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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. That final battle has a crazy difficulty spike. I'm all for the final battle in a game being the most difficult one, but maybe that jump in difficulty is a bit much. I mean, that battle was exponentially harder than any other battle I had faced in the game; granted I never did reach the bottom of the Paths of Od Nua and face whatever was there.
  2. I want a police game, but an actual police game, not a military shooter with blue uniforms instead of camo (though with the militarization of the police force in the US, I guess the lines are blurred). I want a game where you investigate, follow procedures, seek warrants, set up stakeouts, and lethal force is a last resort. Kicking down doors and pointing guns at people and telling them to put their hands up would only be a part of the game.
  3. I'm playing 200cc Mario Kart 8. It's freakin' bonkers and I love it. It does take some getting used to, though. That previously completely useless brake button is pretty doggone necessary now.
  4. Shovel Knight released for PC/Mac/Linux/Wii U/3DS for a scant $300k, so it seems it's a lot cheaper than you think.
  5. The Iggles next couple seasons are going to be really interesting. Chip Kelly is either a mad genius or he's just plain mad and this is all going to blow up in his face hardcore. As a Cowboys fan, I'm obviously hoping for the latter.
  6. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/playtonic/yooka-laylee-a-3d-platformer-rare-vival/ Banjo-Kazooie creators making essentially a new Banjo-Kazooie game, just under a different name and just different enough to not get sued. *A Wild Wallet Has Appeared* Achievement Unlocked: You Are $15 Poorer!
  7. Yeah, I'm happy combat sorta gives no xp as it makes a stealthy playthrough more attractive since you won't be missing out on as much (a little xp and some loot), and that's the only way I can ever see myself playing Pillars again. I've been trying to figure out why the combat in Pillars wore on me so much and I can't quite put my finger on on. The mechanics themselves are solid and you have a good deal of options at your disposal. The battles can be lengthy, even the pushover ones, but a game like Wasteland 2 had just as lengthy battles, lengthier in fact, partially because of turn-based, and I played that game for just as long as Pillars (slightly longer, actually) and I was still having fun at the end and was eager to play again after finishing (the only thing that stopped me is the announcement of the move to Unity 5; I decided to wait for that to happen), whereas at the end of Pillars I was just happy it was finally over and had no intentions of playing again anytime soon, if ever. I'm thinking it might be a combination of a couple of things: 1) There is a metric ****ton of combat in Pillars, just a ridiculous amount. 2) The sight issue. A combination of trees and such obscuring vision and all the different effects further impairing vision makes it quite often really hard to tell what the hell is going on. I can mouse over the green circles or portraits to get an idea of where everybody is, but that's further effort my brain has to put in to process and remember positioning of everyone. Whereas in Wasteland 2 I can always clearly see where everyone is with basically zero effort (or rotate or zoom the camera if my view is obscured at all). I think all that extra effort my brain has to put in just to keep track of where everyone is takes its tool after a while. *sigh* I'm getting old.
  8. What is the red stuff in that bowl? Is that ketchup? Sriracha? So, you mean to tell me that the culture of everyone's a winner, everyone's a star, we don't keep score, you all get participation trophies, you're all special, all your issues are important and everyone should treat them as important, let's build this hugbox around people, has created a generation of entitled brats that feel everyone needs to treat them special and tiptoe around whatever issues them may have? Huh, never would have seen that coming.
  9. She falls face first into a puddle of water while wearing a white shirt and we get no nips showing through the shirt when she gets up? Where's mah realism, CDPR? I tend to stick with a 360 controller. It's a good controller and has the broadest support of any gamepad out there. Generally speaking, you plug your 360 controller and it just works "out of the box". That said, all major gamepads should damn well be supported in all PC games that allow a gamepad, and a PS controller is a good controller and should have pretty good support on PC.
  10. I was still getting a little enjoyment out of Pillars at the end, namely the story bits, I was just absolutely hating all the combat. Normally, if I dislike a game I just stop playing it too, but in this case I was enjoying myself at the beginning, and by the time all the combat started to really wear on me, I guessed (correctly) that I was fairly close to the end and just decided to power through to the finish. At that point, I had invested enough time in the game that I wanted to see the story through to the end, even if it wasn't a particularly exciting story. With me, it's easy for me to drop a game if I dislike it right off the bat or even somewhere before the halfway point; a perfect storm of self-inflicted pain happens when a game I had been enjoying starts to irritate me somewhere around 2/3 to 3/4 through the game, as at that point I'm determined to see it through to the end, and I'll hate play it if I have to to get there.
  11. Well, I finished Pillars. I tried the final battle twice on Hard then just switched to Easy and beat it. I'm sure I would have gotten through it on Hard eventually, but I was so tired of the game at that point that I didn't give a **** about any achievements or sense of pride for finishing on a higher difficulty, I just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. It's a game I started out liking and wound up hating by the end. I get the expansion "free" because of my pledge, but I don't know if I'll even play it. Maybe after I cool off for a while my feelings will change, but right now I'd rather have my toe nails ripped off with pliers than play Pillars any more. Finishing the game feels like a thousand monkeys just jumped off my back. I'm free.
  12. You're doing yeoman's work, Gorgon.
  13. This won't be an issue if we just mandate that everyone take their daily injection of Prozium and we show no mercy to any pesky sense offenders.
  14. When you have a voulge, like at around the 4 minute mark, or any other weapon with a point at the end, for that matter, can you thrust with it? Because all I saw was swinging.
  15. Gah, I hate the site layout, but I can get over that. I'll give them a look see when I get a chance and give their content a chance.
  16. Fox News as the voice of reason? We're through the looking glass, people.
  17. Arcanum remake in the ToEE engine, now that's a mod i'd pay for gladly. I don't care what engine they use, I just want an Arcanum remake/sequel/prequel with combat that doesn't completely suck.
  18. The complete douchebag Michael Thorton bro it up with Steven Heck and **** everybody else playthrough is the definitive Alpha Protocol playthrough. I'd do anything for a se/prequel where you play as SIE.
  19. Did he not social justice hard enough or did he social justice too hard or have they moved on to a different social justice flavor of the month and he didn't change his social justicing fast enough? I can't tell any more.
  20. All these space opera titles are nice and all, but where the hell is my Curse of Monkey Island? GOG and Disney aren't getting a penny from me until I see MI3.
  21. That's what I figured. I've found Grieving Mother to be possibly my best companion... Well, not her ringy dingy charms, those are really annoying, but she's incredibly versatile.
  22. If I do another playthrough at some point, I'll probably try a solo run. I've grown to despise the pathfinding in the game with every fiber of my being. With a solo run at least I'd only have to deal with holding the hand of one imbecile instead of six. Also, a solo, high stealth build would give me the best chance at bypassing as much combat as possible, and the less combat I have to do the better.
  23. Hard, expert mode. I always played Infinity Engine games on Hardcore D&D difficulty and Hard seemed like the closest approximation to that. Combat isn't difficult at this point in the game, with a few exceptions, most encounters are relatively easy (I'm level 11), they're just tedious.
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