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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. ^ I want an Alpha Protocol 2, preferably starring SIE, so badly and it's never going to happen.
  2. Lucha Underground is the most I cannot miss an episode under any circumstances, I will elbow a pregnant woman carrying a baby out of the way if I have to to not miss a second show since Breaking Bad ended. It's the most amazing wrestling show I've ever seen, it's like this show was written specifically for me. It's campy as all hell, hilarious at times, gets really dark at times, and they have consistent and logical character and storyline progression every single week... As logical as you can get in a universe with a reincarnated dragon in human form, an evil ninja skeleton, a teleporting succubus that controls a man who just got stronger by dying and absorbing the power from the guy who put him in the coffin, an evil authority figure who's brother is a murderous cage monster, and Chun Li. Oh, and they have really great wrestling matches and stuff like this happens:
  3. Bethesda is poor in the attention to detail department. If you take their worlds and their writing at a glance and don't try to think about them, they're fine. As soon as you start scrutinizing, it all falls apart because it's all window dressing, but there isn't much of anything inside the shop.
  4. Is it Yog-Sothoth? It's Yog-Sothoth, isn't it?
  5. Just had my best game of Strife so far. I finished with 7 kills 3 assists and 6 deaths. Those aren't stellar stats, but they're not bad either. Of course, stats don't tell the whole story, but I can confidently say I played well didn't play like complete dog****, which is an achievement for me. It was in a losing effort mind you, but that's the nature of a team game, any 1 character can play well and still lose and vice versa, plus when a teammate goes AFK and you go 4 on 5, there's only so much you can do. Still, I'm starting to get the hang of the game. I have 3 characters I'm comfortable with: Malady- a ranged AoE crowd control character, Vermillion - a ranged physical damage dealer, and Nikolai - a tanky melee bruiser. I'm starting to be able to play Nikolai pretty well, though I still need to work on my timing with last hits to farm more efficiently.
  6. I think it is pretty safe to assume it will be Wasteland II with swords. No way this will be a first person game...IMO anyway. But it is InXile so I am pledging no matter what. A lot of this will become more clear when we show our prototype footage later, but no, this game's exploration is in first-person blobber mode. I'm looking forward to seeing the video. Hopefully some of the combat will be shown in the video, because I have to admit that I'm confused about how phase-based combat will work even after reading the description on the Kickstarter page.
  7. For the same reason you'd put a laser on a shark.
  8. So... yeah... It's a trailer. Interest level = lukewarm.
  9. I think 2 hours is reasonable. You're never going to find a one size fits all solution that works for every game, it will always be unfair to somebody and there will always be people that abuse the system, but some kind of standard needs to be in place. In the end, I think the argument for this is the same as the anti-DRM argument. If you make a good game that people like then the amount of people asking for refunds will be relatively low and while you may lose some sales to people abusing the system, the amount of good will (which should hopefully translate to interest in and sales of future titles) you generate from providing a good product will outweigh what you lose from people abusing the system.
  10. 30 second game... Out of curiosity, how much does one charge for a 30 second game? I know time is not a perfect measurement of the value of a game and that 1 hour of "holy **** that is great" is worth a lot more than 3 hours of "meh", at least to me, but 30 seconds is a bit extreme, methinks. That better be a mind-blowing 30 seconds to be worth anything more than a nickle.
  11. I doubt they will top their own numbers with Torment, but it will still do quite well. I'm guessing around 3.5 million. I'm looking forward to the 3 minute prototype video they're going to show soon.
  12. I'm playing a few games of Strife here and there. I've never been much of a MOBA player but decided to give the genre a try again, just to see if I find something that fits. Strife is the closest game to being a fit for me. DOTA 2 I enjoy watching, it's pretty much the only eSport I like watching (don't care for watching any shooter or fighting game, Starcraft is... okay, I guess), because it's so complicated, nuanced, and heavily strategy and skill dependent, but I can't play that game, it's way beyond my capabilities. HotS is too far in the other direction, for my tastes, it's too simplified. I like that HotS is very objective based, which is cool, but I'm not a fan of group shared leveling, since it takes a lot of strategy and out of the equation (supports sacrificing their own experience and gold so that cores can be stronger), and the lack of items severely limits the different builds you can make for each character. Strife exists in the Goldilocks Zone for my tastes and capabilities. It's fast paced, easy to get into, and still has items that you can use to differentiate your builds, but not nearly with the level of complex interactions that DOTA 2 has. I still suck at the game, but not as utterly hopelessly as I do at DOTA 2, and, more importantly, I still have fun while sucking in that game, whereas in DOTA 2 I crumble under the pressure of letting my team down (it doesn't help that the DOTA 2 community is so aggressive).
  13. I do. I like The Rock, but there can only be one Jack Burton.
  14. You're disappointed in a game nobody (outside of InXile themselves) has even played yet? Are you from the future?
  15. So, with a new version of the Steam Client comes this:
  16. I jumped on the $20 Early Bard Gets the Wyrm tier myself. I kinda almost feel like I should pledge more, considering I pledged the bare minimum for Wasteland 2 (I don't remember how much it was, $15 or $20 I think) and got a game that I felt was worth several times what I paid, but there's nothing at the higher tiers I want, save for the cloth map, and I'm not willing to go up to $95.
  17. Am I the only one that wasn't exactly blown away by the visuals in the trailer? Don't get me wrong, I didn't think the visuals looked bad, I think they looked fine, but at no point during the trailer did I think to myself "Oh my goodness, can they really render that in-game?" Anyway, a lot of what is being touted in the article sounds good, but I'll believe it when I see it in (in-game) action. Edit: Yeah, the author of the article was practically sucking Firaxis' ****.
  18. Seeing as we're talking about Bethesda, I am confident that I can count on 3 things: 1) It will be a fairly mediocre game and full of bugs 2) Said bugs will be glossed over by the press as they stumble over each other to heap lavish praise upon the game 3) The modding community will make the game immeasurably better than it was in its vanilla incarnation
  19. It's physically impossible for every game to be the best experience ever. In fact, only 1 game could ever have the best experience ever.
  20. It turns out to be a F2P Fallout MOBA SWERVE
  21. And so the worst kept secret in the gaming industry is revealed to the masses. Excitement level = *shrug*
  22. Oh man, Kirill was awesome, even if I STILL haven't gotten to play D:OS. I'm gonna miss that crazy guy.
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