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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That's one of dem dere Wadjet Eye point & clicks, right? I generally like their games, so I might have to give that a look-see.
  2. I'm just the opposite. After Pillars, I might just be done with RTwP for good. Hey man, don't diss on RTwP for the faults of one game. PoE's combat woes were outside the scope of merely RTwP! Yeah, it might not be fair to give up on RTwP on the basis of a bad experience with just one game, though I suspect that RTwP had been wearing on me before Pillars. That said, I always preferred turn-based to RTwP anyway, so Torment Tides of Nomnomnomnomnom's decision to go with turn-based was one I very much approve of (plus, as someone who has the Nomnomnomnomnom PnP game I think it will just work a heck of a lot better). Unlike a lot of people, I find turn-based to be far less tedious than RTwP. Turn-based may take longer (sometimes), but it's generally far less taxing on my brain. It think for a game where I only control one character RTwP would still work for me, but in a party-based game I don't think I would want to go through the strain, unless the companion AI was really, really, really, really good (essentially allowing me to just control a single character and not have to constantly micromanage everybody).
  3. The area at 0:30 looks freakin' amazing. I'm just the opposite. After Pillars, I might just be done with RTwP for good.
  4. Still playing Invisible Inc. On my 4th attempt I'm as deep as I've ever gotten, in terms of missions completed. The mission before the last, I pulled off a pretty slick escape, dragging a downed agent a good long way to the exit after completing the primary objective. Overall, I can't be too proud of the mission, because I started the mission off with several errors and serious oversights, which wasted a couple of my rewinds and put me in the position where I needed to pull one out of my *** to get all my agents out alive. The last mission I did went much smoother and I got out with a bunch of data that will open up new missions for me (hopefully there is a vault breach in there as I have a blank passcard). All 3 of my agents are somewhat upgraded and fairly well equipped. This is the most highly skilled and most well equipped team I have ever fielded. Hopefully I don't blow it and can keep this going to the finish. Once I manage to complete the campaign, however many more attempts that takes (hopefully zero), I think I'll try playing Endless Mode (no end to the mission, survive as long as you can) on Ironman Difficulty (no rewinds).
  5. Well ****, I didn't even realize I was supposed to hate my pen1s watching that. I just saw a bunch of really badass action and the fact that the crazed raider bad guys happened to be male and the "good guys" (they were pretty ruthless themselves) happened to be female was pretty inconsequential to me, outside of the breastmilk thing, since you can't really get breast milk from dudes. My bad, I guess.
  6. So, if you have a badass leading female character then it's a "feminist" movie? By that definition, the Tomb Raider movies were "feminist" movies. Anyway, I don't feel like taking down "The Patriarchy" any more after watching the movie than I did before, which is to say, not at all.
  7. Wait, Furry Road is supposedly a "feminist movie"? If so, it fell on deaf ears (and blind eyes) as all I saw was a fun action popcorn flick.
  8. I'll probably just jump on the $25 Early Bard tier, provided the pitch sells me on the game. I don't want anything physical, I don't want a strategy guide, and I wouldn't beta test it for them even if I was given the opportunity to do it.
  9. ^ I actually really liked the grid-based movement in M&MX, I'm weird like that (I'm aware I'm in the minority). At the same time, in the Bard's Tale Trilogy you couldn't really exploit the grid to tactical advantage like you could in grid-based M&M games, so I wouldn't be against them ditching grid-based movement for TBT4.
  10. I'm 3 missions in on my 4th attempt on experienced difficulty in Invisible Inc. Will this be the time I make it through to the end of the campaign? Probably not, though I am off to a pretty good start, despite failing (but surviving) the last mission I did. That last mission was a good lesson in humility. Through the nature of procedural generation, sometimes you're going to get a map that's going to make achieving your objective extremely difficult. In this particular mission, I was tasked with breaking into a guard room and retrieving a highly secured item. I found the probable location of the guard room straight away, it was surely behind the security door past the laser field. The security door was no problem for my team since Banks can break lev 1 security locks for "free" (she doesn't need to swipe a passcard off a guard), the laser field, however, needed to be turned off, which involves hacking and shutting down a generator. The problem is that the generator wound up being located on the polar opposite end of the map. You pretty much couldn't have possibly put it any further away. By the time I found the generator I had already found the exit (the two were in close proximity to one another) and security level was already up to 3. Even if I did manage to backtrack and get past all the guards and drones, by the time I would have gotten the loot and started my journey back to the exit (essentially all the way back to where I had just come from), security level would have been up to at least 5 (read: extremely high). While, in theory, it was still possible for me to complete my mission, the likelihood of success would have been exceedingly low. I took the cowardly, and wise, path and decided to just head for the exit. I still managed to loot a good number of safes during that mission and overall it was a nice score, even if I didn't get whatever was the highly secured item. In my experiences with the game, you ideally want to already have your primary objective completed and be on the way out by the time security level 3 hits. If you can't complete your primary objective by the time security level 4 hits, you need to abort the plan and get out. If you can hit a safe or nanofab on the way out at that point, that's great, but you can't stray and waste time. Security level 4 and up means get out and get out fast, because they ain't ****ing around any more.
  11. ^ The Bard's Tale trilogy was first-person view... albeit a rather primitive version thereof. I'm kinda tempted to replay the original trilogy now. I have memories of playing the games back when I was still wet behind the ears, had a full head of hair, and was much, much, much, much, much less jaded. I wonder if I still have what it takes to beat any of these games? I remember they were hard, not Wizardry hard (read: sadomasochistic), mind you, but still pretty damn hard. At least with the magic of the internet, I wouldn't have to make my own map on a piece of graph paper any more; that's one aspect of old skool RPGs I definitely don't miss. Maybe I should LP it? That way, on the off chance I manage to beat any of the games, I'll have video proof that I still have the cojones to beat one of these games. In the more likely event that I fail miserably, there will be video proof of me being broken by a 30 year old game for people to use when ridiculing me. It's a win (for somebody) either way.
  12. I actually liked the PS2 Era parody game
  13. I wonder if this will be grid-based? Also, I hope we get to visit Skara Brae, or the ruins there of. I'll have to see the full pitch before I make a decision, but considering Wasteland 2 is, in my opinion, the best game I've personally crowdfunded (and I've crowdfunded a lot... too much), I do have confidence in inXile.
  14. I just got my agency wiped for the third time in Invisible Inc., this time on the 4th mission, a vault breach. I got into a situation where the security level was insanely high and I was scrambling to survive, then I almost pulled off the escape of the century, I was so close, but I made one teeny, tiny, minuscule, fatal mistake, and I was out of rewinds. I can't quite remember the last time I was that close to epic victory only to suffer crushing defeat and enjoyed it so much. This might wind up being my GotY for 2015, it's so damn good.
  15. So it's a loot em up, eh? It definitely looks graphically impressive. 225K seems like a rather low figure for the scope and level of graphical quality they are going for. On the other hand, it looks like they've spent a great deal of time and effort on the game already.
  16. Soooo, Swery wants to make a game where a girl solves murders via masturbation. Oh Japan, thank you for being Japan. My wallet's open if you want to run a Kickstarter, Swery. Edit: As an aside, if this was a real world mechanic, I could have been a really great detective.
  17. Man, Invisible Inc. is a TENSE game (yes, that needed to be ALL CAPS). There are so many hard decisions to make. Do you keep your team together or split them up? Do you make a risky move or play it safe and stay hidden? Keeping your team together allows them to work together and tackle more targets at a time, but time is one of your greatest enemies and splitting your team up allows you to cover more ground and more efficiently. Playing it safe keeps you hidden and out of danger, but wastes precious time. Things can get nail-bitingly tense as you try to make your escape once you've achieved your goal (or just decided to bail because it's not worth it). The security noose starts closing in around you and you're desperately trying to stay hidden and find a way past the guards to safety. In those situation, contrary to time being against you, patience is a virtue. If you ever wanted to play a much less combat focused and much more heavily stealth focused XCOM, this is it. I freakin' love this game. Edit: Also, this game is hard. I got wiped on the very first mission on my first try. I got wiped on the second mission on my second time around. On my third (and current) try I just managed to survive the third mission (and rescued an agent in the process!). That's on Experienced difficulty, btw.
  18. Sweet, finally Linux release! Though I guess it also means Linux users will never get their hands on the "original" version as well, which might be a bit of a bummer depending on what else will be changed in the Enhanced Edition on top of what we already know. Not too stoked about the full voice-overs though, I really think the way BG2 did it with only providing limited voice overs works a lot better for the amount of dialogue these types of games tend to have (and using voice-overs with in-between descriptions, PoE-style, I find especially jarring). But I'm sure the other improvements will make it all worth it. (and I'm also sure a great many people disagree with me on this one ) I just hope that they don't completely gimp streamline the UI for controllers. Hopefully the UI will still be made so as to allow m&kb users to utilize more than 12 buttons so that we can have hotkeys for everything and not have to go through menu after menu.
  19. It's Yandere Simulator. You play a girl obsessed about a boy and you stalk him and try to eliminate any perceived competition all while trying to not get found out. How you eliminate anyone you perceive as being competition for your senpai is up to you. You can straight up murder them, cause an "accident", or try to spread lies about them to get them expelled and/or get others to bully the competing girl until she kills herself.
  20. Yandere-Chan has mad mopping skills.
  21. So this is when I finally get to play the long promised and ridiculously belated Linux version of the game? Better late than never, I guess.
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