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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Finished Metro 2033 Redux. I was taken aback by how easy, comparatively speaking, the final chapter was. The lack of any sort of final boss battle (the trippy final sequence doesn't count) was a bit of a bummer. Regardless, I thoroughly liked the game, crappy checkpoint autosave system aside. I'll play Last Light in the future. For now, I'm diving into Star Trek 25th Anniversary.
  2. Screw it, imma get 25th Anniversary and LP it. If it's any good, I'll get Judgement Rites too, since it's a direct sequel.
  3. I'm curious about that too. I might take a chance on 25th Anniversary and LP it, for better or worse. I'm down for a point & click.
  4. I've made it to the final chapter in Metro 2033 Redux. I think I've suffocated as many times in the game as I have gotten killed by enemies. I did develop a trick for stretching out the lifespan of my filters, though: Take off the gasmask when I'm running low, go on without it for about 7 or 8 seconds, until I'm about to suffocate, then put it back on for a few seconds, then take it off again. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's a cheesy trick but I absolutely needed to use it in one part where the game autosaved seconds before my gasmask made the ratcheting noise warning me the filter is about to run out and I had to go through a scripted elevator ride down and several amoebas before reaching a locker with more filters.
  5. It's heroin for children, essentially.
  6. I personally liked the combat in The Witcher 2 much better than TW1. I'm one of the few people that thought the combat in TW2 was straight up good. It could have been more responsive, but I overall really liked the system. I though the combat in TW1 was just plain garbage. It was basically a rhythm music game, minus the music, and I'm not into rhythm music games. Anyway, I made it to Polis Station (and chapter 5) in Metro 2033 Redux. I still have a ways to go, but I'm over the hump now and can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel (pun very much intended). I had a super tense moment in the last chapter while carrying the little kid. I got to a point where I was out of medkits and was almost dead (screen quickly blinking red) and reached a checkpoint (stupid checkpoint autosave system), so I was stuck going through the rest of the chapter at basically 1 health. On the plus side, it did force me into frantic run for my life gameplay, which was super duper tense. I managed to get through it before I died too many times and got frustrated, so it worked out in the end, I guess.
  7. I don't much care about achievements (the nudie cards were cool tho), but I will definitely do a sleep with absolutely everyone possible playthrough, even if it isn't my "canon" playthrough.
  8. Point of Lore: Sorceresses have no nips unless they're deliberately being "tantalizing". Immershun restored. You are welcome. But Ciri is not a full fledged sorceress. She's only partially Witcher trained (no mutagens) and partially sorceress trained.
  9. That's a rhetorical question, right?
  10. So Iga is going to make a new Castlevania-esque game... maybe? Assuming this isn't a hoax? http://swordorwhip.com/
  11. Is this still just Windows and Mac or have they included Linux in this go round? I was invited to the closed beta but declined since it didn't support my OS of choice at that point.
  12. It's pretty sad how quickly Twitter has devolved from something positive, or at least neutral, into a four letter word. It's a tool that could, and should, be positive and about helping people stay connected, but the bad very much outweighs the good at this point, as Twitter has become the main tool of the internet hate mob and outrage culture.
  13. Still playing Metro 2033 Redux. It's a really good game, I just wish it wasn't so linear. All I want is a game with the atmosphere of Shadows of Chernobyl, the visuals and gunplay of 2033/Last Light Redux, and the openness of Call of Pripyat. Is that too much to ask? That's probably too much to ask, isn't it?
  14. Yup, that's the Catch 22 that developers are facing. Everyone is calling for diversity of characters. However, compelling characters are flawed, often very flawed. It's the flaws that make them compelling. You cannot make flawed female or non-white characters because you will be labeled sexist/racist, you have to make them ideal so that they reflect positively on their gender/race. But, ideal characters are boring and people don't want to play boring characters, they want to play compelling characters. Hence, the majority of characters wind up being white males, because it's the only type of character you can make flawed and not immediately get crucified by outrage culture. And, we're right back at square 1.
  15. Ian Miles Cheong is the Big Show of Internet Flame Wars. I suppose only long time rasslin' fans will likely get that reference.
  16. That's a lot of bull. Okay, yeah, I said it.
  17. That's not an actual article, it's a parody of an actual article that actually appears on Destructoid (I won't link it here, but it's easy enough to find if you want to see it). The actual article is about the bomb threat that happened at the GG meetup. In the article, the author, one Mr. Jonathan Holmes, takes 80% of the article to smear the **** out of Christina H. Sommers and Milo Yiannopoulos, then throws a glad no one got hurt and bomb threats are bad, mmmmmkay at the end. Edit: Ninja'd
  18. Certified Moonsault Maniac

  19. You know, you can fully know something or someone is selfish and taking advantage of you and still love them. I mean, that's how many a marriage survive and thrive.
  20. I'm playing more Mario Kart 8 and Metro 2033 Redux (Ranger Mode, of course). I need to cleanse the palate before diving into the next lengthy cRPG playthrough, which might wind up being Serpent in the Staglands, provided that game winds up being as good as it looks.
  21. I went for a nice bike ride today, it was my second time up Avon Mountain this year. I caught a flat on my way back, still several miles from home. No problem, though, as I'm always prepared; I never ride without at least 1 spare tube (I had 2), a pump, and some basic tools. A few minutes later I was back up and riding.
  22. Dragon Age: Origins was brilliant? I personally thought it was good, not great. If the entire game was like Orzammar, that would have been brilliant.
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