on hand to do it, so I need to visit a merchant. I hate travelling while no work is being done on my stronghold. It seems so inefficient. I will almost certainly meet merchants in Defiance Bay, but I'm not sure how much further I need to go to get there and going back to Gilded Vale seems the safer bet.
  14. I wasn't suggesting Alan was being a charlatan or sea-lioning. I was suggesting Alan was honestly trying to empathize with the people losing their **** over a limerick. My argument is that these people should not be empathized with because they are bullies, and empathizing with them is unwittingly helping enable their behavior.
  15. "It's not you, gaming, it's me" For once, Ben Kuchera actually wrote something that's completely true.
  16. Yeah, I do wonder what percentage of the people getting bent out of shape over the limerick: 1) Are current Obsidian Entertainment customers 2) Have at any point been Obsidian Entertainment customers 3) Would ever be Obsidian Entertainment customers in the future if they are placated We'll almost certainly never get the true answer, but I bet that if you added the percentages of 1, 2, and 3 together it would be in the single digits.
  17. Dammit, Meshugger, I'm TRIGGERED... Triggered into a desire to listen to more Dubliners.
  18. Seemed very much like that Alan did feel that way, which is why I wanted to quote his response. He probably won't have time to respond, but I think its a valid question regardless. Well, to me it seems like Alan is being an apologist for the bullies. While I don't think his motives are bad, nor do I think he realizes he's helping to spread bullying and terror, he's just trying to be sensitive to their feels, the fact is that apologists for the scumbags driving today's shaming culture are enabling them and indirectly helping the spread of shaming culture. The people driving shaming culture are bullies. They use fear and intimidation to make others submit to their demands at the threat of having their livelihood ruined; many have had their livelihood ruined, even after they submitted to the bullies demands. Some of these people, no doubt, derive great pleasure from ruining other people's lives. These people are monsters. They do not deserve to be apologized for. They do not deserve our pity. They deserve ridicule and contempt.
  19. There is none, if you're a reasonable person. It's a silly limerick (limericks are, by their nature, often obscene) about a fictional person who's transphobic. The joke is at his expense. More importantly, it's just a joke. Not us, that's what the bullies are saying. They want to homogenize all media to their liking.
  20. I dunno, Best Western has been around for some 70 years and they have over 4000 hotels worldwide. Clearly, they're doing something right.
  21. Got my first crash to desktop in PoE. I suppose 1 CTD in over 18 hours of playing isn't bad. I save often so I only lost about 5 minutes of play time.
  22. I hate spirits. I really really hate spirits. Shadows, phantoms, shades, etc. Holding the line? Tactical combat? Ahahahahahaha! They just teleport right through you. Status effects? It's really fun constantly having 2 or 3 of them stacked on your characters.
  23. I very much disagree. There are many types of RPGs, from action oriented ones, to tactical ones, to hybrid strategy game/RPGs. There is room enough for all of these, the genre should not limit itself to just one style of gameplay. Furthermore, I feel that action combat is a perfect fit for The Witcher. Geralt is not a soldier, he is a Witcher. While he has (reluctantly) fought in wars, strategic combat with large numbers of troops, staying disciplined, holding formations and such is not his forte. Geralt is most at home fighting by himself against either a lone enemy or small groups of enemies. The enemies he is trained to kill are monsters. Monsters tend not to attack in an organized way, combat with them tends to be visceral rather than tactical, which is a perfect fit for action combat.
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